Chapter 201


There was a loud noise on the court, and the nine tails behind Murong Sisi went all out! Directly bombarded the blood mist that the strange thief and devil had transformed.


“damn it!”

A damage number appeared, and the strange thief Mojie screamed in a low voice! His incarnation as a blood mist also has a certain damage reduction effect, but he was hit by Murong Sisi’s blow, and he himself was hit hard.

However, his actions in the form of a blood mist were not greatly restricted.

“But as long as there is no way to kill me in seconds, you will die!”

As the figure moved, the strange thief Mojie moved quickly to the side of Murong Sisi. Then his whole body was slightly red, and his hands were in the air, and a red paw print directly faced Murong Sisi’s. Attacked in the past.

Seeing this scene, Murong Sisi was taken aback for a moment, without reacting! She had too little PK experience and was directly hit by the blood red paw print.


Suddenly, Murong Sisi’s blood volume was left with a thin layer. On the other side, the blood volume of Kai Pirate Demon Jie has recovered a lot.


At the same time, after getting close, Kai Tie Mojie did not give up the opportunity to attack again. His race is the blood clan Zero Nine Zero, which is a powerful existence among vampires. He fights by relying on the powerful vampire effect. As long as it is not a spike, he can basically be invincible.

And he is also a hidden profession, Gorefiend, this profession is the perfect use of the characteristics of the blood race, every time he attacks himself, the amount of recovery is almost 60% of the damage, and the amount of blood sucking is huge!


After the blood claw attack passed, the strange thief Mojie released his skills again, and a bloody mist rose from the bottom of his body, directly wrapping Murong Sisi in it.

After being approached by the strange thief Mojie, Murong Sisi became a little panicked! In the Holy City of Qingqiu, she basically did not receive much combat training, and the whole person was directly wrapped in blood mist.



In an instant, but within two seconds, the blood mist has not dissipated!

Murong Sisi’s blood volume has been emptied, the system sounded, she did not perform many of the moves, and was immediately killed!

“You have been killed by the player’Guai Thief and Demon Jie’!”

The screen turned into a gray, and Murong Sisi was angry when he saw the reminder of the resurrection.

“Damn it!”

She gritted her teeth and wanted to resurrect on the spot, but in the end she held it back! Although she herself was a little confused, she also understood that she was not the opponent of Kai Thief Mojie at all.

At least, when the opponent attacked him, Murong Sisi saw his level, level 61! And she is only level 45 now, no, she was killed once and fell to level 44!

On the one hand, Lin Feng was not too surprised to see that Murong Sisi was almost killed by a second!

Her opponent was the president of the No. 1 Guild in North America, and her level was definitely higher than that of Murong Sisi. This kind of player was simply not something that Murong Sisi could deal with.

Moreover, Lin Feng himself does not want Murong Sisi to be resurrected again, and resurrecting again is of little use, and it is basically an existence that was killed by a spike!

On the contrary, it was a novice like Murong Sisi who participated in the war, and it was likely to disrupt his own battle. But seeing that Murong Sisi himself has no idea of ​​resurrection, Lin Feng is also relieved a lot.

“It’s just one-to-two, it’s not impossible to fight!” Lin Feng regained his gaze on the hot pot with red wine, and said lightly.

“Good job!” Seeing the strange thief Mojie killed Murong Sisi, the hot pot with red wine was also excited.

“Let’s take action together and kill King Meng! Even if our mission is completed!”

Said the hot pot with red wine, and then, the strange thief Mojie also showed a smile, and it seemed to him relatively easy for the two to deal with one person!

However, Lin Feng had a big fight in Oumen before, and at this moment, Kai Tie Mojie did not relax his vigilance. He has studied Lin Feng’s skills before, and some skills are terrifying with high damage. If he is hard to follow, even in the blood fog state, he will be killed directly.

However, even if this is the case, the strange thief Mojie is not afraid of Lin Feng. In his eyes, the strength of the players of Oumen is just like that, even if he passes by! Killing those people is nothing, it only takes a little longer at most.

Although the power of the glory of the glory of the guild president of Omen is good, it is not particularly outstanding. It is relatively regular. This kind of player is either powerful and terrible with almost no weaknesses, or just average.

From the performance of the Glory Light, it can only be regarded as mediocre, and Lin Feng is the same! Under the light form, he can also be regarded as a good knight career.

But obviously, Lin Feng is more powerful than the Light of Glory, but in the eyes of the strange thief Mojie, Lin Feng is not so powerful as to be terrifying.

Combine yourself with hot pot and red wine, you may not be able to fight!

