A glimmer of light: seven thousand times super brain operation. ten minutes...... thirty minutes..... seventy minutes.....

The super brain roars!

A new acupoint method was born.

Kingship view.

A little bit:

Yangtian laughed wildly.

Yu Xuanji and others looked curious.

Wang Quan said:

"Everyone, I have introduced a new acupuncture method!"


Everyone was surprised!

Then ecstatic. In the past few years

, in addition to practicing, they have been studying the totem patterns of various strange beasts and demons.

Even in order to be stronger in the future, they held back and did not advance to the realm of Shenzang.

They have been waiting. Waiting for Wang Quan to study the acupuncture method.

Now: The wait is finally here.

Everyone cried with joy.

They couldn't wait to watch.

Wang Quan called Zi Weitian, Holy Lord and others.

Everyone arrived and looked at him expectantly.

Holy Lord was the most Expectations:

The Holy Land of Ziwei has expanded its territory in recent years with the help of the dragon people who are not afraid of death.

It seems to have achieved great results.

In fact: the Holy Land of Ziwei is in turmoil.

They dare not choose a new saint.

There is no new saint. , the high-end combat power of the Holy Land will fall in the next few decades. The surrounding demons are watching with eager eyes.

They are encircling and suppressing humans with increasing frequency.

Now: the expansion of the territory of the Ziwei Holy Land has completely stagnated.

It has even shrunk again.

This Time:

If the royal power allows practitioners to open more acupoints in an easier way.


It is possible for the Holy Land to be brought back to life.

The much anticipated:

King Quan visualizes a human body pattern.

Start explaining the new acupoint method.

He deduced three types:

The first one: use special methods to cleanse the demonic energy of the demons, and then eat the blood and flesh of the demons.

The second type: Let the powerful ones from the Shenzang Realm, even Tongtian and Giant, help open the acupoints.

The third method: use new visualization methods to open acupoints yourself.

The three methods were announced and everyone was excited.

The power of the king is nothing but a blockbuster.

He actually came up with three methods at once.

Zi Weitian said excitedly:

"Which of these three methods is best?"

Wang Quan laughed:

"The first type: the fastest to open acupuncture points, and the ability to create acupuncture points is the strongest; however, the risk is the greatest - it may become a half-human and half-demon form!"

"The second type: A strong person helps to open acupuncture points. This is the safest, but the acupoints opened have the lowest power - it will delay the progress of the strong person's cultivation."

"The third type: open acupuncture points by yourself, the power is the same as before - ordinary people cannot open hundreds of thousands of acupoints."

Three plans!

Three choices!

The Holy Lord and others were excited.

Zi Weitian was even more happy:"My family's Quan'er is the most promising."

The Holy Lord and others couldn't wait to try.

Because people who have exceeded the acupoint level can no longer open acupoints.

Therefore: the Holy Lord and others wanted to try it on Gao Qingtian and others.

Yu Xuanji said coldly:"I want to be the strongest Practitioner!"

"No need for your help!"

Others also said that they did not need the help of strong people to open up.

The Holy Lord and others stamped their feet anxiously:

"What we need now is not the strongest"

"What we need is ordinary strong people"


Wang Quan said:"You can try it with ordinary people!"

The Holy Lord and others' eyes lit up, and they immediately found more than ten ordinary people.

Although these ordinary people really want to practice.

But: the qualifications are too ordinary, and the cultivation progress is too slow.

Finally gave up.

Now, their chance has come.

I was immediately grateful and extremely excited.

The Holy Lord imagines a dragon burrowing inside a human body.

The next second: crackle!

Each orifice made a loud noise.

The young man’s body shines with divine light: one..... ten..... a hundred.....


The dragon emerged from the boy's nostrils.

The Holy Lord was excited:"I lost a day of cultivation!"

Others tried it one after another.

Soon: a giant-level expert loses one day of cultivation and can open a hundred acupoints.

A heaven-level expert can open fifty acupoints if he loses one day of cultivation.

A Shenzang-level expert can open ten acupoints if he loses one day of cultivation.

The acupoint realm helps the acupoint realm, and one can be opened a day.

