
His vision blurred.

Chu Ze has already dragged Yao Yue to his room.

"This... is the fairyland?"

Looking at the small room compared to her own bedroom, Yao Yue's tone was full of doubts.

"Not really."

Pulling Yao Yue to the living room and pressing her on the sofa.

Chu Ze took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator and handed it to her

"This place is called Lord God Town. The place where I live is also the place where you will live in the future. Now you and I have become reincarnators."

Sitting opposite Yao Yue, Chu Ze showed his reincarnation mark.

"This is the proof of reincarnation"


After hearing this, Yao Yue also raised her right hand.

On her slender and white wrist, the dark mark of reincarnation was so conspicuous.

As her eyes made contact, a series of information naturally came to her mind. In an instant, Yao Yue understood the existence of reincarnators.

"A person who walks in the heavens? Is this the reincarnation? So who was I before?"

After learning about the existence of reincarnations and reincarnation copies, Yaoyue was instantly confused.

She thought of her past. She remembered that she had really encountered some guys who had strange means to attack her inexplicably.

Only now did she realize that these guys It turned out to be a reincarnation.

And she became the target of their hunting.

"It doesn't matter what you were before, what matters is who you are now, that's who you are."

Chu Ze saw Yao Yue looking doubtful about life and said.

"Since the moment you became a reincarnator, there are no more Yihua Palace Yingyue in all the worlds. There are only reincarnations inviting the moon. Do you understand what I mean?"


Taking a deep breath, Yao Yue remained silent and raised her head.

"You are right, from now on, the master of Yihua Palace, Yao Yue, is dead, and the only one who lives is Yao Yue, who lives for herself. After saying that

, Yao Yue stood up and walked out the door.

"Um, what do you want to do?"

Seeing her action, Chu Ze was stunned.

"Of course, I am going to do the reincarnation trial. I am too weak now to be your help at all. Give me some time and I will catch up with you as soon as possible."

Yao Yue tilted her head and was about to go out, but Chu Ze stopped her again.

"I know you want to be strong, but the reincarnation trial is no joke. Before setting off, I will tell you some things to pay attention to."

Pull Yaoyue back, Chu Ze began to give her popular science knowledge about the world of reincarnation.

This popular science lasted one day.

In the evening, the two of them warmed up for a while.

The next day, Chu Ze took her to the trading center.

Give her After purchasing some necessary props and a suit of purple armor, Chu Ze brought Yao Yue, who was armed to the teeth, to Samsara Square.

"Yao Yue, you must be careful. The reincarnation copy is no different than other copies. You must be cautious and cautious, you know?"

At this time, Chu Ze was like an old father asking his children to leave home, his tone full of worry.

"Haha, I really didn’t expect you to have such a side. If those in the martial arts world saw it, they would be so surprised that their eyes would fall down."

Yao Yue was very pleased with the care. She raised her hand and touched Chu Ze's cheek, and said sternly

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back, I promise!"

"I trust you."

Feeling the firmness in Yao Yue's eyes, Chu Ze nodded and solemnly said

"Then...I'm leaving"

"Military fortune is prosperous."

Looking at Yao Yue disappearing in the white light, Chu Ze did not leave, but activated his reincarnation brand.

At this time, there was another option in his reincarnation brand.

【External transmission】

"Outside, let me see what you are like."

With a thought,

Chu Ze clicked on the option of external transmission.

Along with the familiar sense of space transfer, the scenery in front of Chu Ze changed drastically.

He came from Samsara Square to a hall full of heavy metal style.

The area of ​​the hall was extremely open. , more than 10,000 square meters.

The ceiling of the hall is made of some kind of transparent material. Through this layer of material, Chu Ze saw a sky covered with scars.

These were black and purple cracks like wounds, and black mist rose around the cracks, but Looking at these cracks will make people feel disgusted, disgusted, irritated and other negative emotions.

However, as soon as these negative emotions appear, the Shangqing Dao Seal in Chu Ze's mind will light up slightly, easily washing and purifying these negative emotions.

"Don't stare into the cracks of the abyss, or your spirit will be polluted."

A light curtain suddenly lit up, blocking Chu Ze's sight, and a gentle voice came over at the same time. Turning his head

, Chu Ze found a man wearing a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses, with two similar machines floating next to him. The elegant young assistant came over

"Are you a newcomer? My name is Han Mo. Welcome to China No. 98 External Fortress."

"Hello, my name is Chu Qiyue, how did you know that I am a newcomer?"

Chu Ze raised his eyebrows at the seemingly gentle young man in front of him, but in fact he contained energy comparable to that of a nuclear bomb.

As soon as he arrived, he encountered such a tough guy.

Chu Ze became more interested in the outside world.

"Only a newcomer would be attracted by the cracks in the abyss like you, and your military rank speaks for itself."

Han Mo raised his hand and pointed at his collar, where there was a pattern of crossed swords wrapped in an Ouroboros. There was a shining star above the sword. Below the pattern, there was a faint You can see the word"Shi".

Seeing his movements, Chu Ze looked down and found that there was an extra pattern on his collar, but his pattern was an Ouroboros wrapped in a vague""Bing" font

"Is this the badge that represents military rank?"

Chu Ze thought of the reminder to return and asked Han Mo

"Yes, Private Chu Qiyue, you have to work hard. As a private, you can't buy good things from the core god."

Han Mo pointed at the sky and looked up again following his finger. What

Chu Ze saw was a huge light ball that shimmered like the sun.

There were a large number of small light balls around this light ball, like a It is constantly rotating around this big ball of light like a satellite.

"This is……?"

While looking at the light ball, intelligence information about the light ball appeared in Chu Ze's mind, and at the same time, a series of prompts appeared in front of his eyes.

【Discover the core god】

【Core mall function enabled】

【It is detected that your military rank is Private】

【You can use the first-level core mall】

【You can obtain real-life tasks by communicating with the core god】

【You can return to the main god town through the core main god】

【You can spend merit, immigrate, and settle in other main god towns. 】

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