Zhou Ziyang stretched out his hand, grasped Mu Qianqian's hand, and squeezed her palm vigorously as a comfort.

Mu Qianqian turned her head and showed a sweet smile to Zhou Ziyang.

"It's okay. It's good that she went early. Otherwise, it would be quite difficult to live up to now and suffer even if there is no tomorrow."

As for the scumbag father who found her a stepmother, Mu Qianqian didn't even mention it.

How he lives is his own business, and she doesn't care.

The three of them finished talking, and only the old Taoist was left, and all three of them looked at the old Taoist in unison.

Being stared at by three people, the old Taoist priest did not feel uncomfortable. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Old Taoist, I don't have anything to say. I was an orphan and was adopted by an old Taoist priest. Later, the old Taoist priest was gone, and only I am myself. Oh, by the way, there is also a turtle son."

What the old Taoist priest said was lighthearted, but in fact it was full of stories.

It's just that the old Taoist priest himself didn't want to tell which stories, and Nan Ci and the other two tacitly agreed not to ask.

Zhou Ziyang looked around and suddenly laughed, "When will we start making looms?"

Of course, this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later, but now that they have been tired for a day and it is time to eat, there is definitely nothing they can do now.

"Let's wait until tomorrow." Nan Ci said, "Let's have a good meal today, and then have a good rest. When we get up tomorrow, we will go find the needed materials."

The other three people expressed no objection to Nan Ci's proposal.

The few people stopped talking and continued to pluck and skin the goose.

After the cleaning was almost done, I chopped off half of the goose leg.

It's only half a goose's leg, but it's as tall as a person and fatter than they are when they're wrapped up into bears.

The goose feathers cleaned from this half of the leg alone were piled up like a hill.

The goose feathers were left outside for the time being, while the four of them disassembled the goose legs and cleaned them.

Most of it was used to stew and feed the four cats and the little turtle.

Divide the remaining half into two portions, one for stir-frying and one for stewing.

Although there were no green vegetables or onions, ginger and garlic were relatively durable items, so Nan Ci rummaged through them under the cover of the package.

In addition to ginger and garlic, Nan Ci also found ingredients for stewed meat and stir-fried ingredients.

After a while, the tent was filled with the spicy and delicious smell, which made people choke and want to sneeze.

But not only did no one dislike the taste, but they all enjoyed it very much.

Taking a deep breath, his whole body felt warm from the inside out.

Whether it is braised or stewed, you need to wait patiently.

With nothing to do for the time being, Nan Ci simply put on his heavy cold-proof clothes, mask, hat, scarf, and gloves again, and walked out of the tent.

Just as he arrived outside, he heard Mu Qianqian's voice behind him.

"Nanci, what are you doing out here!"

Hearing this, Nan Ci turned around and saw Mu Qianqian, who was also fully armed, and immediately laughed, "You don't even know what I'm doing out here, why are you following me out?"

Mu Qianqian said seriously, "It's precisely because I didn't know what you were going to do that I followed you out!"

There was nothing wrong with what he said. Nan Ci couldn't find a reason to refute, so he simply said, "Okay, now that we're out, let's help together!"

"What help?"

"Some of the goose feathers are stained with blood. Clean them with snow, shake off the snow on them, and take them to the tent to dry."

These things are not difficult to do, but very trivial.

In addition, these things have to be done outside, with the cold wind howling and heavy snow falling, it is still very painful to do these things outside.

But after Mu Qianqian heard what Nan Ci said, she didn't find an excuse to leave, but obediently agreed.

"Okay, I'll do it with you. We can go faster together. Maybe we can get everything done before we have dinner -"

"Qianqian, what you said is wrong, there is me! Together with me, I will definitely be able to finish it without waiting for dinner!"

After the words fell, Zhou Ziyang also opened the tent curtain and walked out.

Looking at Zhou Ziyang, who was fully armed, Nan Ci frowned slightly and glanced behind him, "The Taoist Master didn't come out, did he?"

"No." Zhou Ziyang shook his head, "The Taoist priest said that there are people watching the fire and pot, so they can't all come out to work."

Nan Ci felt relieved and said, "The Taoist priest is right. Working is important, but eating is equally important."

If doing this little work results in their pot being burnt, it's really a penny wise and pound foolish.

It was very cold outside, and the three of them didn't come out to chat. After Nan Ci said these words, he took the lead and squatted beside the goose feathers and began to clean the blood stains on the goose feathers.

Mu Qianqian and Zhou Ziyang also hurried over and squatted down to help.

The three of them didn't speak any more while they were working, they just focused on what they were doing.

After squatting for a long time, my legs and feet will become numb, and I can only stand up from time to time to adjust my posture.

But no matter whether they were standing or squatting, no one delayed their work, and the progress was still very fast.

After all, not every goose feather is stained with blood, so cleaning it up is very fast.

Half an hour later, all the goose feathers were cleaned.

The three of them ran back and forth several times before carrying all the goose feathers into the tent.

After staying outside for a long time, after entering the tent, I just felt warm like spring inside.

Even because I had to spread out all the goose feathers and kept walking around the tent, my body started to feel hot.

Before sweating, the three of them finally dried all the goose feathers.

Although it was warmer inside the tent than outside, it was only relatively speaking.

If you sweat at this temperature, you will easily catch a cold and become very troublesome.

The three of them stopped and sat by the fire, holding thermos cups and drinking ginger and jujube tea.

After resting for a while, the body temperature dropped.

At this moment, the old Taoist priest also opened the lid of the iron pot.

As the lid of the pot was opened, the steam exploded like a mushroom cloud, blocking the view of several people.

Although the line of sight was blocked, the scent couldn't stop entering my nose.

The aroma of meat mixed with the fragrance of cornmeal is so good that it makes people's mouths water and their index fingers twitch.

Nan Ci blinked several times before the fog in front of his eyes gradually dispersed.

In the big iron pot, large pieces of goose meat have been cooked into a red sauce, and they are still rolling and bubbling.

Each of the corn tortillas attached to the side is golden and looks very soft.

But Nan Ci knew that the tortillas were actually burnt and crispy near the edge of the pot.

She can eat three of these tortillas soaked in soup!

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