The city was bustling with people.

Countless adventurers were coming and going.

The news of the conflict in the suburban town had spread to the city.

Countless people were looking at Wang Xuan in amazement.

"Is that guy Wang Xuan?"

"Yes! Look at the photos my brother sent me, there is no mistake"

"This kid is so awesome, he actually dares to compete with Taizilong, so fierce!"

"Really awesome! No wonder he was able to seize the Dark Floating Island during the rookie assessment."

"The person walking next to him should be He Wenhui from the military, right?"

"It was him, but this old guy is now in the Ministry of Education. Haha, my cousin sent me a message saying that this old guy almost killed Prince Long with a single knife in the teleportation town!"

"Hahahaha, awesome, I've heard of this guy's name a long time ago, I didn't expect that he's still so awesome after being transferred to the Ministry of Education!"

"By the way, what do the people in Deep Blue say? It is impossible for Prince Long to just let it go after being humiliated in this small stone city, right?"

"How could he just let it go? He is an unrivalled force in the southern province. Do you think He Wenhui can really shock him?"

"That's right. Those who were present at the time were probably afraid of the Council of Elders. Otherwise, they would have fought back fiercely."

"Ah, forget it, they are coming……"

In the crowd.

Minister He was walking on the street with his team.

The Dragon Guards were clearing the way on both sides, looking very impressive.

As he led the way, he said to Wang Xuan proudly,"Boy, did you see that? The prestige of us officials is really not to be underestimated!"

"No matter who you are, no matter how strong you are! As long as I am here, you have to coil up if you are a dragon, and lie down if you are a tiger!"

"How is it, is it good?"

Wang Xuan was speechless and didn't want to talk.

Minister He hadn't given up yet, and was still tempting Wang Xuan in various ways.

"Boy, look, wherever I go, who dares not give way to me?"

"I'm only a 4-star, not much stronger than that Prince Long. But look, I'm chasing him and chopping him, does he dare to fight back?"

"Fighting back is rebellion!!!"

"Look at the countless adventurers in this city. There are many who are stronger than me. Who dares to talk in front of me?"

"If you dare to beep, you are provoking the authorities!!!"

On both sides of the street, countless adventurers heard his arrogant remarks.

However, there was nothing they could do.

Minister He, who looked like a gangster, was really an official appointed by the government. If you dare to touch him, you will be met with the official iron fist.

In order to show the official majesty, Minister He deliberately took a detour and took Wang Xuan and the assistant to stroll on the main roads in the city.

Wang Xuan looked up at the sky speechlessly.

Minister He, are you so idle?

With your style, are you really not from some gang?

Along the way.

Wang Xuan has thoroughly experienced what arrogance is.

When Minister He acted, he played the official name to the extreme.

Wang Xuan thought to himself, I saw a movie on Earth, in which there was a crow brother who was very arrogant.

But damn, Minister He, you are 100 times more arrogant than crow brother, you know?

You are really awesome!

Aren't you afraid of being hacked to death when you walk home in the alley at night?

After a long detour.

Finally, we arrived at the Battle Axe Auction House.

There were already many people waiting at the door.

When Wang Xuan and his party arrived, the crowd immediately came to greet them

"Minister He, nice to meet you, you are still as good as ever!"

"Hello, little brother Wang Xuan. I am Helan Tiemu from Yanbei Province. I heard that you rejected the invitation from Deep Blue Group. Hahahaha, great! You are indeed a young talent. Then Deep Blue Group is not a good thing!"

"Classmate Wang Xuan, nice to meet you. I am Chen Mengli from Yuehai Province. If you have the chance in the future, you can visit our Goddess Peak. Our peak master is very interested in you!"

"Wang Xuan! I heard that you are in urgent need of sea beast souls? I am Tang Hao from the Tang Clan Arsenal in Tiannan Province. You want sea beast souls to forge soul-stamped weapons, right? If you can pay enough, our Tang Clan Arsenal will definitely forge an extremely powerful soul weapon for you!"

Wang Xuan was stunned, Tang Hao? He couldn't help but asked,"Does your Tang Clan Arsenal use the Clear Sky Hammer to forge soul-stamped weapons?"

Tang Hao was also stunned:"What is the Clear Sky Hammer? The forging technique of our Tang Clan Arsenal uses the soul fire forging method, not the Clear Sky Hammer. I've never heard of it."

"I see……"

Wang Xuan shook his head and smiled. It turned out that this was not the Tang Hao he thought of.

After a while of greetings ,

Li Na invited everyone to the banquet.

Tomorrow, the auction will officially begin.

Tonight, a cocktail party will be held in advance so that people from all major forces can gather together.

Everyone can chat or exchange information.

In short, this kind of cocktail party in the upper class is absolutely indispensable.

And Wang Xuan also plans to inquire about some information that is not easy to spread to the public at this cocktail party.


At the same time.

In the Magic City.

On the top floor of an 80-story building.

Xu An kneeled on the ground, begging his father.

"Father, the auction in Shicheng will start tomorrow!"

"If we rush there now and use the Ocean World Teleport overnight, we will definitely arrive before dark tomorrow!"

"Father, with your 7-star power, it would be easy for you to kill Wang Xuan!"

""The child suffered great humiliation in the ocean world, why is the father so indifferent!!!"

This is the training room.

In the direction where Xu An was kneeling, there was a shirtless man who was hammering a wooden man.

Click, click, click!

The crisp sound of wood hitting each other came.

The shirtless man seemed not to hear Xu An's words.

Xu An's eyes gradually changed from expectation to resentment.

Seeing that his father never responded to him, he finally got angry:"Father! Am I your son?!!""

"Why did you refuse to say a word when I was being humiliated like this?"

"Why do I have a father like you!"

"Why, why!!!"

He roared angrily, why didn't you help me!

You are my father!

You are my blood-thicker-than-water father!

I was humiliated by Wang Xuan like that, why didn't you avenge me!!!

Seeing Xu An screaming in despair, the shirtless man finally stopped his actions.


He turned around.

His bronze skin illuminated by the light was like a mountain pressing down on his head, with an extremely fierce pressure coming towards him.

Xu An was stared at by his eyes, and his resentment was completely shattered. There was only fear and trembling in his eyes.

The man just looked at him for a long time, then sighed and said,"An'er, do you know that you make your father... very disappointed!"

"A strong person shouldn't be like you."

"Go down and reflect on yourself."

"If you still can't figure it out, I'll have no choice but to send you to your grandpa.……"

After saying that, the man no longer paid attention to his only son.

The man turned around, and the feeling of oppression dissipated.

Endless anger surged in Xu An's eyes again.

He stared at the man's back and roared madly in his heart -



You are good, you did a great job!!!

From today on, I, Xu An, will cut off all ties with you!

I, Xu An, do not have a father like you!!! He stood up suddenly.

With raging anger burning in his eyes, he left angrily.

He is going to Shicheng!

He is going to take people to Shicheng overnight!

Father, do you think that if you don't help me, I can't go to Shicheng?

Mother will help me!

I am her most beloved son!

She will definitely help me!!!

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