Chapter 292

Murong Wuwu smiled and said.

“Then, do you have any questions for me?”

“How do I feel that you don’t even say a word to me, aren’t you curious about me?”

Lin Feng nodded silently. For him, he would not ask about things that others did not say. After all, if no one wants to say, he must have said it. If he does not say it, he will not ask others to say it. .

“If you want to say something, your feelings must have been open long ago, and only things you don’t want to say will stay hidden in your heart.”

The atmosphere at this time was inexplicably embarrassed by Lin Feng’s words.

Murong Wuwu didn’t know what to say for a while and took the red wine on the table and drank it in one gulp.

They all say to drink courage, this time I have to seize this opportunity, drink more alcohol, be courageous, and then say everything I want to say!

When Murong Wuwu drank glass after glass of red wine, she only felt a fire in her body, and she began to flow out inexplicably.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who was dangling, his face was covered with faint red clouds at the moment.

Looking at her appearance, a faint smile was raised at the corner of her mouth.

Murong Wuwu stood up directly from the stool and patted the table with his hand.

Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, he felt like he was pampering you. He shook his head silently, as if there was a ghost, silently shook his head and pointed at Lin Feng at the moment.

“I actually have a lot of things I want to tell you, and I have a lot of things I want to tell you, what I want to say…”

The swaying Murong Wuwu stood in front of Lin Feng. 16 For a moment, she didn’t even know what she was going to say, what she had always wanted to say.

At this moment, I couldn’t remember all of them, and the words that I had already thought of to say seemed to disappear at the moment I was about to tell him.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu now and quickly helped her on the stool.

“I told you not to drink so much red wine. It’s all right now. Do you feel dizzy and brain swollen?”

Murong Wuwu turned his head to look at Lin Feng who was supporting him, nodded, and said with a small mouth.

“How do you know, how do you know that I am dizzy now, I feel so uncomfortable now.”

“I’m sleepy.”

After speaking, he hugged Lin Feng and rubbed his abdomen with his head.

Not to mention how uncomfortable this feeling is, Lin Feng felt a strange feeling.

Seeing Murong Wuwu who is constantly rubbing her head against her, and feeling helpless in her heart for a while, what else can be done.

After all, she has drunk so much wine, she can’t throw her directly on the balcony, and more importantly, it is to accompany her to step on her own home.

Murong Wuwu seemed to think of some accusation at this moment Lin Feng said.

“I remember, I remember so little, I want to tell you that you are in my heart…”

“In my heart…”

Although not infallible, I felt once again that what I wanted to say had disappeared.

Lin Feng silently picked her up from the stool and carried her back to his room.

Murong Wuwu lay on the bed, pouting her mouth, and said.

“Can you sleep with me? I don’t like to sleep alone. Besides, I have never slept here. I want you to accompany me, or I am afraid.”

Today’s Lin Feng only feels that Murong Wuwu is playing a hooligan.

But looking at his pitiful little face, he was very soft-hearted towards women.

I was touched by her again, and finally nodded silently. It seems that now, I can only wait for her to leave her after falling asleep.

Lin Feng sat next to him, Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng, and tightly grasped his arm.

“In this case you won’t leave me.”

After speaking, he closed his eyes silently, and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Feng only felt that her arm was numb when she was holding it, so she silently released her hand, stood up and stretched her waist.

But looking at the shepherd at this moment is infallible, I don’t know why it seems that I have the same feelings for her in my heart.

Lin Feng returned to the game compartment after taking a shower and started playing games.

Re-boarded the second world and came to the main city.

Taking advantage of the present time, you can also go for a fight, personal battle.

Lin Feng came to the world’s number one martial arts conference, and the system showed it.

“Does the player King Moe want to participate in the personal battle of the World’s No. 1 Dance Conference? Round 11?”


Suddenly, she disappeared like a ray of light in the main city and came to the martial arts arena.

Because it was in the middle of the night, very few people came to watch Lin Feng’s battle, almost very few. There were only a few players watching on the huge dance arena.

These people are really their own fans, and they have not been offline so late to watch their battles.

When several players saw King Moe coming to fight a personal battle, they all clapped their hands.

