Mu Qianqian looked at Chen Guoping curiously and warily, "What is the first base in City X? Why have you never heard of it?"

A name as big as the First Base in City X should not be unknown.

Chen Guoping smiled harmlessly and explained in a gentle voice, "The first base was just established. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Not many people know about it."

Nan Ci did not let down his guard because of this explanation, and still looked at Chen Guoping coldly, "Then where did you know about us? And why did you come to find us?"

Chen Guoping smiled again, "Didn't I just say that I'm here to talk to you about something."

"whats the matter?"

"I heard that you are all very capable people. The base is currently under construction and needs talents like you, so I came here specially to invite you to the base.

As long as you agree to return to the base with me, you can become an official member of the base, be assigned housing, receive generous benefits, and have better food and drink than ordinary survivors. Given time, it will not be a problem to live the same life as before the end of the world.

How about it? Are you interested in learning more about it? We can go in and talk in detail. "

As Chen Guoping spoke, his expression and tone gradually became proud, and he seemed determined to win.

In Chen Guoping's view, the conditions he offered were generous enough that even if Nan Ci and the others were capable people, they would not be tempted.

But soon, Chen Guoping was slapped in the face.

The expressions on the faces of Nan Ci and the four others did not change at all, and even their eyes did not change at all. This reaction was obviously not fake, and the four of them were really not moved at all.

Nan Ci didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Chen Guoping, so he refused directly, "We are used to freedom. We don't like to be restrained by others, and we don't like to be organized. You'd better find someone else!"

Mu Qianqian also nodded, "Yes, yes, we don't want to go, you should find someone else to go."

Chen Guoping was a little dumbfounded, but also a little angry.

He came all this way to find them, and yet they rejected him just like that!

Chen Guoping really couldn't accept this result, and after a while he spoke again to persuade.

"Do you think the treatment is not good enough? These are all negotiable.

But to be honest, you have also seen this situation now. Natural disasters continue and survival is difficult.

How long can you guys maintain these two tents here? If the tent collapses one day, wouldn't you be homeless?

Why don't you come back to the base with me? The base is in the construction stage now. You go there now and help with the construction of the base. When the base develops, you will be the project. By then, you won't have anything you want. Nothing is better than living precariously here, don’t you think? "

There seems to be some truth in what Chen Guoping said, but as long as you have not been brainwashed and can think independently, you will understand that Chen Guoping is trying to paint a pie for them.

The base is under construction and everything is unknown.

Let’s not talk about whether they can survive until the base construction is successful. Even if they do survive until that time, wouldn’t there still be too many things that are done to kill the donkey?

If they really listened to Chen Guoping today and followed him back to the base, they would probably be the donkeys who were killed.

"Thank you for your kindness, but people still need to be self-aware. We don't have that ability, and we don't want that blessing.

As for how long these two tents can last, just leave it to fate. Anyway, in this situation, surviving for one more day will be a punishment, so you can live as long as you want! "

Nan Ci said it calmly, making it clear that he was going to mess it up.

Even if Chen Guoping still has thousands of words to say, facing Nan Ci's attitude, he can't say any more.

A small man standing behind Chen Guoping took two steps forward and looked at Nan Ci and others dissatisfied.

"I told you, we, don't be ungrateful. Who is our captain? There are so many big things waiting for him to do every day. Under such circumstances, he can still find time to come here to find you. That's for you. You guys, don’t be shameless.”

Nan Ci's voice was still smiling at first, but after hearing what his brother's man said, his eyes immediately turned cold, "I have little experience and don't know what it means to be shameless. If you knew , you can tell me carefully."

As he said this, Nan Ci's hand had already reached into the big pocket of his clothes.

As long as he said another word, she would definitely cut off his tongue with a dagger to let him know the consequences of talking too much.

Nan Ci waited for the little man to speak again, but he didn't seem to be very courageous. He was just stared at by Nan Ci and took several steps back. Even his eyes became evasive, completely losing the arrogance and domineering look he had just now.

Seeing this, Chen Guoping gave the little man a disgusted look.

Something that is not enough for success but more than enough for failure!

Either don't speak, and now that you have spoken, don't be afraid.

If such cruel words have been released now, but he was scared back again and again by the other party's eyes, it would be a total embarrassment to him.

The little man was already timid, so Nan Ci simply looked at Chen Guoping with a smile.

"Don't be angry, it's a good thing that the people under your command are young and vigorous, willing to stand up for you."

Chen Guoping smiled, "He is ignorant, he was talking nonsense just now, please don't mind.

I hope you can think about what I told you before.

I will also lead a team to find some other people. When I come back in three days, I will pass by here. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer by then. "

Probably because he didn't want to be rejected by Nan Ci again, after Chen Guoping said this, he waved his hand and left with a pair of people.

There are mutant dogs pulling sleds, and they leave very quickly.

In just a few seconds, he was already more than ten meters away.

Even if Nan Ci wanted to speak, he didn't have the chance and could only watch them leave.

When the sled left, there was a lot of wind and snow in the sky. Mu Qianqian fanned herself hard, and then walked to Nan Ci, "Nan Ci, do you think what he just said is reliable?"

Nan Ci didn't answer and asked, "Do you think it's reliable?"

Mu Qianqian thought about it seriously, "I don't think it's very reliable."

Although Chen Guoping said that they were the first base in City X and were officially established.

But now there is no communication, and there is no official information at all. Anyone can build a base under the official banner. Who knows if Chen Guoping and others also belong to this category?

Seeing that Mu Qianqian really didn't believe it, Nan Ci was a little relieved.

She was afraid that Mu Qianqian would still be as innocent as before. She would believe others just saying a few words, but she would really have to pay for someone who was being sold.

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