While cleaning up, Mu Qianqian kept thinking.

“These people are so full that they have nothing to do but come to attack us.

Now people are dying here, not only wasting our bullets, but also keeping us awake most of the night as we have to clean up the blood stains here. "

Listening to Mu Qianqian's complaints, Nan Ci was deeply suspicious. Due to various reasons, Mu Qianqian, who was a compassionate girl at the beginning, had completely grown crooked.

But Nan Ci still likes this crooked direction.

In the past, Mu Qianqian had somewhat of a virgin heart, and such a character would not last long in the apocalypse.

But with this character now, as long as nothing unexpected happens, he should be able to live for a long time.

The four people cleaned up all the blood stains, and it was already late at night.

It is already cold at night, but in the second half of the night, the cold combined with mental and physical exhaustion will make people hungry and cold.

The four of them just looked at each other and understood what each other meant without much communication.

"eat something?"

"Self-heating hot pot?"

"There seems to be milk beer, would you like some?"

"Another canned yellow peach!"

After each of the four people finished speaking, they all laughed in unison.

After finding the self-heating hot pot cans and milk beer, the four of them sat directly on the carpet around a square table.

Self-heating hot pot may lack some flavor and ingredients, but it is really convenient.

Canned yellow peach is one of the best flavors among all canned fruits, and it has been loved by people for a long time.

Now in this world of ice and snow, there is no fresh fruit to be found. Being able to eat a canned yellow peach is already a supreme enjoyment.

Although milk beer has the word beer, it is actually a drink made of lactic acid bacteria.

Some people may find the taste strange and unacceptable.

But just like snail powder stinky tofu, once you accept the taste, not only will you not feel strange, but you will also feel very good.

The four sat in a circle, opened the milk beer with one hand, and raised their glasses at the same time.

Nanci said with a smile, "Congratulations that we survived again!"

All kinds of dangers emerge in endlessly in the last days, even if they have been far away from the crowd and lived in a corner, they have not been able to live a life in a paradise.

If they hadn't been vigilant tonight, if they hadn't been absolutely strong, it might be who is now buried deep under the ice and snow.

After the old Taoist withdrew his hand, he drank a few swigs this year before putting it on the table.

"I'm going to visit the first base."

The old Taoist suddenly said such a sentence, which shocked Nanci.

Nan Ci looked at the old Taoist priest in surprise, Mu Qianqian and Zhou Ziyang also had the same expression.

Mu Qianqian was the most impatient, and immediately asked out the doubts in her heart.

"Master Dao, it's all right, why are you going to the base all of a sudden? Are you going to abandon us?"

At the end, Mu Qianqian's voice trembled a little, filled with bewilderment and grievance, and I heard people's hearts tremble.

Although Nanci and Zhou Ziyang didn't say a word, they also looked at the old Taoist priest without blinking, waiting for his answer.

The old Taoist didn't deliberately whet their appetites, and wiped his mouth casually, "It's nothing, it's just that we've stayed here for too long, and our days are quite comfortable, but too comfortable.

What if the base already has some kind of new type of energy, and life is tens of millions of times better than ours, but we are still living a miserable life here, watching the sky from a well, wouldn’t it be pitiful and ridiculous? "

I have to say that these words of the old Taoist priest are thought-provoking.

Nan Ci

Even Nan Ci couldn't help but fall into deep thought after hearing this.

She has never thought about completely leaving the survivors and living alone, otherwise she would have stayed in the space and not come out.

But this kind of life now seems to be contrary to her original intention.

The old Taoist priest was right, they really shouldn't stay here all the time.

Nan Ci also picked up the milk beer and took a sip, "In that case, let's go and see it together."

Mu Qianqian had not yet recovered from the old Taoist priest's decision to go to the base. When she heard Nan Ci's words again, she was instantly even more shocked.

Mu Qianqian's eyes moved back and forth between the old Taoist priest and Nan Ci, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

After a while, Mu Qianqian finally made up her mind to speak.

"Since you two have decided to go, Ziyang and I will go with you! Ziyang, do you think so?"

Zhou Ziyang nodded, "Of course."

The old Taoist changed to a more comfortable sitting position, "Actually, you don't need to go with me, I'll go and have a look first. If the situation in the base is really better, I'll call you when the time comes.

If the situation at the base is not good, I can come and go freely by myself. "

"That's not what you said." Nan Ci said, "If the base is really good, you go alone first, wouldn't you enjoy it before us? How can it work?"

Mu Qianqian nodded in agreement, "That's right! With such a good thing, principal, you can't keep it all to yourself."

The old Taoist smiled and stretched out his hand, and nodded to the three of Nanci, "I can see that you are relying on me. I'm afraid you want to sit on the back of the turtle son and go on the road?"

Nan Ci smiled calmly, "Taoist Priest has seen this, so I won't hide it. That's what I think."

Mu Qianqian and Zhou Ziyang also said, "Yes, we think so too."

After saying this, several people just looked at each other and smiled.

The matter of going to the base was decided.

Now that I have decided to go to the base to take a look, I don’t just leave.

Apart from anything else, we need to find a way to deal with those big geese outside and their supplies.

Let’s not talk about whether they can take them all away. Even if they can take them all away, if they bring so many things to the base, they will definitely be regarded as big fat sheep.

At that time, the situation in the base was not yet clear, but their situation was clearly seen by others.

After thinking about it for a while, there was no solution, so the old Taoist yawned a lot, "Whatever the solution, think about it slowly, we can't just leave, let's weave all the goose feathers into cloth first."

With these cloths in hand, I can probably exchange them for the supplies I want when I get to the base.

Nan Ci and the other three had no objections and nodded in agreement.

When the four of them made the decision, they had just finished eating the hotpot.

In today's weather, the canned food at room temperature is also very cold. It may even pull out your teeth when you eat it, but it is very refreshing.

I was still a little sleepy at first, but when I was aroused by the cool can, I woke up.

However, this awakening did not last long, and soon the sleepiness came over again.

This time, the sleepiness was even more intense. They stopped talking and washed themselves up and went to sleep.

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