This day:

Wang Quan formally learns the idea of ​​totem visualization: the idea of ​​totem visualization: the stronger the spirit, the more real the visualization.

After visualization:

You can also obtain various killing methods from the visualized objects.

One minute...... ten minutes.....

A dragon with thick arms appeared.

The dragons are lifelike, flying or crawling all over the ground

【You obtain the Dragon Sword Technique! 】

Talent reminder.

There is an additional set of swordsmanship in the king's consciousness.

This sword technique is exquisite and can cooperate with the imagined dragon to kill the enemy.



The totem dragon claws at the boulders and bites the rocks into pieces.

Very powerful

"I just visualized the fur!"

"If you visualize the flesh, bones, muscles, and internal organs, this totem dragon will be even more powerful!"

Zi Weitian, seeing that Wang Quan had mastered the concept of dragon view so quickly, his eyes suddenly turned happy.

Yu Xuanji, Gao Qingtian and others were very envious.

Many children came to Wang Quan and wanted to touch the dragon totem..

Only Yu Xuanji climbed up and down the huge dragon's body, watching the dragon bit by bit.

Zi Weitian asked everyone to continue practicing the dragon contemplation method.

She personally taught Wang Quan the deeper secrets of the contemplation method.

Wang Quan's totem contemplation The idea caught his heart.

The next day:

Wang Quan injected the power of the totem into his double pupils.

The double pupils could see through the dragon's fur and scales, depicting flesh and blood and imprisonment.

This day: he visualized the dragon again. The dragon was supported by flesh and bones. It was more than ten feet in size.

It was even more powerful.

On the third day:

Wang Quan saw through the flesh, bones, muscles, and filled the internal organs.

On this day:

The dragon totem he visualized was three feet in size.

Ziweitian was very happy to see his rapid progress.

"Visualization can also enhance mental strength!"

"When your mental power becomes stronger, I will let you visualize a magic weapon!"

Zi Weitian chirped like a little girl.

She said that the divine weapon was born after the death of a god. It is very powerful.

Only the Holy Lord and the Holy Lord's successor can visualize the divine weapon.

She wants Wang Quan to be the next generation of Holy Lord..

Wang Quan nodded.

At this time:

He hung up the dragon to watch his thoughts.

Every moment, he could feel the progress.

Every moment, he could feel the strength.

On the Saintess' Mountain:

Many saints were happy.

Wang Quan's performance was too unbelievable..Throughout the ages:

Ziwei Holy Land has never practiced so quickly.

They taught Wang Quan various fighting skills.

These saints also gave Wang Quan various trophies they had obtained from traveling down the mountain.

They also gave Wang Quan and built A totem soldier.

It is a dragon sword.

It can be divided and combined, and the size is as desired. When combined with the dragon totem, it is more powerful.

Trial of royal power: the dragon totem is integrated into the long sword: the next second: it becomes ten feet in size.

Huge The dragons were crawling all over the ground. Wherever they passed, the sword energy was everywhere and extremely ferocious.

"The power increased three to five times!"

Wang Quan's heart moved:

He visualized more dragons.

These dragons were only more than a foot long.

They swallowed the sword energy bloomed by the big dragons, and then expanded to several feet.

"Now....Using the dragon totem method alone, I can travel down the mountain and kill many demons."

Wang Quan wants to go down the mountain for a walk.

Because: he studied the history of cultivation. He found that powerful humans will study demons, alien beasts, etc.

Study their flesh, flesh and structure, visualize them as totems, and fight for themselves.

Zi Wei Tian also said:

"The more types of totems you can visualize, the greater your chances of winning against the enemy in the future!"

"For example: Visualize that the dragon can restrain the three demons"

"However, by visualizing the three-headed demons, you can restrain a kind of demon called the human-faced sheep."

"Visualizing a human-faced sheep can restrain the snake demons.

Wang Quan was curious:"Is there a visual object that can restrain all demons?""

