On the outskirts of Stone City.

Teleport town.

A tense atmosphere spread.

In the ruins behind, an ancient god actually appeared. This was something that no one present had expected.

Some people suggested blocking the winding path immediately to prevent the ancient god from coming out.

Others advocated opening the winding path to surround and kill the ancient god.

The temptation of the ultimate power is too great!

Legend has it that the realm above 9 stars is the ultimate realm!

In the history of this world, there have been ultimate strong men, and it is not an unfounded rumor.

At this moment, the high-star strong men guarding this place quickly split into two camps.

Only the strong men in the Council of Elders have not expressed their views.

"Elder Li, what is your attitude? Please express your opinion!"

Someone began to ask.

If the Council of Elders did not express its opinion, no one would dare to act rashly.

The Council of Elders was too strong.

Moreover, it was the official orthodoxy.

The person asking the question was a member of the war faction.

Their idea was to open the winding path, let the ancient gods out, and then surround and kill them to seize the ultimate power.

Li Wanshan glanced at the man coldly, his eyes widened, and he chopped him directly with a knife.


Under the fierce knife energy, a sonic boom exploded!


A scream rang out.

The opponent was horrified and quickly flew back.

He never expected that the people from the Elders' Council would attack without saying a word.

Even though he dodged quickly, his arm was still cut off by a knife.

If he hadn't dodged in time, I'm afraid even his head would have been cut off.

This man is a serious 7-star strongman, but he was severely injured by Li Wanshan's knife. The other strongmen around were all horrified and alert.

They quickly distanced themselves from the people from the Elders' Council and never dared to approach them easily.

"Elder Li, what do you mean by this?"

Someone immediately asked

"What do you mean?"

Li Wanshan sneered, his eyes sweeping over all the high-star masters present.

"This time I came to Shicheng, I represent the Council of Elders!"

"And this person dared to ask me, this kind of behavior of provoking the Council of Elders, what's the harm in beheading him?"

The man with the broken arm immediately shouted loudly:"I didn't! Li Wanshan, I just want to know the attitude of the Council of Elders."

"You still dare to quibble!"

"Does the Council of Elders need to report to you for its actions?"

"Come here!"

Li Wanshan shouted angrily:"Execute this man on the spot! I want to see who dares to challenge the Council of Elders!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking

, a group of young 6-star masters rushed out from the crowd of the Council of Elders.

The faces of the other masters around changed, and finally they did not dare to stand up to stop them.

Seeing this, the 7-star master with a broken arm showed despair:"Asshole! You asked me to ask, why don't you save me now? Patrolman Lei, help!!!"

It turned out that this person was a person planted by the alliance.

And Patrolman Lei didn't dare to move, because a large group of masters from the Council of Elders were locking on him. If he dared to move, he would die!


Puff Puff~~~


In despair, this 7-star warrior was surrounded and killed by a group of 6-star young men from the Elders' Council.

After killing the man, these young men looked at other high-star warriors fiercely.

These people are all senior students of the Imperial Capital Island Master College.

Do you remember what Xu An said to those rich second-generations in the newcomer assessment area before?

He said that in recent years, there have been several fierce young people seeking change in the Imperial Capital, and they are talking about this group of people.

Seeing that no one dared to look at him, the leader of this group of young people used the tip of the knife to pick up the head of the 7-star warrior and sneered:"Haha, 7 stars, nothing more than that! Elder, this waste has been killed, who will be killed next?"

A large group of young people following him all looked at the high-star warriors around them with great excitement.

Although they are only 6 stars, and even many of them are 5 stars, they dare to surround and kill 7-star warriors. It must be said that they are really fierce and crazy.

Li Wanshan waved his hand:"There is nothing for you to do for the time being, go down, don't make trouble without my order!"

"Hey, yes, elder."

He glanced at the strong men around him again, and all the young men retreated.

Li Wanshan stood up again, facing the strong men from all directions, and said loudly:"The attitude of the Elders' Council is very simple!"

"I don't care what your intentions are towards that ancient god, it's up to you!"

"After all, cutting off someone's opportunities is like killing their parents. If Dragon Country wants to develop, talents are indispensable. The Council of Elders will not do that!"

"We, the Council of Elders, are the official! The only thing the official cares about is the people!"

"I don’t care how you do it, but you must be responsible for your own actions!"

"If you release the ancient gods and cause a large number of casualties... Humph! Even if you run to the ends of the earth, you can't escape death! Do you understand?"

Hearing this, the strong men around nodded.

So that's it, the Elders' Council has no interest in the ancient gods.

That's good, there's no need to worry about the Elders' Council taking the lion's share.

Now, the strong men immediately knew the limit.

"Set up the barrier!"

"Yes! Using a barrier to surround this area should be the safest way."

"If this is the case, then the ancient gods will definitely not be able to break the barrier we have set up together!"

"That being said, if the ancient gods were killed or captured alive, how would the benefits be divided?"

"Isn’t your question nonsense? Of course it’s based on contribution!"

"What if someone keeps it all for himself?"

"Keep it all for yourself? Haha, you're overthinking it, unless he doesn't want his whole family anymore."

"Don't worry, even if you get the ultimate power, you won't become stronger instantly. There are so many people here, no one dares to take it all for themselves, not even the alliance!"

"That's true."

"still have a question"


"How should we respond to the will of the ocean?"


When the ocean will was mentioned, everyone fell silent instantly.

Xu Xingwu's experience had been heard by all the high-star masters.

Before, only a few top masters knew that the ocean will had been devouring the strong among humans.

But in order to save his lover, Xu Xingwu broke through to the 9th star in Shicheng regardless of the consequences, making everyone realize the cruelty of the ocean will.

It turns out that it is not that humans cannot give birth to 9-star masters, but that all the masters who have entered this stage have been devoured.

At this moment.

When asked this question suddenly, everyone looked up at the sky.

Someone hesitated, and asked tentatively:"Everyone, this place is not an ocean world. Even if it can spread along the teleportation light gate, can we work together to resist it?"


"I haven't tried it."

No one could give an accurate answer.

At this moment, a hearty voice rang out from the direction of the Battle Axe Auction House.


"Outside the ocean world, as long as you exert the power of 8 stars, you can resist the devouring force!"

"The reason why Brother Xingwu died before was that he had no more attachment to the"

"Everyone, how about letting me, Li, have a share?"

Everyone was startled and looked towards the place where the voice came from.

When they saw it, they were shocked.

It turned out that the strongest person of Tomahawk had come.

8-star strongman, Li Zhan!!!

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