“I didn’t expect to see King Meng fight a personal battle in the middle of the night. It’s really such a happy thing. I actually ran into it.”

“It is estimated that the players in the middle of the night are some kind of masters, after all, aren’t the current masters only coming online in the middle of the night? This can also reduce the chance of everyone meeting a master.”

“I’m not afraid of encountering any masters. After all, no matter how good they are, it is impossible to be better than King Meng. As long as the person you meet during the game is not King Meng, you will definitely have a certain chance of winning.”

“I beg you to be so afraid of other people’s cute kings. They don’t seem to be able to eat people, so why should you be afraid? Really, although they are indeed No. 1 on the 5th list, killing people. Ru Ma, one person can kill the entire hot pot city, but this does not mean that everyone has no chance of winning.”

“I feel that you have already praised King Moe so much. Do you think about anyone who can kill the whole process or the whole process alone? People in Hot Pot City are all afraid of the King of Moe, and they don’t. It’s just a hot pot, and there are also the cute kings of the mad war alliance they are afraid of.”

“Of course, what a powerful person is the King of Cuteness! But do the masters in the middle of the night never sleep? How do I feel that it is easier to meet some masters at night? It seems that in the future, I need to fight in the morning and night. There should be a higher chance of meeting Mengwang.”

“Yeah, yeah, it seems that you said so, I also feel that it is, after all, what time is it now, the chances of meeting Mengwang, how old are all of them, I don’t know, I just finished this time, the battle Who will be the person? But think about it, it must be a very powerful existence.”

“Hey, don’t the usual Moe Kings always play in the game for a long time? I didn’t expect to retreat so early today. Is it possible to do something?”

“You really pay attention to other people’s cute kings, you know everything, you know how to know when they play games, and how to find out.”

“Of course, I am more careful than anyone else.”

“Automatic matching…”

“Automatic matching is complete.”

The opponent comes to reach the martial arts arena.

Now Lin Feng’s reputation has spread inside, so anyone who sees Lin Feng knows who he is, even if he has not seen his personal attributes.

“Gosh, I didn’t expect that I would actually meet King Meng. Doesn’t the great god never sleep at night?”

Lin Feng frowned slightly when he heard what his opponent said. He hasn’t developed his personal attributes yet. Why is he recruiting the King of Meng right now?

God, how is this unique existence?

I saw the opponent clasped his fists and said.

“Also ask the big guy to start, don’t be too heavy, please teach me how to do it, I don’t ask for much, I only hope that I can learn something from the big guy that can make me progress.”

Lin Feng was speechless…

I always feel that my current game is not like the original battle…

Oh my god.

However, in response to other people’s requests to myself, I had no choice but to silently nod and speak.

“Okay, I’ll let you three tricks later.”

The attributes of the two sides appeared in each other’s eyes.

Player: My little sweetheart

HP: 300000

Magic value: 13000

Lin Feng has some doubts about this kind of blood volume and this kind of mana. How did he fight the previous market? How could he be so weak?

The sound of the system rang at this moment.

“The game officially begins and the time counts down.”


Lin Feng stood in front of my sweetheart, staring at him motionlessly, looking at him motionlessly, the aura on his body was even more frightening.

My little sweetheart, watching Lin Feng in front of me frowned again, I don’t know why, I always feel that his temperament has completely crushed his own existence.

Sure enough, the big guy is the big guy, even his temperament can directly crush others, this is really a rare existence.

“The big guy enlightened me. I’m relatively weak. Please don’t put too heavy hands on the big guy.”

Lin Feng is also very speechless about what he said. Does this look like what a big man said? How do you feel so weak.

For a while, my little sweetheart conjured a huge long knife into Lin Feng’s body.

Scorching fireworks appeared on the long knife, and the air seemed to burn.

Lin Feng looked at the long knife draped on his body, and instantly tilted his body slightly back.

I didn’t expect that his long knife would be simply avoided by Lin Feng.

My little sweetheart didn’t think that his continuous injury hadn’t hit Lin Feng’s body.

“How could it be possible to avoid even sustained damage.”

“It’s completely impossible, and his current position of continuous damage between me and myself is also included in it. How can it be possible that there is no blood loss at all.”.

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