Chapter 307

Everyone was intimidated by the hot pot with red wine at the moment, after all, no one had seen him look so angry…

Hot pot and Coke looked at him with a sigh of relief on his face.

The hot pot with Sprite also came to the main city to see that the hot pot with red wine was so angry, and my heart was a little refreshing…

Some things must be faced by others instead of letting others face…

Seeing the hot pot with red wine, everyone at the moment refused to say anything. Sure enough… this group of people are persimmons, just squeeze it and get scared and soft.

“I tell you, with my hot pot and red wine in this hot pot city for one day, I will definitely restore our reputation to the past!”

“As long as you have confidence in yourself, have confidence in others, do you understand?”


Everyone in the bottom skirt is still silent…

The hot pot with red wine raised a confident smile,

“If you want to leave, my hot pot with red wine will definitely not be a lot of retention. Those who want to leave our hot pot city can leave now!”

Hot pot with red wine still don’t believe that it’s over now…

“I will give you five minutes to discuss!”

I saw everyone whispering again.

“Do you want to leave… I actually really want to leave. I feel that what he said is not credible at all. If it is a little more credible, I might stay here…”

“I think so too, I feel that this person is not very real, and recently he has been comparing Hot Pot City with the World’s First Guild… This is not comparable at all, and he is always against others.”

“Yes, yes, I thought that this hot pot city had any plans to come back, but if you feel that it is no more than 16 years ago, I guess it will be gone…Although it may not be able to recruit a more powerful city…”

“I think, I’ll leave. I don’t want to stay here for a long time. They don’t usually take us to do some simple tasks. Usually they will only find us when they need us… ”

“Yes, yes, right! This time the reconnaissance team is really bad. In the past, I saw other people’s Moe King, but now it’s fine, this time I didn’t even see the shadow of the other’s Moe King.”

“Is it really so bleak? I didn’t participate when they were looking for the detective team. I feel that there is really a waste of time and life. I don’t want to waste time or life.”

“Forget it, let me go like you guys. I don’t want to stay here for a long time. It feels really boring… It’s really not good. There are no other specific trainings in the city. ”

Hot pot with cola, seeing everyone whispering and discussing, their faces are also confident.

After all, they all feel that they are very good to everyone. Although they are indeed under the No. 1 Guild in the world for the time being, as long as everyone continues to work hard to output, they can definitely be surpassed!

Having said that, it is obvious that their hot pot city was formed earlier, no matter how much I wish everyone to have been with each other for so long, I guess they wouldn’t want to make each other look ugly.

Seeing that the five-minute time has come for the hot pot with red wine, he turned his head back confidently and asked everyone.

“How did you choose?”

“After you left today, we really went our separate ways. If our hot pot city re-emerges in the future, everyone…”

This is obviously a vicious threat!

When the people who had planned to leave when they heard these words, they were all lost in thought…

After all, people are animals with strong vanity. Being in such a powerful group is definitely beneficial to oneself. Not only in battle, but also in popularity, you will definitely be able to meet many beautiful women.

“Choose your own!”

“I choose whatever you want!”

Seeing no one raised their hands for the hot pot with red wine, he said with a smile.

“Then everyone must work hard in the future to surpass Mengwang!”

Suddenly the next player raised his hand…

The hot pot with red wine frowned, and asked some incomprehension.

“Is there anything you need?”

The player opened his mouth and said: “I want to quit the hot pot city. I feel that I don’t have the original feeling here.”

Seeing this situation with hot pot and red wine, I nodded. Although I felt a little unhappy in my heart, it was still acceptable for more than a thousand people to leave!

“Okay! Let’s go!”

“Is anyone else leaving?”

“Following good people.”

I saw that many players raised their hands one after another.

Seeing this situation with hot pot with Sprite, it was already clear in my heart.

Ever since the No. 1 Guild in the World and the King of Meng completely contempted the hot pot with red wine, the whole person is not good and has completely devoted his heart to how to avenge others.

He doesn’t manage the entire hot pot city at all, and he doesn’t do some meaningful things. In this way, the people’s support is actually lost.

Hot pot with red wine watching many players leave the hot pot city one after another, the whole person is not good…

He didn’t expect that there were so many people who wanted to leave the hot pot city. The hot pot city that everyone believed in before has disappeared…

There are more than a thousand players in Hot Pot City, and now there are only four to five hundred players left.

