"It's not necessary to do everything, just do your best."

Nan Ci said this with a smile, and without wasting any more time, he sat on Zaizai's back, called his three cats, and left directly.

Among the four cats, only Zai Zai has the liveliest personality and likes to act coquettishly.

It never regards carrying Nan Ci around as cool labor. On the contrary, it considers it a kind of companionship and enjoys it completely.

Without Mu Qianqian following him, it would be easy for Nan Ci to do anything.

She did not rush to find wood, but first found a remote and safe place, and took Zaizai and the others into the space.

Since the earthquake, Nan Ci has been with Mu Qianqian and the three of them every day, and has no time to enter the space at all.

Fortunately, you can use your mind to control the watering of the vegetable fields in the space, and you can also use your mind to control the harvesting of mature crops in the space.

Fortunately, it can be controlled with thoughts, otherwise the plants in the space would either grow crazy or dry up.

After nearly a month, Nan Ci couldn't help but feel a little excited after entering the space again.

It's icy and snowy outside, and the wind is biting, but the space is still as warm as spring, with fruits and vegetables everywhere.

During this period of time, I have been staying with Mu Qianqian and the others. Not only can I not enter the space, but the food is not as good as before.

Although there is meat and noodles, there is no way to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. After a long time, it is still a torture.

Nan Ci teleported directly to the cucumber field, picked the freshest cucumber, then teleported to the wooden house, cleaned the cucumber, sat at the door of the wooden house and started to eat it.

Cucumber is crisp and has the unique sweetness of cucumber. It feels cool when you sleep, but you feel comfortable all over.

After eating a cucumber, Nan Ci was not only not full, but even had an appetite.

This time, Nan Ci directly carried a basket to the vegetable field.

Bright red tomatoes, purple eggplants, green peppers, red peppers, beans, vegetables...

Nanci picked some of each kind, put them in a basket, and finally brought them back to the kitchen for a vegetable hodgepodge.

The vegetables that come out of one pot don’t taste dark at all.

On the contrary, the combination of various flavors makes people feel a little extra delicious.

A pot of vegetables, paired with steaming rice from the basement, Nanci ate to his heart's content.

After the meal, Nanci brought another box of yogurt and fruit from the basement.

All the fruits inside were cut by Nanci herself, and the yogurt was also topped by her after careful selection.

After each box of yogurt and fruit was cooked, it was directly put into the basement to keep fresh.

Like the current situation, it can just be taken out and eaten.

It is easy to feel drowsy after eating and drinking enough, especially when there is warm sunshine above the head, people will be more drowsy.

Nanci didn't hold back, took out a rocking chair, put on a blindfold and lay down on it, and fell asleep directly.

The space is an absolutely safe place. You don't have to worry about anything, and you don't have to keep an ear open to be wary of the surrounding situation, so it's a very comfortable sleep.

When I woke up, I stared at the blue sky for a while, and then looked at the four cats basking in the sun not far away. I just felt that the years were peaceful.

If she can stay in the space all the time, both she and the four cats can have a good life.

But Nan Ci never thought of staying here forever.

Although the life in the space is happy and comfortable, it is lonely for a person.

Even though Nanci doesn't really like excitement, and I don't like to get in touch with too many survivors, she still likes to live a hermit life in a noisy world.

After staying in the space for two hours and having lunch, Nan Ci began to search in the space for various solid wood furniture that he had brought in while searching for supplies.

At that time, I brought these solid wood furniture in, just thinking that they might be useful, even if they were really not used, they could be used to make a fire and keep warm.

Unexpectedly, before it was used to make fire, it could be used to make a loom first.

Thinking that more is better than less, Nan Ci first used ropes to fasten the door panels together to make a large sled, and then stacked all the furniture on it.

The pile was as high as a floor, and Nan Ci stopped.

Tie ropes around the four cats and tie the other ends to homemade sleds.

After confirming that there was no problem, Nan Ci took the four cats out of the space.

Even though he had put on cotton clothes in advance and wrapped himself up like a bear, he still shivered from the cold after exiting the space.

It's really cold outside, dozens of degrees different from the inside.

That is to say, the bodies of Nan Ci and the four cats have been transformed by the spiritual spring water to adapt to this change in temperature.

If it were an ordinary person, if the temperature of the whole body suddenly changed so drastically in a short period of time, various problems would easily occur.

It was about an hour away from their tent.

Nan Ci was not in a hurry and sat on Zaizai's back, letting the four cats move forward slowly.

As they walked, Nan Ci gradually realized something was wrong.

Today's wind and snow seem to be heavier than those of the past few days.

Snowflakes were falling in clumps, almost blocking the view.

If it weren't for the windproof glasses, Nan Ci felt like she couldn't open her eyes.

The wind and snow were so strong that various unexpected situations were likely to occur on the road. Nan Ci no longer drove slowly and leisurely, but sped up.

Going back early is not only for your own safety, but also to prevent Mu Qianqian and the others from worrying.

It would be bad if they were too worried, came out to look for her, and then missed her again.

The four cats were still very fast under full power. The one-hour journey was shortened to 40 minutes.

Of course, it's also because the wind and snow are too heavy now, otherwise it should be faster.

But just like that, Nan Ci was already very satisfied.

Seeing the tent from a distance, Nanci actually felt a sense of going home, very at ease.

When this idea came up, Nan Ci was stunned for a moment.

Since when did she actually regard these two simple tents as her home?

Just as Nanci was thinking, he saw the tent opened and someone came out from inside.

Because of the heavy wind and snow outside, the people who came out were shaken by the wind and snow.

Just looking at this posture, Nanci knew that the person who came out must be Mu Qianqian.

Both Zhou Ziyang and the old Taoist were stronger than Mu Qianqian, so they wouldn't be shaken from side to side by the wind.

In such a comparison, it is still beneficial to eat a little fatter.

Nanci saw Mu Qianqian, and Mu Qianqian also saw Nanci, waving at her non-stop.

At this distance, the wind and snow were so heavy that even if they were shouting, they couldn't hear each other. Nan Ci could only pat Zai Zai on the back to make him go faster.

Zai Zai and the others walked faster than Mu Qianqian, and they carried Nan Ci to Mu Qianqian in a short while.

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