Zi Weitian shook his head:"I saw a record in a ruins: it was said that a long, long time ago, a living being visualized an existence."

"That existence can control everything!"

"But that’s a record, that’s a legend!"

"Can't take it seriously!"

The next day:

Zi Weitian discussed with many saints.

They made hundreds of visualization pictures for Wang Quan.

Those were accumulated in the previous holy places.

Wang Quan practiced one by one.

Because hundreds of talents were added to his body.

All the visualization pictures He can learn to think of pictures as soon as possible.

The species he visualizes have flesh and blood, muscles and bones, and internal organs.

Zi Weitian was happy:

"You are destined to be a giant!"

In this world: the more types of creatures you visualize, the greater the chance of becoming a giant.

Wang Quan: visualize three or five kinds of creatures a day.

Zi Weitian believes that as long as he is given time, he is destined to become a giant........

The unparalleled performance of the royal power attracted the attention of the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord was happy and wanted to send experts to protect him and serve as his guardians.

"I'm at Saint Maiden Mountain, I'm safer than anywhere else!"

"If I go down the mountain, I want the saints to protect me!"

The saints' eyes were so happy that they were blinded.

They thought that

King Quan regarded them as their closest relatives.

The Holy Lord agreed.

However, the Holy Lord told him that he must be an adult before he can go down the mountain.

"The Holy Land has not been peaceful these years!"

Wang Quan was curious.

The Holy Master treated him as a child and did not explain in detail.

However, the saints chattered and explained the situation to him:

It turns out that since many years ago, the geniuses who went down to the mountain to experience in the Holy crape myrtle were constantly being assassinated.

Originally, this This is normal.


Demons do not allow humans to rise.

However: in the past ten years: only one-fifth of the geniuses who went down the mountain to experience in the Ziwei Holy Mountain came back alive. Before that: every time

, only one-fifth of the geniuses who went down the mountain to experience came back alive. Three of them were able to come back alive. The gap between them made the Holy Land worried. What is even more frightening is that a few years ago, there was another genius who died in the Holy Land for no apparent reason. Wang Quan frowned:

"It seems that what happened to me when I was ten years old was not an accident!"

【10 years old: The Moon Worshiping Holy Land selects two outstanding disciples for marriage with the Ziwei Holy Land; you are defeated by Gao Qingtian, the disciple of the new saint. The other party chooses the marriage partner first, and you choose the rest. You were depressed and unhappy; in the same year, someone used secret methods to plot against you, which seriously damaged you. 】

There is a lot of information contained in the ten-year-old incident: marriage in the Holy Land, being plotted against

"Deduction based on simulated events: When I was ten years old, the Holy Land of Moon Worship had not yet been contaminated by demons"

"But they came and I was plotted"

"Is the person who plotted against me someone from the Moon Worshipers Holy Land?"

"wrong.....The last genius was killed, and the Moon Worshiping Holy Land did not come to the Ziwei Holy Land."

Wang Quan pondered

"The murderer is in Ziwei Holy Land."

Reminiscent of the thirty-year-old incident:

He is sure that there are people who are possessed by demons, and they may have entered the Ziwei Holy Land.


Who is the possessed person?

Ziwei Holy Land is very big, with tens of thousands of practitioners.

How can he check?


He placed He won the glory of the dragon knight.

That thing specializes in killing demons that breed evil.

Why didn't he kill the demons hidden in Ziwei Holy Land?

Wang Quan felt that there was something wrong with it. In a flash, he was seven years old.

At this time:

Yu Xuanji and Yu Xuanji of the same generation as him Gao Qingtian, both successfully visualized the dragon totem.

What they visualized was also flesh and blood, with muscles, bones and internal organs.

It was very powerful.

But: it couldn't be compared with Wang Quan.

For future events, Wang Quan took the initiative to contact Gao Qingtian.

