"Island Master Wang Xuan……"

""You, you knew each other before?" the young assistant asked weakly.

Wang Xuan didn't notice anything unusual and nodded:"Yes, we knew each other a long time ago. By the way, how did you enter the ruins?"

"Yes, he was caught~"

The assistant quickly told Wang Xuan what happened before.

Wang Xuan was amazed.

The assistant was actually related to the mermaids, which was something Wang Xuan never expected.

Wang Xuan knew about the mermaids.

During his three years in high school, the teacher specifically mentioned this race in the key unit.

In the ocean world, there are three major races that cannot be easily provoked.

1. Ancient species.

2. Fantasy beast species.

3. The mermaids.

Needless to say, the ancient species is the overlord of the ocean world, and no one dares to mess with them.

The mermaids are also very strong, and the mermaids are not a single group.

There are almost mermaids in every large sea area.

They are various fish Pokémon in ancient times, and after combining with humans, a new generation of species was born.

Anyone with mermaid blood can be collectively called a mermaid.

Then there are the mythical beasts.

The mythical beasts are quite special and only appear in the Thousand Illusions Sea.

The Thousand Illusions Sea is a very scary place. Its area in the ocean world spans from 5 to 7 stars.

The surface of the Thousand Illusions Sea is shrouded in fog all year round, and there are trees that cover the sky and the sun, rooted in the seabed and growing above the sea surface.

Wang Xuan has only seen the Thousand Illusions Sea in textbooks. It is a place explored by high-level adventurers, and new adventurers should not even think about it.

After asking about the specific situation of the mermaids and confirming that the assistant was not deceived by the mermaids, Wang Xuan felt relieved.

Then, he looked at the meow that followed him.

"If I'm not mistaken"

"Are you Meow Meow?"

"Tell me, what's your situation?"

"If you dare to lie to me, I'll twist your head off."

Wang Xuan threatened it, and it quickly hid behind the assistant.


"Don’t hit me, meow~"

It showed half of its head from behind the assistant:"I’m a good meow, I’m not following Team Rocket to do bad things anymore, meow~"

Team Rocket!!!

Wang Xuan was stunned, his eyes froze instantly.

"Do you know Team Rocket?"

Wang Xuan glanced at the assistant and Tang Xue.

After thinking for a while, he decided not to avoid them and asked the meow directly.

"This world is indeed a Pokémon world, right?"

"Meow, yes, meow~"

Wang Xuan continued to ask

"So where is this place? Is it Hoenn?"

"No, meow, this seems like a crack in the world, meow~"

"The gap between the world……"

Wang Xuan fell into deep thought.

The gap between the worlds is actually a small space opened up in the void.

This small space often needs to be attached to a super-large main world.

"A crack that can create a world……"

Wang Xuan took a deep breath and asked,"Did Palkia do it?"

"Meow, I don't know.~"

""I'm just a meow~"

It looked at Wang Xuan pitifully."

Don't ask me, I'm just a meow who eats and sleeps, I don't know anything."

Wang Xuan was too murderous, and it was very scared.

It actually wanted to run away, but was afraid of the danger outside.

That guy Machado was going crazy, and I didn't know who let him out. What if this meow was killed by him?

And those bad frogs and poisonous skull frogs that suddenly appeared, this meow can't beat them.

At this moment, this meow tried hard to act obedient. It was very afraid that Wang Xuan would hit it, and it hoped that Wang Xuan could temporarily protect it for a while.

I will run away when that madman Machado stops going crazy, that's what it thought.

After hearing the meow's answer, Wang Xuan did not let it go easily.

A meow that can speak human language, knows Team Rocket, and even knows that this space is a crack in the world.

Wang Xuan guessed that this meow was probably a survivor from that era.

How could Wang Xuan let this kind of living fossil go?

"Keep answering me, is this Hoenn?"

"No, meow~"

"Then why do the red and blue orbs appear here?"

"I don't know, maybe it was stolen.~"

"Did you steal it?"

"No, meow~"

"No? Your eyes tell me that you are lying!"

Wang Xuan clenched his fists, and his joints made a crackling sound:"The lying Pokémon will be killed by me!"

"I, I don’t have any, meow~"

Meow Meow panicked.

"Meow, it really wasn't me who stole it. I was on guard outside at that time. It really wasn't me who stole it.……"

As he was talking, Miaomiao suddenly realized that he had let something slip.

He wanted to stop talking, but Wang Xuan had already heard it.


"Were you on guard at that time?"

Wang Xuan chuckled:"Your accomplices are Musashi and Kojiro, right?"

Meowth didn't dare to answer, and quickly covered his mouth with his paws, and dared not speak nonsense again.

The red and blue orbs of the Hoenn Twin Gods were indeed stolen by it and its accomplices.

But its accomplices were not the Rocket trio.

Because at that time, Kojiro and Musashi had died in the riot of the Ultra Beasts.

Only Meowth was left of the Rocket trio.

At that time, the Pokémon world had entered the final stage of collapse.

The Rainbow Rocket Team occupied the Aether Foundation and completely mastered the technology of the other world. They opened a large number of Ultimate Channels in the Pokémon world.

At that time, the death of Musashi and Kojiro made Meowth completely wake up.

It decided to change its ways and stop Boss Sakaki's plan.

It used the machine that created Mewtwo to successfully copy itself.

The clone After Meowth appeared, Meowth immediately took it to the Mount Sending God.

The orbs of the three gods of Hoenn have always been enshrined on the top of the Mount Sending God.

In order to prevent these orbs from falling into the hands of the Rainbow Rocket Team, Meowth sneaked into the Mount Sending God.

At that time, the exclusive orbs of Rayquaza had been taken away by the Meteor People, and they only stole the red and blue orbs.

At that time, they were about to escape, but a new Ultimate Passage suddenly descended on the Mount Sending God.

In order to prevent the red and blue orbs from falling into the hands of evil forces, Meowth actually used his body to forcibly block the Ultimate Passage for a few minutes.

It was during these few minutes that the clone Meowth successfully escaped.

Since then, the clone Meowth has been hiding alone with the red and blue orbs.

It was not caught until the Pokémon world was completely destroyed.

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