At this moment.

The twin gods of Hoenn roared continuously.

Although they were only illusory soul forms, the terrifying destructive power they displayed was not something that ordinary people could easily resist.

This was the legendary beast!

Being caught in a hunting net, being fished out by someone... did not exist!

The power of the legendary beast could easily cause mountains to collapse and the earth to crack, and rivers to turn upside down. Ordinary adventurers could not resist it at all!

In the sky, heavy rain was pouring.

Kyogre, who had returned to his original state, changed the weather to heavy rain.

But the next moment, Groudon revealed the power of the origin, and the heavy rain instantly turned into a sunny day.

The weather in this sea area was completely disordered.

The sun was high in the sky one moment, and heavy rain was pouring the next moment.

This terrifying power frightened the adventurers around and made them tremble.

"Damn, what the hell is going on!"

"Boss, what should we do now? Those two big guys seem to be the ancient species in the legend!"

"Do you want to catch these two guys? I heard that the ancient species is very rare. If you can catch them as contracted beasts, your combat power will definitely soar!"

"Ah! Look! That guy seems to be Wang Xuan from the Solo Adventurer group. Could this guy also want to subdue these two ancient species?"

"Hurry up and catch up with him! These two ancient species are ours!"

There are actually some daring adventurers who are eyeing the twin gods of Hoenn. They are really courting death!

As Wang Xuan rushed towards the twin gods of Hoenn, these adventurers quickly caught up with Wang Xuan.

In the crowd, a short-haired boy was also very excited and was about to fly up and catch up. However, the boy's grandfather suddenly had a brain collapse and pushed him back.

"Grandpa, why are you hitting me!"

The young man was very dissatisfied:"If I don't rush over quickly, the ancient species will be snatched away by others!"

The old man glared and cursed:"Why are you rushing over? Are you looking for death? Ancient species? Damn, idiot! These two ancient creatures are obviously ancient gods at first glance, and they are still holding ancient species, aren't they stupid!!!"

This old man is the old pirate.

This young man is naturally the young pirate who appeared before.

The two of them are actually mixed in with the scattered people.

At this moment, hearing what his grandfather said, the young pirate widened his eyes and said in disbelief:"Ancient, ancient gods? No way! Grandpa, I can actually meet two gods at once? Are you mistaken? Isn't it said that the ancient gods are almost dead?"

The old pirate squinted at the sky and said solemnly:"It can't be wrong! This pressure that almost scared me to pee is exactly the same as the feeling when I saw the white god when I was young!"

As he said, he cursed again:"You disobedient turtle grandson! I usually tell you to read more and not get carried away when doing things, but now you even dare to attack the gods. You are so stupid that I want to lock you up and beat you up!"

The pirate boy said weakly,"Grandpa, stop scolding me. If I am a turtle grandson, then you are not a turtle grandpa...ah, stop hitting me, stop hitting me, I was wrong!"

The boy was hit hard on the head several times again, and he said depressedly,"Grandpa, stop hitting me on the head all the time, or I will become stupid. Grandpa, since this is an ancient god, what should we do now?"

"what to do……"The old pirate hesitated for a moment and said reluctantly,"Run! We have no choice but to run!"

"If there was only one god, I might have the guts to fight for it, but now there are two, I have to run!"

Then he glanced at the adventurers following Wang Xuan and sneered,"Those idiots are courting death! They dared to attack the gods, they are doomed!"

"You, don't learn from them! Now follow grandpa and stay away. When they are all dead, we will come back to pick up their bodies!"

The old pirate immediately fled with his grandson.

Before leaving, he looked at Wang Xuan deeply.

Boy, you give me the feeling that you can actually compete with the gods...

Now I will wait and see. If you can really compete with the gods... Haha, I will come back, old man!

Holding the pure white feather in his arms, the old pirate and his grandson quickly fled from here.

He didn't just pick up the feces of the beast back then.

There was also a feather of the gods in the feces!


In the sky,

Wang Xuan stepped on the scabbard of his sword.

He was slowly approaching the area where the two gods were fighting.

Although he intended to save people, Wang Xuan did not rush in without thinking.

Wang Xuan could not resist the might of the beast.

In his mind, strategies emerged one by one.

"The original Kyogre returned to the water attribute"

"If I have a sea slug or a swamp king, I should be able to fight"

"The original Groudon has both earth and fire attributes, and is 4 times weaker than water, so it is easy to restrain."

"However, the most crucial point is that this is not a game!"

Wang Xuan sighed:"In real life, Pokémon, facing such a terrifying existence as the legendary beast, have almost lost the courage to face it, let alone fight it."

Wang Xuan calculated silently.

With the resources in his hands, how should he save the assistant and Tang Xue?

Otherwise... pay with his life?

Wang Xuan had a fierce idea.

These adventurers should not know that Groudon and Kyogre are mythical beasts.

They dared to follow me, they must have had some luck. What if I spread false information... and guide these idiots to attack Groudon and Kyogre? In Wang Xuan's heart, he silently calculated the success rate. Can these adventurers and the two gods of Hoenn be defeated? As for whether they will be wiped out... Wang Xuan said coldly, die!

Anyway, you adventurers don't have any good intentions! What if I kill you all? In his heart, Wang Xuan's thoughts became more and more violent. Just die! As long as I can save the people I care about, the life and death of others have nothing to do with me? Unconsciously , Wang Xuan's thoughts became more and more violent.

���The more extreme


Deep in the sea.

In a ruin deep underground.

Here is an abandoned monitoring room.

Someone is using a special device to monitor everything on the sea.

A man in a water blue uniform is talking to someone from another time and space through a communication screen.

"My Lord, the Twin God Orbs have been activated."

"But the remains of Kyogre and Groudon have not been found yet."

"This is a presumptuous question, but are the legendary twin gods of Hoenn really dead?"

"And... everything we do will cause the world to fall to the brink of complete destruction."

"all of these……"

"Is it really worth it?"

On the screen, the middle-aged man frowned and scolded:"Foolish! How can we welcome a new world if the old world doesn't end? Do you still have illusions about the old world?"

The man in front of the screen hesitated and replied:"Yes, a little bit……"

"Then you go to hell!"

The middle-aged man on the screen suddenly turned fierce.

He actually took out a treasure ball across the screen.

"If you still have illusions about the old world, you are not worthy of joining us!"

"Come to the reverse world and repent, incompetent mediocre person!"


The Pokéball on the screen suddenly burst into scarlet light.

The man who asked the question screamed, and his entire soul was sucked into the Pokéball through the screen.

The scarlet light disappeared in an instant, and the man who lost his soul fell to the ground.

On the screen, the middle-aged man took back the「GS」After a light laugh, he continued to speak to the empty monitoring room:"The trash in this world is really unreliable!"

"Then, I'll have to leave the rest up to you, Machado!~~~

There was a slight sound.

In the empty monitoring room, the void fluctuated.

A dark shadow floated out from the darkness.


It nodded to the middle-aged man on the screen.

Then, following the shadows of countless objects, it instantly disappeared from the spot.

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