Lost more than half of the people!

Hot pot with alcohol lamp, seeing this situation and hot pot with Sprite look at each other a little bit, although there is indeed some dissatisfaction in the eyes, but…If you want hot pot city to make a comeback, you really need to leave.

“I really didn’t expect our hot pot city to be so bleak one day…In my heart before, this hot pot city seemed to be very lively. I didn’t expect that everything at the beginning was right and wrong.”

The hot pot with alcohol lamp whispered to the hot pot with Sprite.

Hot pot with Sprite nodded, thinking of the past and the current scene…

Since it all happened, what can I do…

“Let’s let him be quiet.”

“If you want the prospect of Hot Pot City, all we have to do is support.”

Hot pot with red wine angrily shouted at everyone!

“Get out of here!”

“The farther you roll, the better!”

“Why! Why is all this me!”

“It’s all the fault of that King Meng, our hot pot city will definitely not fall under others!”

Everyone saw the very angry hot pot with red wine and didn’t know what to say…

Had to leave the main city in silence.

The matter about Hot Pot City has also risen to slander one in a straight line throughout the forum!

Everyone started to comment on this matter one after another.

First floor: “I’m better than hi. I never thought that this hot pot city would lose more than half of the people one day. In fact, I don’t think this can blame anyone. After all, he himself did not put the hot pot city first… ”

Second floor: “Yes! Although it has been said that all this is for the good of hot pot city, but it is not. He is clearly doing this for his own good. He clearly thinks that King Meng has destroyed himself and saved his face. Lost!”

Third floor: “In fact, this matter is a trivial matter to everyone. Think about it. Think about it, this hot pot with red wine has never made any effort to defeat the cute king of others. Normally, I only know that people are calculating behind their backs. .”

Fourth floor: “How do I feel that the current hot pot with red wine is so miserable? Actually, there is no need for everyone to fall into trouble in such a crisis, but these things are all small things. Well!”

Fifth floor: “What you said upstairs is quite right. The old ones don’t go and the new ones don’t come. But some people are just so paranoid. What can we do? There is only this we can do. Don’t let the trouble go. I wish you all good.”

Sixth floor: “Fifth floor, you think it is too gentle, although it is indeed unnecessary to go to bed, but…Since this incident has all come to light, if you don’t comment, you are really sorry for this slander. Woolen cloth!”

Everyone is discussing…

Early in the morning, the entire forum was extremely lively.

Lin Feng doesn’t like gossip, so he doesn’t know many things. After taking a shower, he continued to sit on the small stool on the balcony, watching the rising sun.

“Why did you get up so early…”

“The sun this morning is so beautiful, you don’t call me either.”

Murong Wuwu God unconsciously appeared behind Lin Feng, and looked at the sunset in the distance, and sat beside him.

The rising warm sun shines on Murong Wuwu’s face, which seems more gentle and lazy, but it also has the vitality of God.

Lin Feng looked at her now and had to say that she was indeed very good-looking.

Seeing Lin Feng staring at herself, Murong Wuwu turned her white face into red instantly, and couldn’t help but began to touch her cheek and asked.

“Is there something on my face?”

“Why are you looking at me all the time… I feel a little embarrassed to see…”

Lin Feng smiled and said, “No, I just think the sun shines on your face just right, it’s very beautiful.”

When Murong Wuwu heard it, he was only slightly beginning to plop and jump carefully. When he praised it like this, his heart seemed to be jumping out!


“what time is it now.”

Suddenly, Murong Wuwu remembered something, and silently turned on the phone, looking at the time…

I don’t know why, but I still want to stay alone with him a little longer.

Lin Feng thought of Murong Wuwu who had a hangover last night and asked with a smile.

“What do you want to eat? This morning?”

Murong Wuwu thought carefully for a moment.

“I don’t know… or you can just do it for me!”

“I think no matter what you cook in the world, I like to eat it!”

Lin Feng heard Murong Wuwu say this, and he really caused himself another problem…

If she can tell the recipe, she can do it herself. She doesn’t say this, but she has to think about…

But after thinking about it, I still don’t know what to do…

Lin Feng asked again: “Are you sure you don’t have anything you want to eat?”.

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