Dare to covet her cat, to this kind of person, you really shouldn't say a word, you should do it directly.

After hearing Nanci's words, the man's expression became a little stunned, "How dare you talk to me like that, do you know who I am?"

Nanci sneered, "Who are you? You don't mean to say, what are you?"

Nan Ci's words were full of irony, the man's expression became more and more ugly, and there was a lot of anger in his eyes.

After taking a few deep breaths, the man said in a deep voice, "It's useless to say these bickering words. I'll give you another chance to make a choice. If you feel uneasy, don't blame me for being rude."

"Then I want to see how rude you are."

After talking for so long, it was a waste of time.

Just as the man was about to speak again, those cars also arrived late.

As soon as the car stopped, someone got out of the car in a hurry and came towards this side quickly.

"Young Master Pei! You drove too fast just now, and you haven't taken the original route, which is very dangerous"

"Stop rambling." Pei Chengming interrupted impatiently, "Xu Guang, when is it your turn to teach me a lesson?"

Xu Guang laughed repeatedly, "Young Master Pei is joking, how dare I teach you a lesson, Mr. Pei? I'm just worried about Mr. Pei's safety. If you get hurt, I won't be able to explain it to you when I get back!"

Pei Chengming looked at Xu Guang disdainfully, "Do I need you to explain my safety? Who do you think you are? You are just a dog of our Pei family. If you dare to babble endlessly, believe it or not, I will stew you." Eat dog meat!"

What Pei Chengming said was extremely unpleasant, and anyone who heard it would feel bad.

Nanci clearly saw that when Pei Chengming spoke, Xu Guang's eyes were full of humiliation.

But even though he was so humiliated, Xu Guang was still flattering when he spoke.

"Of course I understand what Mr. Pei said. This trip was originally just for the Pei family. Mr. Pei, look at the chicken in the back. We have discussed it with them before. We can exchange half of it. When the time comes, Mr. Pei and Your mother and others will be able to eat fresh meat and vegetables..."

Pei Chengming waved his hand impatiently, "Do you still need to talk about this? Also, why is it half a chicken? Let's take this one back.

And those four big cats, I also took a fancy to them, take them back with me. "

When Xu Guang heard this, he suddenly felt embarrassed, "Master Pei, but we have already discussed with them before. We only need half a bird, and we don't have that many supplies to bring in exchange for chicken!"

Also, these four big cats, I am afraid they are not willing to change..."

"They don't want to change it, so you have to find a way! Otherwise, why support you?"

Pei Chengming interrupted Xu Guang, "Shouldn't others obediently give us the things our Hongda base wants? Now you tell me that you have to exchange for something, which is a complete loss to our Hongda base." s face!"

When the two of them were talking, Nan Ci didn't say a word, just looked at them quietly.

This Xu Guang was the one who discussed changing the chicken with them before.

Originally, Nanci thought that this Xu Guang could be regarded as a captain, otherwise he couldn't easily agree to her previous request.

But now it seems that the captain is real, but his status in the base and the power in his hands are not at all true.

The person who really calls the shots in the Hongda base is named Pei, and it seems that he should be Mr. Pei's father.

It has only been two or three months since the end of the world, but has the base already become a family-owned enterprise?

It seems that this Hongda base really has something!

After Pei Chengming scolded Xu Guang again, he turned to look at Nan Ci, "What about you, how are you? Have you thought about it? Do you want to give me this chicken and the four cats?"

"Of course -" Nan Ci raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "I don't want to."

Pei Chengming was about to laugh, but suddenly his smile froze when he heard Nan Ci's words, "You...Okay! How dare you play tricks on me! Xu Guang, what are you waiting for! These people destroyed the base Stability and harmony, special time, special treatment, I order you to deal with them on the spot now."

"Master Pei, this-"

"What the hell!" Pei Chengming interrupted Xu Guang impatiently, "Captain, if you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, there are plenty of people waiting to do it."

Xu Guang slowly turned his head to look at Nan Ci, his eyes full of struggle.

Nan Ci looked at Xu Guang calmly, not caring what Xu Guang would choose.

They had met once and it was just a cooperative relationship.

From a normal perspective, it is completely understandable that Xu Guang followed Pei Chengming's words and took action against them.

Before Xu Guang made a decision, several more people ran towards him.

Several people ran up to them, without looking at Xu Guang. They only looked at Pei Chengming, "Mr. Pei, what's wrong?"

Pei Chengming glanced at Xu Guang proudly and said, "Xu Guang, what you don't do, some people are rushing to do it. If you don't want to be the captain, they are all waiting in line!"

As he spoke, Pei Chengming looked at the newly arrived people, "Whoever solves these four people will be able to replace Xu Guang as the captain."

When several people heard this, they were eager to give it a try.

Especially after seeing that the four of Nan Ci are old and weak, and two of them are young women, I feel even more confident.

"Young Master Pei, don't worry, we will definitely be able to handle this matter."

"Master Pei, why don't you go inside the car and wait for a while? It's too cold outside. You can come out after we solve the problem."

Pei Chengming was very satisfied with the attitudes of the few people, but he had no intention of leaving.

"I'm not going back to the car, I'm just here to watch you. Get on together, and the battle will be settled quickly.

Although there is only one captain position, it is still possible to reward you with dozens of catties of chicken. "

When they heard that in addition to the position of captain, there was also a reward of dozens of catties of chicken, several people became even more excited.

"Young Master Pei, don't worry! The few of us will definitely settle the matter quickly, and we won't make you wait any longer."

After the words fell, they rushed towards Nanci and the others, and at the same time drew weapons such as knives and sticks from their bodies.

They were just a team that went out to find supplies, and they would not be given guns, so they could only use some knives and sticks as weapons.

They have cars, weapons, and the strength of their numbers. They still have a great advantage over ordinary survivors, which also makes them develop arrogance.

Looking at the few people rushing up, Nan Ci was not too many and did not flash, and the old Taoist priest was also there.

Mu Qianqian was a little scared, but before she could do anything, she was guarded by Zhou Ziyang.

The distance between the two sides was not far at all, these people ran fast, and they arrived in front of them in a short while.

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