Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 145 Who told you that I only have one magazine?

Listening to the shouting behind him, Nan Ci didn't hesitate at all.

Not only did the speed of his feet not slow down, it even accelerated a lot.

These women also saw that Nan Ci was determined to leave, so they all hurriedly got up, opened their feet and started chasing Nan Ci.

Under special circumstances, people will always burst out with surprising speed.

These women were like rag dolls before, but now they seemed to have regained their strength in an instant. After a while, they ran past Nan Ci and blocked her way.

A group of people opened their arms and looked at Nan Ci with burning eyes.

"We are talking to you, why are you running?"

"That's right! Do you know how to be polite? I was talking to you, who told you to run away?"

"Even if you are determined not to save us, then at least keep your gun so that our safety can be guaranteed."

"That's right! We, a group of women, are powerless and unarmed. If you don't leave us the weapons, how will we survive in the future? If another man comes to this air-raid shelter to bully us, you will be the chief culprit. Do you know the culprit?"

Nan Ci looked at the women standing in front of him playfully, "Then what do you want to do?"

When several women heard Nan Ci's words, they thought that Nan Ci had given in, and the expressions on their faces became proud.

"Now we give you two choices. First, you will be responsible for our safety after you stay, and you will also be responsible for finding supplies for us.

Second, you can leave, but you have to leave the gun behind.

Tell me, which number do you choose? "

"I choose - third."

"Third? What third?"

Several people looked at each other, a little confused.

But soon, impatient expressions appeared on several people's faces.

"What's your third choice? We didn't even give you a third option."

Nan Ci smiled slightly, "You didn't give it, but I did! Third, I will send you to the West, so you don't have to worry about safety or running out of supplies."


A few people trembled a little and subconsciously took a few steps back, looking at Nan Ci warily.

"I... I'm warning you. Killing is illegal! You are only one person, and there are so many of us. If you really want to take action, you may not win. I advise you to think carefully before making a decision."

"Yes! I just want you to protect us, find supplies for us, or leave guns for us, but you want our lives. You are really going too far!"

Nan Ci looked at everyone in front of him with great interest, wanting very much to chop their heads open with a machete to see if the structure inside was different from normal people.

If there wasn't something wrong with their brains, then why on earth would they say something like this?

How much time has passed, have they forgotten how they were rescued?

Nan Ci felt that as a normal person, it was really difficult for him to understand the thoughts of these abnormal people, and he was too lazy to delve deeper.

Nan Ci directly raised the gun, pointing the black muzzle at the women in front of him.

"I'm counting to 321. If you don't get out of the way, then I will send you to the Paradise where you can have everything you want."

A few people were obviously scared and subconsciously stepped aside.

If it weren't for the limited width of the air-raid shelter, Nan Ci felt that they would have wanted to hide ten meters away.

Some people were afraid to avoid it, but some people didn't take Nan Ci's threat seriously.

He even glanced disdainfully at those who were hiding aside.

"You cowards, how could she scare you like this after just saying these few words? You don't even think about it. She has just killed so many people. Can she still have bullets in her gun? There are so many of us. Even if we fight together, we can’t beat her?”

These words moved some people, but there were still some who were timid and risked their lives, desperately shrinking into the corner.

It's not easy to survive, and they don't want their flesh and blood to challenge Nan Ci's gun.

Seeing that they were still unmoved, the woman who just spoke secretly cursed trash, and then looked at Nan Ci triumphantly.

"You fired the gun, but I don't believe there are still bullets in your gun."

Nan Ci smiled, "Who told you that I only have one magazine."

Saying this, Nan Ci slowly took out a magazine from his body and replaced it in front of everyone.

The woman who had been so arrogant just now, saw Nan Ci's actions, her pupils suddenly narrowed, and she opened her mouth to say something else.

But Nan Ci didn't give her another chance to speak, and pulled the trigger mercilessly before she could speak.

Kill with one shot, no mercy.

Although Nan Ci wanted to beat her into a sieve, this person was really unworthy and wasted her bullets.

When the others saw that Nan Ci killed another person after a disagreement, they all turned pale with fright and their bodies began to tremble.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, we were wrong, you can leave! We won't stop you!"

"Yes, yes, we won't stop you anymore. Just leave."

Listening to their words, Nan Ci smiled.

Even at this time, they don't seem to understand who has the final say here.

Not bothering to talk to them, Nan Ci pointed his gun at everyone who had just spoken.

One shot per person, headshot, fair and square.

Except for those few people hiding in the corner, everyone else was killed by Nan Ci without exception.

The bodies of those people were shaking like chaff, and their eyes looking at Nan Ci were full of fear.

They had thought before that since they were all women and Nan Ci came here specifically to save them, it was definitely impossible to kill them.

Now it seems that not only were they wrong, but they were completely wrong.

Nan Ci said before that he was not here to save them, and it was not a good deed without leaving his name, but was telling the truth.

It's a pity that they were too self-righteous at the time, and didn't take Nanci's words seriously.

Nan Ci was not an executioner, those people in the corner did not threaten her, and she didn't bother to take another shot, and walked out along the air-raid shelter.

The three cats have always followed Nanci, and they are also walking gracefully at this time, following suit.

When passing those corpses, Nanci and the three cats walked in unison, and they all jumped over the corpses lightly, their movements full of disgust.

Following Nanci into the dark air-raid shelter, because he was far away, he could no longer see the figure, nor hear the slightest footsteps. The few people who survived fell cautiously to the ground, panting silently. .


It's really terrible!

The feeling Nanci gave them was even more terrifying than all those men combined.

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