At this moment, the 7-star island owner appeared in Shicheng!

Everyone was oppressed by the momentum of the 7-star strongman, like a small grass in a hurricane.

Just now, Xu Xingwu's punch directly blew up the island of an evil island owner.

The island was destroyed, and the person died directly in Shicheng.

He wanted to take advantage of the chaotic situation here to reap the lives of millions of people and refine an evil method.

Unfortunately, the 7-star strongman was here and killed him on the spot.

At this moment, countless people took a breath of cold air.

7 stars!!!

Ma Yunzhong, the 6-star strongman of the Deep Blue Group, saw Xu Xingwu's figure and instantly had the urge to escape.

Although the Deep Blue Group and Xudong Heavy Industry did not have any grudges.

But in front of a 7-star island owner, releasing the fog that enveloped the entire city, what if the other party thought it was a provocation...

This kind of means is more than enough to restrict the same level, but wanting to restrict a 7-star strongman... Dreaming!

6 stars and 7 stars, there is a world of difference!

What's more, Xu Xingwu is still a 7-star strongman.

He has a strong combat skill in ancient martial arts, and he dares to fight even if he meets an ordinary 8-star island owner.

In front of such a powerful 7-star expert, Ma Yunzhong dared not be presumptuous.

It was just that people didn't bother with him before.

If people really cared and gave him a punch... the evil island owner who tried to fish in troubled waters and blood refine the whole city just now would have the same fate!

At this moment.

Xu Xingwu has come to Tomahawk.

He showed up directly and asked for the fragments of the sea map.

Li Na was stared at by his eyes, and her heart was trembling.

Behind her, six old men stood up silently.

""Master Xu, my young lady is young, Master Xu is very powerful, please don't scare my young lady."

Xu Xingwu glanced at these old men and was a little surprised:"War slaves?"

These people are all 6-star war slaves!

War slaves are special fighters trained by the Battle Axe Auction House.

Generally speaking, war slaves are responsible for handling some dirty things and will not be easily exposed.

But at this moment, facing Xu Xingwu's oppression, these old men could no longer hide and said bluntly:"Master Xu has a keen eye, we are indeed war slaves, please give my master a face and don't embarrass my young lady."

Li Na was extremely shocked.

She had always thought that these old men were just cleaning.

But it turned out... they were war slaves!

Of course she knew about the existence of war slaves.

But she never expected that there were so many war slaves around her!


At this moment, she thought of her father.

It turned out that her father cared about me so much.

There were only 12 war slaves in the entire Battle Axe.

My father actually arranged half of the war slaves around me.

At this moment, facing Xu Xingwu's forceful request for the fragments of the sea chart, Li Na said:"Uncle Xu, the strong man who took away the fragments of the sea chart before, is it Uncle Xu?"

"If so, although the auction has not ended, it is not impossible to trade in advance, but... you need to pay the auction amount."

With the protection of 6 war slaves, Li Na was still a little scared, but she remembered her father's teachings deeply.

When you are out, you must make more friends!

But the rules cannot be abolished!

Once people have no rules, they have no bottom line!

Nana, I don't want you to be a person without a bottom line!

At this moment, remembering her father's teachings, Li Na also had the courage to face the 7-star strongman.

As soon as she said this, the war slaves were all on guard.

The character of the strong is often different.

They were afraid of Li Na's words and contradicted Xu Xingwu, all of them were on guard against Xu Xingwu's sudden attack.

But Xu Xingwu just smiled faintly:"The person who took the sea chart is naturally me. Here are 420,000 sea crystals and sea chart fragments. Give them to me."

He was actually gentle and elegant, without any arrogance or overbearing intention.

Li Na's words did not anger him.

He threw out a universal capsule, Li Na took it and quickly counted it.

Then, Li Na also threw a universal capsule to Xu Xingwu.

"Uncle Xu, the sea chart is inside"


Xu Xingwu took it and nodded slightly.

After taking out the fragment of the nautical chart, he took out another 3 fragments of the nautical chart in the shocked eyes of the people around him.

At this moment.

The 4 fragments of the nautical chart gathered together in an instant!

It turned out that the other 3 had been in his hands all along!

He gently stroked the nautical chart for a while.

Xu Xingwu's eyes showed determination.

Then, he ordered the people around him:"You, leave here quickly, I want to activate the power of the nautical chart! This place, I am afraid will usher in drastic changes, go!"

He issued a warning with the power of 7 stars, how dare others not listen.

At this moment, countless people began to evacuate.

Although the fog had not yet dissipated, countless people ran out of the city.

Xu Xingwu stood still, just gently stroking the sea chart in his hand.

It seemed that this sea chart placed his great expectations.

After a moment, sensing that almost everyone around had left,

Xu Xingwu sighed lightly and resolutely pieced together the four pieces of sea chart fragments.

The next moment.


The four pieces of sea chart fragments combined, and they actually bloomed with thousands of feet of light. The extremely huge will escaped from the sea chart fragments.

Outside the city, in the direction of the teleportation town.

The teleportation light gate standing between heaven and earth also responded from afar, blooming with extremely violent fluctuations.

The next moment.

The ocean will spread out from the light gate.

After it sensed the movement in the direction of the stone city, it actually climbed up Coming like the god of doom, it is invading the world of the new world.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed.

The tremendous pressure of will gathered from all directions.

In the sky, there was a situation of three wills confronting each other.

One side is the ocean will. The origins of the other two sides are unknown.

It is only known that one of the wills comes from the thousand-year-old snow-capped mountains in the northern province.

The other will comes from the endless sea in the extreme south.

At this moment, the three wills confronted each other in the air above the stone city.

The adventurers within the scope of the stone city felt a great sense of trembling in their hearts.

Some people couldn't even bear it, and they crawled on the ground, trembling and shaking all over.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was also very uncomfortable.

That feeling is indescribable.

It's as if the whole world is divided into three.

And you are being torn apart by the three worlds.


Countless adventurers vomited blood and fell to their knees.

The strange thing was that ordinary people were fine.

Moreover, it seemed that the higher the star level, the more severe the oppression.

Some 5-star and 6-star masters vomited blood. Those with 2 and 1 stars felt much better.

At this moment, the four pieces of the sea chart were completely integrated.

Xu Xingwu finally moved again.

He flew into the sky, looked into the deep sky, and said loudly:"You, are finally here?"

"I heard that if I gather all the sea maps, I can not only open the realm of God, but also talk to you directly and make a request to you. Is this true?"

Thunder rumbled in the sky, as if answering his words.

At this moment, Wang Xuan, who could communicate with the will of the ocean, actually understood the sound of thunder.——

"Tell me, Mom did tell me about this. What do you want to ask for?"

Xu Xingwu, with his powerful soul power across the sky, seemed to understand vaguely that the ocean will was responding to him.

A fiery look suddenly appeared in his eyes!

He was a 7-star strongman, but at this moment, he was like a very happy child.

He said in a trembling voice——


"I want to revive a woman!"

"I want to revive the woman I love most in my life, is that okay?"

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