This efficiency is amazing

"All people practice cultivation! Zi

Weitian said softly:

"Millions of human beings can all practice cultivation. Even if each person only has three or five acupoints, the human race can be strengthened!"

"The human race will rise!"

Holy Lord, laughed loudly.

With the method opened by the royal power.

From now on:

Even if there is no saint, it doesn't matter.

The high-end combat power born among millions of cultivators is definitely stronger than the saint.


They immediately try to be the first Make a plan.

Clean up the demonic energy and eat the flesh and blood of demons and alien beasts.

Yu Xuanji said:"I'll give it a try first!"

The Holy Lord personally took action and captured more than a dozen demons.

Professor Wang Quan taught the method of clearing the demonic energy.

The next second:

Yu Xuanji visualized a furnace.

She cut a dragon's flesh and blood and threw it into the furnace.



The furnace rotates..

The demonic aura soared to the sky.

Soon: the furnace was opened, and a piece of flesh and blood without any demonic aura appeared.

Yu Xuanji ate it in one bite and activated the method.


She opened ten acupoints.

Then: she ate the dragon's flesh and blood again.

The result was no effect. I changed to another kind of demon flesh and blood, and after a big meal, more than thirty acupoints were opened.

However, if I continued to eat, it had no effect.

Repeated experiments: everyone found that: the more powerful the food, the more acupoints were opened. More.

But: the same ingredient can only be eaten once.

And: constantly visualizing the furnace totem to cleanse the evil spirit will lead to mental pollution.

It requires great perseverance and determination to clean up the mental pollution bit by bit.

Otherwise, let it go:

It will cause the body to mutate: it will become half human and half demon, ugly, and more likely to become a demon.......

"This method can only be used by those with a determined mind!"

King Quan set the tone.

The Holy Lord, Zi Weitian and others nodded one after another. With this method, as long as you eat more strange beasts and demons, you will naturally become stronger.

But: it is easy to be contaminated.

Those who are not firm-minded are prone to misfortune. Question.

At this time:

Yu Xuanji suddenly said:

"I have a feeling!

Wang Quan was curious:"What does it feel like?""

Yu Xuanji said:"I feel that my damage to the dragon, the three-headed demon clan, and the cow clan will increase a lot!"

Wang Quan was stunned.

Everyone was surprised!

Yu Xuanji just ate the blood and meat of the dragon, the three-headed demon clan, and the cow clan. After eating the flesh and blood of a certain race and opening the acupoints, the harm to a certain race increased?

In the world ? Is there such a good thing?

Everyone was shocked.

An hour later:

Yu Xuanji repeatedly experimented.

Finally, it was determined that this method can double the lethality.

This scene made the Holy Master and others ecstatic

"I want to abolish my power and start from scratch!"

The Holy Master is excited.

This ability is so incredible.

Many saints, including Zi Weitian, are ready to take action.

In the fight between humans and demons, if the lethality suddenly doubles, it will be terrible.

"Everyone, stay calm!"

Kingdom, appease everyone

"You all start over, who can stop the demon's high-end power?"

"Experiment with the third method!"

The third method is quite satisfactory.

A person with ordinary qualifications can open one a day.

This speed cannot be compared with other methods.

However: it is dozens of times more efficient than the old method.

The three major acupoint methods excited the senior officials of the Holy Land.

The Holy Lord wished that Wang Quan could become the new generation of Holy Lord.

Wang Quan immediately refused.

He was joking: after becoming the Holy Lord, there were too many trivial things.

It would delay his time!

After rejecting the Holy Lord,

Wang Quan proposed a crazy idea:

"All these three acupoint methods should be promoted"

"Let all human beings practice cultivation."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Wang Quan's idea was too bold. It was too crazy.

The Holy Lord was silent.

Many high-level officials were silent.

They originally wanted to use the three major methods to improve the Ziwei Holy Land.

Let the Ziwei Holy Land become the most beautiful place among human beings. Strong Holy Land.


Wang Quan proposed this idea.

This pattern is countless times higher than theirs

"We just want the crape myrtle holy land!"

"But he didn’t think about the entire human race!"

The Holy Master and others were ashamed.

