This time they waited for another half an hour. Seeing that the time was already in the middle of the afternoon, and there were still no aftershocks, they were sure that it was really safe.

This time, the four of them didn't have any hesitation anymore, and quickly ran towards Building 11.

The little turtle didn't keep up, but guarded their big chicken after it grew bigger.

Nanci also removed the glutinous rice balls, and guarded the chicken together.

Their days in the future will not be as comfortable as before, and this big chicken that is their ration must be protected.

Tangyuan's character is relatively calm among the four cats, so if he stays, he can better guard the chicken.

The four of them and the three cats ran towards Building 11. The movement was not small and attracted the attention of many people.

Although these people were staring, no one followed.

Some people even looked at them with ridicule and contempt.

"You're still running into the building at this time. If there's another aftershock, you won't even know how you died."

"Don't say it's an aftershock. You see that building is in danger. If they and a few cats run up there, it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back."

"This person should understand what it means to have gains and losses. It's already good to be alive. Why do you care about supplies at this time?"

The mocking words of these people were not concealed at all, and all of them fell into the ears of Nanci and others.

All four of them ignored these taunting words and continued walking towards Building 11. Their figures quickly disappeared at the door of the unit building.

From the outside, Building 11 looked in danger. After entering, we found that the inside was also full of devastation.

The wall was cracked one after another, each crack was deep, long, and criss-crossed.

Even the lamps hanging on the roof fell off and shattered into pieces on the ground.

Although this lamp became a decoration after the power outage, now that it has fallen down, it still gives people a broken feeling.

At the stairs, some stairs have broken apart. You have to be very careful when going up, otherwise it is easy to miss the mark.

Although the stairs are broken, the steel bars are still there, so there is no need to worry about the stairs collapsing.

But when they walked up, the wind blew outside and the stairs shook slightly.

Several people standing on the stairs also staggered.

After more than ten seconds, several people stabilized their bodies and looked at each other, with happiness and helplessness in their eyes.

Fortunately, it was not an aftershock. Unfortunately, they were already halfway there and it was impossible to quit at this time.

Nan Ci took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Don't think so much. We've already reached here, so hurry up. Open the window and throw the supplies down.

Zaizai, the three of you go out first and stay guard down below. If anyone dares to come over and grab something, you won’t be merciful. "

After hearing what Nan Ci said, the three cats meowed several times at the same time. They did not leave immediately. Instead, they looked at Nan Ci worriedly.

Nan Ci knew that they were worried about him and were unwilling to continue like this, so they could only continue to comfort and urge.

"This building should not collapse in a short period of time, but if you continue to waste time, not only will you not be able to get the supplies, but we may all be buried in the building."

These words were still very useful. The three cats only meowed once this time, then turned and ran down the stairs very fast, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Watching the three cats leave, Nan Ci's pace quickened a lot.

Seeing this, Mu Qianqian and the other three quickly followed without saying a word.

The four people quickly arrived at the 32nd floor.

The 32nd floor, like other floors, was completely unrecognizable at this time.

But the four people didn't care what they were sighing about, and walked towards the door of their respective rooms.

Mu Qianqian came to Nan Ci and said, "Nan Ci, let me help you throw it down together!"

Nan Ci refused directly without thinking, "No, I can do it alone. You three go quickly."

At the same time as he finished speaking, Nan Ci also opened the door, stepped inside, and quickly closed the door.

Nan Ci's series of actions were very fast, giving Mu Qianqian no chance to speak again.

The old Taoist priest glanced at Nanci's door and said to Mu Qianqian, "Okay, don't stare. She might be faster than the three of us alone. You'd better worry about yourself. "

Mu Qianqian didn't believe it at first, but when she ran to the big window in the living room and just opened the window, she saw that the people next door had already started throwing things down.

Seeing this situation, Mu Qianqian admired Nan Ci so much that she couldn't think about it anymore and hurriedly started throwing things under the window.

On the other side, after Nan Ci returned home, he walked in and put all the things into the space and placed them on the edge of the river beach.

It only took two or three minutes to walk all the way, and all the things had been put into the space, and the house became empty.

Nan Ci opened the window, stood on one side of the window to prevent people downstairs from seeing him, and then started throwing things out of the window.

Things are taken out directly from the space, and it is very convenient to throw them away. There is no need to run back and forth at all.

But in order not to arouse others' suspicion, Nan Ci still controlled the speed of throwing it down.

In addition to food and drink, pots and pans for cooking, firewood and stove, Nanci also threw two tents, several sleeping bags and sleeping mats, and moisture-proof mats.

These things were originally placed in the basement of the space, but at this time Nanci found them and threw them down.

The house cannot be lived in, but it cannot really rest in the open air.

During the day, there are dozens of degrees below zero. After dark, the temperature will only be lower, and the wind and snow will only be greater.

If you still stay in the open air under such circumstances, even if you are lucky enough to not be frozen to death, you will suffer a lot.

Nan Ci didn't live a new life just to suffer.

It's fine if you can't enjoy it, at least you can't really use the sky as your cover and the ground as your bed!

After throwing it for a while, it felt almost the same. Then Nanci stopped, turned around and began to turn around the room.

There are things in every room, Nanci no matter what it is, they are all put into the space.

Looking at the empty room, another thought came to Nan Ci's mind.

This safe house is made of special materials, and it is not connected to the main body of the house. If it is directly incorporated into the space, I don't know if it is feasible.

It cost a lot of money to build this safe house. Of course, money is still a small matter. The most important thing is that Nan Ci has lived here for a long time. Not to mention the relationship, this safe house is indeed very suitable for her.

If she could take it away, she really didn't want to let it go.

Thinking of this, Nan Ci simply walked to the wall, put his hands on the cold wall, and silently thought about closing it in his heart.

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