After getting along with each other , , Wang Quan found that Gao Qingtian was not bad.

He was young and hated the devil.

For the sake of his future great cause:

Wang Quan also contacted Yu Xuanji.

Yu Xuanji was a cold girl.

She was keen on practicing.

When Wang Quan chatted with her, she read a book.

When Wang Quan was eating, she lay on the dragon to study real objects.

When Wang Quan was sleeping, she was visualizing totems and polishing her mental strength.

Zi Weitian said:

"The village where Yu Xuanji was located was massacred by demons"

"She survived by hiding in a cellar with several children"

"She practices day and night, just thinking about revenge!"

Wang Quan was silent.

This world is similar to the main world.

They are all invaded by evil.

If you want to clean up the evil and take revenge, it is as difficult as going to the sky.

Wu Feitu left.

Wang Quan is eight years old this year.

The totem method on the holy land, he He has learned everything.

He has also read through the books in the Holy Land.

His understanding of the power system of this world has surpassed everyone else.

At this time: he began to attack the acupoint realm.

The same visualization totem.

After opening the acupoint , can bless the totem with various powers.

The orifice points are hidden in the meridians of the human body.

Conscious exploration:

You will find that there are places of chaos of different sizes in the body.

That is the orifice points.

Wang Quan visualizes the small totems, impacting the places of chaos.

He Discovery:

The more perfect the totem visualization is, the faster the acupoints are opened.


A chaotic explosion.

The acupoints are born.

Wang Quan, a destructive light blooms on his forehead.

His mental power increases sharply.

At the same time:

He feels that he has more A natural instinct: fire control!

He can control flames.


The bones all over his body crackle.

The muscles squirm.

The body is getting stronger.

This feeling.....It is similar to the acupoints of the fifth generation god.

But: it’s not the same.

Wang Quan, with all his strength, attacked the second acupoint. boom! boom!

Acupoints are opened one by one.

After the acupoints are opened, he needs to integrate a certain totem of visualization into the acupoints.

Then: he will forget the concept of this totem and need to learn it again.

This is difficult for the average person.

But: it’s too simple for kingship.

The forgotten totem method has disappeared from the idle talent.

But: after he read it once, he learned it again.

Day One:

He opened ten acupoints.

Obtain: cloud, wind, perspective, and other abilities.

These abilities are weaker than his loaded talents.

But: the advantage is that ordinary people can practice it

"If ordinary people in the main world also practice cultivation, everyone will have talents."

"Cooperate with internal strength to suppress evil, and the efficiency will be better."

Wang Quan was excited.

He also discovered that the totems integrated into the acupoints were directly proportional to the abilities.

He carefully selected thirty-six kinds of totems.

When these totems were integrated into the acupoints, the newly acquired abilities were indeed powerful........

This year:

King Quan opened 12,000 acupoints.

Every inch of his body was illuminated by bright light.

His skin was as white as jade.

His blood turned golden.

His internal organs were like metal.

Every hair and fine hair on his face is shining brightly.

Twelve thousand orifices.

Brings twelve thousand abilities

"I am now - stronger than any third-level wizard in the wizarding world."

King Quan was excited.

At this time: he had a clear understanding:

"I want to make myself the strongest in this world"

"In the future, you will encounter danger in other worlds!"

"I can use the flower to bloom for a moment and summon the power of this life."

He was excited.

Many former saints were even more happy.

They held high their royal power and kissed him randomly on his face!

"You will be the strongest person in Ziwei Holy Land!"

"You will be the strongest human being!"

"You, the hope of mankind!"

Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to open 12,000 acupoints.

They couldn't wait to let Wang Quan achieve the divine treasure.


Wang Quan said:

"I also saw that there are acupoints in my body, and I want to continue to open acupoints!"

All the saints were shocked.

Zi Weitian was very happy:

"My son is young and is not in a hurry to open up the divine treasure!"

"I support you in opening up acupuncture points."