They realized their mistake and immediately discussed with Wang Quan how to spread the three major methods.

Wang Quan said:

"Let’s contact the Moon Worship Holy Land first!"

"The Holy Land of Moon Worship can reach other holy places through the moon!"

"As long as the Moon Worship Holy Land learns the secret method!"

"Then, all holy places in the world can learn from it."

The Holy Lord and others approved.

They immediately made preparations, selected candidates, and prepared to contact the Holy Land of Moon Worship.

However: the Holy Land of Moon Worship is tens of millions of miles away from the Holy Land of Ziwei.

There are many dangers on the road!

Those who go to deliver the message must have certain strength.!

Otherwise: you will die before you reach your destination.

That would be embarrassing.

Wang Quan said:

"Tomorrow I will create a divine treasure!"

"I'll deliver the letter!"


Zi Weitian was the first to stop


The other saints, the second one blocked


The Holy Lord and others followed to stop him. Just kidding!

Wang Quan has opened up three major acupoints.

It is enough to prove his evil talent.

Such a talented person must stay in Ziwei Holy Land to be safe.

They cannot tolerate Wang Quan's risks..


King Quan said:

"With hundreds of thousands of acupuncture points opened, my strength is already on par with the giants."

"After I cast the divine treasure, it will be even more powerful!"

"If it’s not safe for me to deliver a message, then it’s even less safe for others!"

But: everyone still doesn't agree.

They would rather wake up the sleeping giant of the human race than take the risk of King Quan.

King Quan is helpless.

He wants to use the three major acupoints to expand his influence.

Change his fate against the will of heaven.

Harvest more comments.

These people Blocking is preventing him from getting stronger!

Moreover: he is more confident than the giants.

So what if there is danger on the road?

Isn't there any danger when other giants go to deliver letters?

What's more important is: he is almost eighteen years old.

He He wanted to take the opportunity to complete the eighteen-year-old event. He also wanted to go to the Moon Worship Holy Land and learn the visualization diagrams transmitted through the moon.

At this time:

Wang Quan was too lazy to argue with them.

He started to cast the divine treasure on the spot.

The divine treasure is stacked together using acupoints , formed a community of acupoints.




His spirit pulled the acupoints together.

Under normal circumstances: a thousand acupoints can condense a divine treasure.


Wang Quan spent 10,800 The acupoints formed a divine treasure.

The first divine treasure combination was successful.

Wang Quan visualized the dragon moving in.


The dragon roared and connected with the gods.

The next second:

Wang Quan had a clear understanding:

From then on: the energy consumed by himself by visualizing the dragon was only one-tenth of the previous one.


Visualizing the power of the Dragon Queen will increase tenfold

"Other people's divine treasures can only reduce consumption a little!"

"It can only increase the power by one tenth!"

"but.....The divine treasure composed of more than 10,000 orifices is so powerful!"

"It seems that I made the right choice!"

Wang Quan was happy.

He visualized the dragon.

The next second:


A hundred-foot-long dragon emerged.

The Holy Lord and others were shocked.

This dragon totem is really too big

"Why is your totem dragon so big?"

Zi Weitian was shocked.

Wang Quan smiled:"Not only is it big, but there are many!"




One after another, dragon totems appear one after another.

One hundred of them..... a thousand.....

Ten thousand.....

Densely packed dragons flooded the holy land......Royal power!

Fish mystery!

Gao Qingtian!


The four people went straight to the Moon Worship Holy Land.

Wang Quan and Zi Weitian are protectors.

Yu Xuanji and Gao Qingtian are practitioners.

This configuration is the result of everyone’s discussion.

Encountering weak monsters on the road, Yu Xuanji and Gao Qingtian were able to deal with them.

The powerful demons were naturally dealt with by Wang Quan and Zi Weitian.


Wang Quan didn’t want to take Zi Weitian with him.


Zi Weitian is a former saint.

The saints practiced a strange way of thinking.

As long as Zi Weitian uses it: he can instantly summon former saints who are millions or even tens of millions of miles away to come and help.

If the enemy is too strong:

You can also return directly to the Ziwei Holy Land through the former saints.

