The blazing sword of the cliff, spanning more than 20 miles, fiercely slashed at the aqua-blue giant beast in the storm!

This giant beast was Kyogre.

At this moment, it was in its spirit form.

It had already gathered a large amount of water curtains in the hurricane.

These water curtains were not used for defense, but quickly gathered to form a deep blue wave.


A huge roar sounded.

Kyogre is also a top-level beast!

Facing the Cliff Sword, how could it passively defend?

It also has a special move of the same level that can resist the Cliff Sword.

At this moment.

The waves gathered around its body quickly surged and overlapped.

An extremely terrifying water curtain gradually formed.

Root Fluctuation!!!


Another roar.

Kyogre opened his huge mouth and slammed the terrifying waves towards the Cliff Sword.


The next moment.

The two strongest attacks collided with each other.

The Cliff Sword was extremely hot, almost cutting off everything!

The root fluctuations, however, counterattacked, with an endless and overwhelming momentum, trying to...���The Sword of the Cliff was completely extinguished.

The root fluctuations, water attribute.

The Sword of the Cliff, ground attribute.

Water restrains the ground.

Originally, it should be like this.

But when the two powerful attacks collided fiercely.

The interior of the Sword of the Cliff actually burst out with a jet-black light again!

An extremely powerful aura escaped from the interior of the Sword of the Cliff.

The trembling power of the origin completely erupted!

This Sword of the Cliff... actually contains the fierce power of the origin!

With the blessing of the power of the origin, the attribute restraint is directly invalid!

I heard that the water system restrains the ground system?

You fathead fish, you want to use the advantage of the field to gather the boundless power of the ocean to suppress me?

Boom boom boom~~~~

A deafening roar spread across the sea.

The Cliff Sword split the water curtain of the origin wave in half on the spot.

Then, with undiminished might, it slashed fiercely on Kyogre's huge head as if teleporting.

Even though it was now an intangible body in the state of a soul, it was slashed by Groudon's Cliff Sword and screamed miserably.

A crack completely appeared on the head of the Lord of the Sea.

This sword almost took its life!

The power of origin is too strong!

Groudon entered the origin state, but Kyogre did not.

Groudon directly suppressed Kyogre with the posture of reverse attribute!

After a successful attack, Groudon roared wildly.

Boom boom boom boom~~~

It moved its huge body and began to run.

It wanted to seize the opportunity to kill Kyogre completely!

Puff, puff, puff!!!

Every time it ran, the ground would crack under its feet.

Wherever it ran, the sea water would quickly recede.

At this moment, the Lord of the Earth was driving away the sea water!!!


At the same time.

On the sea surface.

At this moment, Wang Xuan and a group of independent people were still fighting with adventurers from various forces. There were unexpectedly many ancient objects buried here.

In addition to those gems of various attributes, more and more ancient objects were excavated.

The people from various forces were all angry and must drive out all the independent people and take back all the spoils.

"Everyone, stop standing by and watching!"

"I, the Water God Palace, am willing to mobilize all of our elite troops to completely wipe out this group of vagrants!"

"Humph, it should have been done long ago!"

Someone snorted coldly and quickly stated:"We, Baihua Biological, are also willing to fight with all our strength, but we have to make it clear in advance that of the various ancient medicinal plants here, Baihua Biological will take at least 30%!"

"No problem!"

The parties quickly reached an agreement

"We, Blue Ocean Technical School, agree to the distribution agreement!"

"We, Ningzhou Heavy Industry, also agree to the distribution agreement!"

"Ebisu Technology, no objection!"

"Ao Shi Technology, no objection!"


In just a short moment, people from all the major forces reached a strategic alliance.

A large group of independent adventurers were surrounded in the ruins of the ancient amusement park.

Just when the various forces were about to launch a siege, the sea suddenly began to shake violently.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

At this moment, everyone found that the sea surface not far away was shaking violently.

Various sea beasts were fleeing towards them frantically.

The sea water was also churning uncontrollably.

"what's the situation?"

"Why are there so many sea beasts?"

"The sea water seems to be wrong too!"

Before these people realized what was happening, there was a loud bang.

Suddenly, the sea surface in the southwest exploded!


Amidst the roar, a huge aqua-blue shadow flew out from the cracked sea surface.

Then, roar!!!

Another roar sounded.

The sea surface cracked again.

Countless seawater seemed to have evaporated in an instant.

The vast sea area disappeared completely within a few seconds.

The mud on the seabed was exposed.

There were also bottomless cracks that continued to spread from the sea water.

"What the hell?……?"

"Ah, it's magma, be careful!!!"


It's too late.

Someone discovered that magma was coming out from under their feet.

The next moment

, dense cracks appeared in all directions. The sea area where the two sides confronted each other was evaporated in an instant.

The scorching heat enveloped them, and the magma erupted instantly.

Before the two sides had time to fight, they were disrupted by this sudden horror scene.

"Ah, my legs——!"

"No, save me, I'm burned by the lava, save me!"


Although they still didn't know what happened, no one dared to stay here at this moment.

Wang Xuan was also shocked.

"Come back, Leafeon, Mimikyu, and Happiny……"

Wang Xuan collected all his Pokémon into his Poké Balls and fled quickly.

"Single scabbard, lightweight overall!"

""Go at full speed and escape from here immediately!!!"

No more fighting, no way.

This movement is too abnormal!

Who could have thought that such a terrifying change would occur?

While running away, Wang Xuan looked up and saw


"The blue shadow of the giant beast……"

"Why does it look so familiar?"

In the sky, the giant beast seemed to have suffered a heavy blow.

It was still flying backwards uncontrollably.

Its size was so huge that it almost blocked out the sky.


"This is……"

"Holy crap!!!"

"This looks like a pufferfish? ? ?"

Looking carefully,

Wang Xuan finally saw the appearance of the giant beast.

There was fear in his eyes.

Pufferfish is just a nickname.

Its real name is Kyogre!

Kyogre, the master of the ocean, a first-level beast!

At this moment, it actually appeared in the ruins!

Looking at its miserable appearance, it seemed that it was beaten away by someone.

Who else can beat a pufferfish away?

An idea gradually emerged in Wang Xuan's mind.

"This relic……"

"Oh my god, could this be a relic from the Hoenn region?"

"The fathead fish was beaten and flew away……"

""Could it be a battle between the two gods of Hoenn?"

The next moment.


A thunderous roar sounded.

The dry seabed and the earth exploded instantly.

A red figure suddenly chased out from underground.

Seeing this huge red figure clearly, Wang Xuan dropped his jaw in shock.

"I rely on——!"

"It’s really Groudon!!!"

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