This year:

Wang Quan opened more than 10,000 acupoints.


Zi Weitian used the power of the Shenzang realm to practice with Wang Quan.

The result:

Wang Quan visualized 720 different totems in an instant, and swarmed up, and Ziweitian was drowned.

Ziweitian was happy.

She bloomed with heaven-level power.

Then she tied with Wang Quan.

At this moment: the saints were even happier.

However: they smiled and laughed, and all cried.

Wang Quan asked:

"Sisters, what’s wrong?"

Zi Weitian burst into tears:

"if.....All human beings can open up so many orifices just like you"

"Then, we humans have long since swept away all the demon clans"

"No more blood food."

Wang Quan wiped away Zi Weitian's tears.

He looked at the other saints and laughed:

"Since I have opened so many acupoints, others can also open them!"

At this moment:

Wang Quan had a crazy idea: to re-develop a method of opening acupoints.

This would allow ordinary practitioners to open more acupoints.

"The 7,000 times super brain can deduce to me the acupuncture method suitable for everyone!"

【clear! 】

One minute..... half an hour..... seventy minutes.....

The deduction is over!

King Quan has mastered all the totem knowledge.

But: no result.

But: he is not lost

"I still have twenty years left to deduce!"

He told the saints not to reveal the fact that he had opened so many acupoints.

They agreed.

At this time: there is only one year left before the big event when he is ten years old.

At this time: the royal power has not gone anywhere.

He is going nowhere every day Staying at Saintess Mountain, he saw no one except the saints.

Gao Qingtian was happy.

Because: the evil genius kingship no longer hangs in front of him.

He no longer has to be hit hard.

The other children began to worship him.

Only Duyu Xuanji was not happy.

This little girl was used to Wang Quan often looking for her.


Wang Quan didn’t see anyone.

She fell into loneliness again.

This day:

Yu Xuanji didn’t practice.

She stayed at the foot of the Saintess Mountain and watched for a day.

Chapter The next day:

She practiced harder.

Zi Weitian comforted her:

"Cultivation is not achieved overnight"

"Take it easy!"

Yu Xuanji:"But.....What does King Quan say?

Zi Weitian smiled:"He is a monster!""

Yu Xuanji was silent.

After a long time, she said:

"I want to see him! Zi

Weitian rubbed her head and said,"When you grow up, you will be his wife and see him every day.""

Yu Xuanji looked confused.

She didn't know what a daughter-in-law was.

But: she still nodded vigorously.

She wanted to see Wang Quan.

She liked that boy and whispered in her ear.

Yu Xuanji continued to work hard.

Wang Quan was also working hard.


He opened five acupoints every day.

In the remaining time, he studied the method of opening acupoints with the saints.

Wu Feitu walked away.

Staying at the Saintess Mountain, Wang Quan forgot about time.

This day: he was tired from studying.

He went back to the house Sleep.

In your sleep: early warning talents and acupoint abilities are constantly warning you.


Wang Quan didn't even open his eyes.

In an instant, he visualized hundreds of totem beasts protecting him.


A muffled sound!

A large number of totem beasts were wiped out.

A totem that did not belong to Wang Quan rushed to him.

Wang Quan was horrified.


Wang Quan understands:

The one who takes action is definitely beyond the Heaven level.

The opponent.....It's giant level!

"hold head high....."

King Quan roars!

At this moment: he unleashes all his talents and 30,000 acupoint abilities.

At this moment: his entire body was filled with divine light.

At this moment:

He suddenly opened his eyes: two eyes merged into a totem dragon.

The dragon roared, wrapped around him and rose into the sky. boom!

The house exploded!

He flew into the air.

A thousand totem beasts.....

Three thousand totem beasts..... five thousand heads.....

The dense totem beasts wrapped him up airtight.

But: the totem beast that attacked him still rushed in.



The totem of royal power visualization was actually swallowed.

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