The mermaids were celebrating.

Suddenly, several elders frowned, as if they sensed something.

"Lanba, you continue to take care of His Highness."

"Tolia, remember His Highness's diving skills."

After that, several elders left with serious expressions.

After a while, several elders came to the deep seabed.

Here, there was also a large film-like light curtain.

Behind the light curtain was the resting place of the gods.

At this moment, in the large silent building

, a tall tower in the center seemed to flash a faint red light.

Several elders checked for a moment and said solemnly:"That human is still lurking in the realm of God!"

"Yes, I thought she had left long ago, but she is still here!"

"What on earth does that little girl want to do?"

"I don't know. I originally thought that she was here to snatch the divine pearl, but her actions over the past few days did not seem to indicate that she was"

""Great elder, should we go in again and completely expel this human girl?"

The great elder fell into deep thought after hearing this.

Expel... is it that easy to expel?

This human girl came here half a month ago. During this period, they have also gone in to expel her.

But it's useless.

The human girl is extremely powerful. She can easily cross a distance of hundreds of meters with a sword.

If we really fight there, not to mention whether we can surround and kill the human girl, but the terrifying aftermath of the attack will definitely completely destroy the resting place of the gods.

And... this human girl doesn't seem to have done anything excessive.

After she came in, she didn't rush into the core area rashly, nor did she mess up the grass and trees here.

She was just quite strange, sitting cross-legged on the top of the tower, not knowing what she was condensing.

At this moment, seeing the dark red light flashing on the top of the tower, several elders of the mermaid clan were really entangled.

After a while, they still didn't rush in.

Instead, they issued a warning from a distance through the fluctuations of the water.

——Human, we don't know what you are trying to do!

——But we warn you, don't try to take away even a single blade of grass or a single tree from God's realm!

——We will always send people to keep an eye on you. If you dare to touch the things of the gods, you will be challenging our entire grave-keeping clan!

——At that time, even if the God's realm will be affected by the aftermath of the battle, we will definitely kill you!

——You... take care of yourself!

After the admonition, several elders left.

Only one female mermaid elder stayed here.


On the other side, at the entrance to the winding path on the sea surface, the entrance to the winding path was getting smaller and smaller.

It looked like it was about to close.

There were still human adventurers coming out from it.

"Hahahaha, here we are, here we are!"

"Grandpa, is this the ancient ruins? What a big sea, what a big space!"

The pirate grandfather and grandson also rushed in.

The old pirate, a 5-star awakener, is not an island owner.

The young pirate, a 2-star island owner, does not own an island yet.

At this moment.

They were mixed in a large group of individual adventurers and rushed forward quickly.

This group of them came in very late, about half a day later than the first group.

Behind them, a large number of Dragon Guards also rushed in, led by Minister He.

After entering the ruins, Minister He was not so arrogant.

Inside is another space. Although the deterrent power of the Dragon Kingdom is still there, it has It is not as strong as in the outside world.

In the outside world, resisting the Dragon Guards is a blatant rebellion, and will inevitably be hunted down by the authorities.

But in the ruins, it is different.

I killed everyone, who would know that I rebelled against the Dragon Kingdom?

Even if someone knew, what would happen? The entrance to the ruins has been closed, who can catch me?

When the entrance to the ruins is opened again, we will be teleported to the ocean world. The ocean world is so big, I will hide quietly, where can you catch me?

Therefore, in the ruins, Minister He changed his usual arrogant style and became steady.

"Team one and team two are responsible for patrolling the left and right wings!"

"Team three, team four, team five, clear the way ahead!"

"Team six is at the end!"

"The others, gather around me and form a battle formation!"

Under the command of Minister He, the Dragon Guards moved quickly.

The 3,000-strong team instantly took up a battle posture.

No adventurer would dare to provoke such a large force.

Minister He shouted and quickly led his men forward.

More than 3,000 people took out their aircraft and flew to the core area of the ruins.


At the same time.

Outside, Stone City.

As the ocean will retreated into the teleportation light gate.

The winding path that enveloped the entire Stone City also quickly moved here.

At this moment.

Above the teleportation town.

The entrance of the winding path has shrunk to a size of only 1 square kilometer.

After half a day.

The news of the advent of the ancient ruins has been completely spread.

At this moment, the strong men from all forces have rushed here quickly.

The melee between 5-star and 6-star has also ended long ago.

Many 5-star awakeners died, all of them were killed outside the winding path.

There are also many who successfully rushed in, at least hundreds of people.

Of course, many 6-star awakeners also died.

6-star is already among the high stars, and can be respected as a strong man.

But in the previous melee, so many 5-star strong men participated in the battle, even 6-stars could not stop it.

Even the strong man who just entered 7-star had his arm cut off by someone, and was standing aside with a gloomy face.

There are more and more strong men around.

In a moment, several 7-star strong men came.

At this moment, all the strong men looked at a group of people in blue clothes.

This group of people came from the Ocean Alliance and was the highest commander among all the forces present (the Human Command Alliance).

At this time, someone from the Ocean Alliance spoke up.

"Everyone, have all your people arrived?"

The person who spoke was a big bald man.

His name was Lei Long, a 7-star expert!

His position in the Ocean Alliance was an inspector.

At this moment, seeing him speak, the leaders of the major forces present all nodded slightly.

"Patrolman Lei, almost everyone has arrived. I think the time is almost up. This winding path will be closed in 20 minutes. We should quickly announce the ratio of people allowed in."

Hearing this, Patrolman Lei smiled and took out a list.

"In this case, I will announce the admission ratios of the major provinces."

He took out a tablet, looked at the information on it, and read it out loud.

"Beihai Province, 800 people allowed to enter!"

"Yanbei Province, 500 people allowed to enter!"

"Yuehai Province, 350 people allowed to enter!"

"Dongning Province, 150 people allowed to enter!"

"Baiyue Province, 550 people allowed to enter!"

"The emperor is in the province, and 1,200 people are allowed in!"

"Tiannan Province……"

The number of people allowed to enter each province was announced.

The specific number of people is, of course, determined by the number of strong people in each province.

The more strong people there are, the more places there are for admission.

Among them, Dongning Province is the most miserable.

Because of Xu Xingwu's self-destruction, the top strong people in Dongning Province are gone.

The number of people allowed to enter has been directly reduced to 150.

At this moment, all the forces in Dongning Province are glaring at the Thunder Dragon Inspector.

The other party snorted coldly and said arrogantly:"What are you looking at! Are you looking for death? Xu Xingwu is stupid and has implicated your Dongning Province. You blame me?"

He snorted again:"The alliance has already stipulated it! Whenever the ruins are born, in order to prevent the major forces from fighting to the death and causing too much internal consumption among us humans, the number of people allowed to enter is all given by the top strong people in each province!"

"If you in Dongning Province are not convinced, let the strongest come out and talk to me!"

When he said this, the leaders of the major forces in Dongning Province all gnashed their teeth, but could not speak.

After Xu Xingwu left, the strongest people in their Dongning Province were only a few 6-star peaks.

6-star peak... the top powerhouses are at least 7 stars!

And they must be 7-star island masters!

At this moment, there is no second 7-star island master in Dongning Province.

A group of people gnashed their teeth, but they could not refute.

What can they do without the top combat power?

At this time, an old man stood up from the crowd of Dilin Province.

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