Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 143 I can only share a few more pieces of meat

After sawing off the door bolt, Nan Ci carefully pushed open the wooden door.

Although it was frozen inside, the air was very humid. The wooden door itself was damp and contained moisture. When it was pushed, no sound was made at all.

After Nan Ci opened the door, he did not walk in immediately. Instead, he stood outside the door and waited for a long time.

Just as he was waiting, he saw Zai Zai taking an elegant cat walk and looking inside.

Seeing Zaizai's actions, Nan Ci's heart tightened.

It's not that Nanci is too small, but that in a place where you are unfamiliar with life, caution is a must.

Nan Ci didn't even think about it and squatted down directly, reaching out his hand to pull Zaizai back.

Before Nan Ci could touch Zai Zai, Zai Zai turned her head, raised her chin towards her, and narrowed her eyes.

Seeing Zaizai's expression, Nan Ci understood its meaning, which meant that there was no danger inside.

Nan Ci stood up and looked inside the door. Sure enough, he saw no one, only a long air-raid shelter.

The air-raid shelter was long and dark, and there was no light inside. If Nan Ci hadn't had better eyesight now, he wouldn't have been able to see clearly what was going on inside.

Although there are many types of lamps in the space, just taking out any one can illuminate, but Nanci did not do that.

In the current environment, suddenly turning on the lights will only do harm to yourself, but no good.

Nan Ci did not rush inside, but knelt down and warned the three cats seriously.

"When we walk in later, you should stay close to me and don't act alone. Do you hear me?"

Hearing this, the three cats nodded obediently.

But Nan Ci was not relieved. Instead, he looked specifically at Zaizai, "Zai Zai, especially you, don't act alone anymore, you know?"

Zaizai opened his mouth to scream, but Nan Ci quickly stretched out his hand to block his mouth, "You can't scream now."

Zai Zai's cat eyes were wider than usual, but he still nodded obediently.

After making an agreement with the three cats, Nan Ci walked inside.

When walking along the long air-raid shelter, Nan Ci took every step very carefully, just like the three cats around him, without making the slightest movement.

After turning a corner, there was finally some movement in the air-raid shelter which had been very quiet.

It's just that this movement is a little unusual, whimpering and fluttering, like a ghost crying.

Nan Ci stopped for a moment and frowned. After a moment, he lifted his feet and continued walking inside.

This time, after walking for a few minutes, Nan Ci saw a glimmer of light.

It came from a room on the left side of the cave, and the sounds just now also came from here.

The light is a bit weak, and it comes from the crack in the door. When it is far away, it is not visible at all. That is, now that it is close, it can be vaguely seen.

Nan Ci stood quietly by the door, looking in through the crack in the door.

There was a large room inside. In the middle of the room, there was a large oil drum with blazing flames burning inside. The light Nan Ci saw was the light of these fires.

With this light, Nan Ci could clearly see the situation inside.

At this time, there were at least twenty or thirty people inside, all of them standing or sitting were men, and those lying on the ground or curled up and hiding in the corner were all women.

The men all laughed heartily, their voices echoing in the room, extremely arrogant.

And the happier the men laughed, the more scared the women became.

The people Nan Ci had just met were also inside at this time.

Several of them were slightly bent over and laughing together. Talking to a seated man.

"Chief, these three girls were captured by us after all the hard work. Even though they are a little thinner, they are still good where they should be, and they all look good."

The man called the leader stared at the three women on the ground carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"It looks pretty good. You guys have worked hard this time. You'll have some fun with the big guys later. Just send the three of them to my room first."

"Thank you, chief." Several people said in unison.

The leader laughed loudly, "Thank you for nothing. We are all brothers, and we should share the blessings."

"Chief, let's send them to your room first."

"Go, I'll be back soon. After you finish sending them off, come over and have fun with everyone. These are almost done, so you have to get there early if you want to play. If they come late, they won't be able to hold on anymore, and they will be gone by then. I can only share two more pieces of meat.”

After saying this, the leader laughed again, and his laughter was extremely proud.

Across the door, after Nan Ci heard what the leader said, he felt extremely sick and opened his mouth to vomit several times.

Even if she was reborn, she had heard in her life that some people would do anything to survive and often eat two-legged sheep.

But it's one thing to hear it from other people's mouths, but it's another thing to hear it from the abuser's own words now that there's only a wooden door between them.

The three cats didn't understand what happened to Nan Ci. Now that they couldn't make a sound, they could only raise their heads and look at Nan Ci with worried eyes. At the same time, they kept rubbing against Nan Ci's legs. Comfort Nan Ci.

Feeling the movements of the three cats, Nan Ci gradually came back to his senses. Without thinking any more, he led the three cats back and hid around the corner.

Almost as soon as Nan Ci hid, the wooden door was opened from the inside, and several people walked out from inside, kicking and walking forward.

Nan Ci followed him calmly and walked for more than ten minutes, finally stopping in front of the security door.

When he saw the security door, Nan Ci was stunned for a moment, then laughed silently.

Such a security door is not installed at the entrance of the air raid shelter. Since it is installed here, it is really interesting.

On the one hand, this leader does not care about the life and death of other people under his command, but he also cares too much about his own life and death.

It perfectly explains what it means to be selfish, greedy for life and afraid of death.

How did a man like him become a leader? Why should these people be loyal to him?

Just as Nan Ci was wondering, he saw one of them take out the key and open the security door.

A group of people left, and soon they came out and locked the door again.

Judging from their skillful and orderly movements, you can tell that this is definitely not the first time they have done this.

He seems to have become a veteran.

As the security door was locked, these people turned around and walked towards Nan Ci.

Now that he was retreating, it was already too late. Nan Ci led the three cats directly into the space.

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