Thinking of this, Kai Tie Mojie no longer hesitated, and instead of caring about Murong Sisi’s corpse, he rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

At this moment, the hot pot with red wine in front of Lin Feng launched another attack.

The arm armor on the arm shone with light, and at the same time, the hot pot and red wine eyes turned red, and the whole person looked full of wildness and rage. At this moment, he did not seem to be a human, but more like a beast.

“Status skills!” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up and couldn’t help thinking.

“King Moe, die!”

At the same time, with a roar of hot pot and red wine, he rushed up directly, clenching his fists and directly bombarded Lin Feng.

“Broken empty!”

With a scream, the fist of the hot pot with red wine seems to have grown a lot, and a group of ghosts was born! On the other side, Kai Tie Mojie is rushing, one-to-two, and both of them are relatively strong, Lin Feng dare not to be big.

Hastily dodged to one side.

On the field, a bang!

There was a huge muffled sound. Under the bombardment of the hot pot and red wine, the surrounding air seemed to be turbulent, which made people feel that the punch of hot pot and red wine seemed to have bombarded the space, and even a layer of dust and rotten leaves were rippling. .

The powerful fist wind turbulent, hot pot with red wine is full of joy, this is the most powerful move in his current state, in his opinion, even Lin Feng, being hit by such a punch, will lose at least three points. The second blood.

As long as he makes up a punch, he can kill Lin Feng directly.

“Hehe, King Meng, it’s been so long! You are nothing but that!”

He laughed slyly in his heart, and then, the hot pot with red wine was ready to take advantage of the situation and directly kill Lin Feng.

And just now!


A big symbol rose on Lin Feng’s head, and the hot pot with red wine suddenly looked astonished. ……

“Your punch is very good! But it’s a pity, your speed is too slow!”

Opposite Lin Feng was safe and sound. He walked out directly in the smoke and dust. At the same time, the sword of the archangel in his hand also shone with light.

After changing into the bright saint suit, Lin Feng’s agility has now reached 300. Although the hot pot with red wine profession and race are very strong, they are not without flaws. Agility is one of them!

He struck him with a punch, and before he reached Lin Feng’s front, Lin Feng retreated directly behind him, slammed, and exploded in speed!

The hot pot with red wine immediately suffered a loss in speed. The original vowed punch was bombarded, but Lin Feng was not hit at all.

No matter how powerful the skill does not hit the enemy, it is also a waste skill!

Lin Feng’s counterattack was also very quick. While speaking, the archangel sword in his hand was raised high. At the same time, with a buzzing sound, a sacred light hammer appeared on the top of the hot pot with red wine, and slammed at him fiercely.

The light of the holy hammer flickered, and the hot pot with red wine was suddenly shocked.

But without giving him any time to hesitate or escape, the holy light hammer hit it directly, and with a buzzing sound, the holy hammer settled.

The hot pot and red wine suddenly roared, and directly resisted directly with both hands.


The space around the hot pot and red wine began to tremble, and the strange thief Mojie on one side was also startled, biting his teeth, and rushing directly towards Lin Feng.


A damage number rose up, and then the blood volume of the hot pot with red wine was also emptied. Although hot pot with red wine has damage reduction skills, the skills with the greatest damage reduction are still cooling down.

Lin Feng’s damage was too high, even if he resisted it, the remaining attacks would be enough to kill him! And now, hot pot with red wine is not full of blood! Two moves were killed, obviously he was a little longer than the light of glory.

The picture turned into a grayish white color, but at this moment, the hot pot with red wine is very unconvinced! He was counter-killed because Lin Feng hid from the broken space before!

But if he hits Lin Feng, he is confident that he can kill Lin Feng in an instant!

With a bite, the hot pot and red wine directly resurrected in situ.


A beam of light surged over his corpse. After his resurrection, the hot pot and red wine dropped to level 1. At this time, being humiliated before Longyuan City seemed to be surging in his heart again.

“King Moe!”

The hot pot and red wine roared again, and then his whole body began to change, a red blood ray surging, the hot pot with red wine, the whole body began to swell, and the solid muscles bulged. Red wine hair also grows quickly.

In just a few seconds, the hot pot and red wine turned into a giant with a height of three meters, and at the same time his limbs turned into sharp claws. It is not so much a giant, it looks more like a head that can walk upright. The giant lion, at the same time, the armor on his arms has also changed, turning into a pair of sharp claws!

Strong and full of explosive power!

The incarnation has become the form of the King Kong Lion King, and the hot pot with red wine feels unprecedentedly powerful.

“Smashed him with one claw!”

Hot pot with red wine is full of hatred in his eyes, and he stares at Lin Feng, who is fighting against the strange thief Mojie! .

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