So: security is greatly increased.


Wang Quan visualized two dragons: one carrying Yu Xuanji and Gao Qingtian, running across the earth.

One carried him and Zi Weitian, hiding their traces high in the sky.

The four of them went straight to the Moon Worship Holy Land.

Just after Wang Quan and others left.

The Holy Lord arranged for everyone to hunt down demons and strange beasts.

They purified the flesh and blood of demons and alien beasts and distributed them to the new generation of cultivators.

At the same time: it also stores a large amount of flesh and blood.

The Holy Lord has a crazy idea: when the new generation grows up, he will start from scratch and open up hundreds of thousands of acupoints.

Return to the path of cultivation.


The scene of Wang Quan visualizing thousands of hundred-foot-long dragons is really shocking.

"Even if there are ten or eight giants, they cannot visualize so many dragons!"

The Holy Lord sighed!

At this time:

Wang Quan controlled the dragon and ran thousands of miles in one day.

Along the way:

Wang Quan carefully observed the world for the first time.

This world is full of vastness.

There are all kinds of strange beasts running on the earth.

Each one is different in size. The tribes were not human beings, but various demon tribes.

In those tribes, Wang Quan saw humans in captivity.

He also saw strange beasts one after another, invaded by demonic energy, and turned into more terrifying demons.


Wang Quan Swallowing his saliva.

He felt like food was everywhere around him

"It's a pity that I have to go on a journey and can't eat as much as I want!"

At this time:

He has reached the Tibetan realm.

He has not eaten demon energy yet.

He doesn't know the benefits of eating demon energy.

Night falls: the devil becomes active.

When they see the royal power, they feel sweet and delicious, and they want to swallow it in one bite..Crack!

A group of dragons were born out of thin air.

The dragons of hundreds of feet swarmed up and wiped out all the demons with a roar.

A large amount of demonic energy, with the help of the totem, penetrated into his divine treasure.

King Quan burped.



Divine Treasure The totem in the body swallowed the demonic energy.

It was decomposed into various powers and fed back into the acupoints.

The acupoint abilities were actually improving.

Wang Quan was happy:

"Eat demons and become stronger!"

This is the power of the ancient gods.

He was excited.




He visualized flying strange beasts.

These strange beast totems soared and scattered in all directions.

Whenever he encountered a powerful demon, he swallowed it in one gulp.

Absorb the demonic energy.

Clean. The flesh and blood were brought back and let Yu Xuanji and Gao Qingtian eat them.

Running along the way:

Gao Qingtian and Yu Xuanji had their mouths full.

They ate the meat and opened dozens or even hundreds of orifices.

In just over ten days, the two of them actually opened up 18,000 acupoints.

At this time, the strength of the two of them was as strong as Zi Weitian.

Zi Weitian was anxious:

"I want to rebuild it!"

Wang Quan is stronger than her, she admits it.


Yu Xuanji and Gao Qingtian are stronger than her.

She refuses to accept it.

Zi Weitian wants to rebuild.

Wang Quan will naturally not stop him.

He kills all the way and collects a lot of alien beasts and demon flesh..

Part of it was eaten by Yu Xuanji and Gao Qingtian.

The rest was naturally left to Zi Weitian.



Zi Weitian, cut himself off!

Start from scratch!

In just three days:

It also condenses one hundred and eighty thousand orifices.

Then achieve the divine treasure.

At this time:

Wang Quan and the others are still polishing the divine treasure, waiting for the divine treasure to be strengthened to connect to the void and reach the sky.


Ziweitian's newly formed divine treasure is extremely strong.

It can actually stir the void directly and step into the realm of heaven.

At this time:

Zi Weitian’s strength is much stronger than before

"I am stronger than God!"

Zi Weitian's whole body is blooming with light.

She is getting stronger every moment.

Even without visualizing the totem, she can easily kill giant-level beasts and demons.

Wang Quan is happy:

"So, let's speed it up!"

"Arrive at the Holy Land of Moon Worship as soon as possible!"

However: just a few days after they left, the former saints of Ziwei Holy Land used a secret method to summon Ziweitian:

"The enemy is coming, return quickly!"

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