At this moment,

Xu Xingwu's momentum continued to rise.

He was already at the peak of 7 stars.

At this moment, he forcibly burned his blood and entered 9 stars, and the world was shaking.

When everyone was paying attention to Xu Xingwu

, the four fragments of the sea map were quietly suspended in the clouds.


They suddenly combined together to form a complete sea map!

At this moment, an upside-down vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

In the vortex, the sea water rolled.

This vortex seemed to connect to another world!

Someone in the crowd recognized the vortex and shouted in horror:"Qu, Qujing!!!"

"My God, a winding path actually appeared in the Stone City!"

The winding path.

It is the place that connects to the realm of God.

Generally speaking, the winding path only appears in the ocean world.

But at this moment, the winding path actually appeared in the real world!

As Xu Xingwu improved, the vortex became larger and larger.

At first, it was only a hundred square meters.

A moment later, it actually increased by 10 times at a speed visible to the naked eye!


100 times, 1000 times, 5000 times... 10000 times!!!


It is getting bigger and bigger. It has the tendency to cover the entire Stone City.

All the clouds were shaken apart and sucked into it.

Such a huge vortex, hanging above the Stone City, is like a giant beast with its canine teeth open, ready to eat people!

At this moment

, in the hurricane,

Xu Xingwu's blood essence has been completely ignited.

He is surrounded by golden light, like an indestructible golden body!

At this moment!

He really stepped into the 9th star!

In an instant.

The power of 9 stars swept across the world.

The pressure was like the sky pressing down on you, like the abyss swallowing you.

Under the pressure of the 9-star strongman, everyone was terrified.

The fear that spread from the depths of the soul made it impossible for you to even think of resisting.

It was as if at this moment, you were being watched by the gods.

If the gods want you to die, you must die!

Wang Xuan was also enveloped by this vast pressure.

There was never a moment when he felt so small.

His legs couldn't help but kneel down.

It was an impulse from the depths of his soul to submit to the 9-star strongman.

Looking around, Wang Xuan was surprised to find that a large number of the dark crowd around him had already knelt down.

Even those 5-star and 6-star strongmen could not resist such pressure.

The power of 9 stars is too terrifying!



I can't kneel!!!

Wang Xuan roared in anger in his heart.

You are a 9 star, so what!

In my life, even my parents have never kneeled, you are just a 9 star, what is that!!!


The violent willpower burst out.

Wang Xuan was about to straighten his back.



With a crisp sound, the bone broke...

The knee was broken on the spot!

The excruciating pain almost made Wang Xuan faint.

"Woo hoo~~~~"

Seeing Wang Xuan injured, Happiny hummed and tried to crawl over.

However, it was also enveloped by the pressure of the 9-star strongman and could not move at all.

Among all the Pokémon, only Kabutops and Mimikyu could still move.


The two brothers roared in anger, but it was useless.

At this moment.

Buzz~ The gem-shaped birthmark on Wang Xuan's chest glowed slightly.

A soft green light emanated, gradually enveloping Wang Xuan.

The broken knee was quickly repaired.

"This is……"

"Another slate is activated?"

Wang Xuan looked at the green light that healed him in doubt.

This time, there was no hint about what slate it was.

But Wang Xuan guessed that it was most likely the emerald green slate.

The emerald green slate is a grass-type slate, so it is normal for it to have healing abilities.

At this moment, with the power of the slate , the pressure from the 9-star masters was instantly dispelled.

Countless people lay on the ground.

Only Wang Xuan and a few other masters stood straight.

At this time, the vortex in the sky had expanded to cover the entire stone city.

The surging waves rolled and roared in it.

In the hurricane,

Xu Xingwu's body began to collapse.

His 9-star power only lasted for a few minutes.

The ocean will began to devour everything he had.

At the same time, above the stone city, time and space began to distort.

A woman's figure slowly emerged.

She was not very beautiful, but simply wore a combat uniform.

After she appeared, she was a little dazed.

It was not until she saw Xu Xingwu in the hurricane that she seemed to understand what had happened.

And Xu Xingwu just looked at her and smiled happily:"Ayin……"

He called out her name softly, and the collapse of his body had already spread to the corners of his mouth.

The woman named Ayin looked at the collapsing Xu Xingwu with a sad look on her face.

"Xingwu, you……"

"Alas, what's the point of living in a world without you~"

Xu Xingwu just smiled happily:"It doesn't matter, your father and your sister are still alive, they, ahem, they miss you too.……"

The ocean will was madly devouring everything he had. He was getting weaker and weaker, and the pressure that suppressed the world was gradually retreating.

He was extremely weak, but still smiled:"Ayin, in fact, as long as I can see you again, I, ahem, I will be satisfied.……"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body completely disintegrated into dust.

However, the soul power of a 9-star warrior was too strong.

Although his body had been annihilated, his soul instantly turned into a human form, still standing in the void, happily looking at his beloved woman.


In the crowd.

When Xu An saw the woman's face clearly.

His original anger turned into shock:"Auntie...……?!"

""My father is actually with my aunt... not!!!"

He didn't want to believe it was true.


Why did it turn out like this!!!

My aunt, actually... actually with my father... not!!!

At this moment, he was about to collapse.

In fact, he didn't know that his father and his aunt were a couple back then.

Although his mother also liked his father very much.

But his father only liked his aunt.

In that battle, his aunt died to save his father.

Before she died, she asked Xu Xingwu to take care of her father and sister on her behalf, which led to his birth.

The past was still vivid in his mind, and it was not his aunt's fault. It was obviously his aunt who came first.

Whether it was meeting his father, becoming lovers, or swearing a vow to be together for life... it was his aunt who came first.

His mother came later.

At this moment.

Xu An could not accept this fact.

He was filled with grief and indignation, wailed, and completely fainted.

At this moment.

The suction force of the upside-down winding path in the sky was getting stronger and stronger.


With a loud bang.

The center of the vortex suddenly opened.

The passage connecting the two worlds was completely connected.

At this moment.

The ancient ruins suddenly opened above the stone city!

Someone reacted and rushed in quickly.

The others were stunned, and they immediately understood.


"Holy shit, the ancient ruins actually opened in the real world... Go, go!!!"

"Quick, contact the head of the family! We, the Hundred Gods, must not return empty-handed from this relic!!!"

At this moment, the ancient relic descended.

The Stone City fell into complete chaos.

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