Chapter 225 Morale can be a variable, the beast ghost purple clouded leopard!

mythical world.

The second most important place, Lingshan -.

Wu Xiuyuan looked at the sharp-clawed pit viper seal rune in front of him.

Just about to laugh!

Although it is very regrettable that I could not obtain mythical items, the seal rune of the demon king is also very good.

Having personally experienced its horror, I naturally know how powerful this sharp-clawed pit viper is!

If it cooperates with the power of the Dragon Alliance, it will be able to break out a terrifying lethality!

Compatibility and strength complement each other.

Sometimes even legendary items can burst with power that is no less than, or even surpasses, mythical items!

This is the variable and possibility of the mythical world!

As a result, this undoubtedly made Wu Xiuyuan’s heart rise again.

With a big wave of his hand, he immediately said loudly:

“Little ones! Hunt down the demon king!”

This time, “Get the final kill for the leader of the alliance, then next time it will be you!”

“When the time comes, the carp will leap over the dragon gate, and it will be the moment for you to take off!”

This… is Wu Xiuyuan’s change!

Hearing Wu Xiuyuan’s words, the other members of the Dragon League seemed to have been beaten.

They are all screaming:

“Yes! The boss is right!”

“Neigh! Woo! The next final kill will definitely be robbed by me!”

“The boss is wise! Long live the boss!”

Wu Xiuyuan didn’t take the initiative to mobilize the 313 members of the alliance, and naturally knew the importance of their representatives!

In other words, because of Li Daoxuan, I have a deep understanding, and I am more able to understand this mood!

Blue Star World.

Dragon country mythology live room.

The bureau seat looked at Wu Xiuyuan in front of the screen, and immediately nodded:


“An attacker, not only attacking his city, attacking his formation, but must have the art of attacking his heart;

The defenders not only finish their walls and strengthen their formations, but they must also guard my qi and wait. ”

If you “keep it like this, you might be able to compete with Li Daoxuan for the true god position!”

After Bingbing and others heard it, they all looked at the seat in amazement.

Because the bureau has always believed that Li Daoxuan is the most likely to obtain the true god position!

Of course this is not blind.

But after analyzing Li Daoxuan’s current steps, no accidents have happened so far, and they are all under his control.

It can be seen from its far lead.

But now, it is such a high praise for Wu Xiuyuan?!

At this time, Lord Bei also nodded and said:

Although “there is no deep research on the bureau, but I also know a thing or two.

“Generals fight on soldiers, soldiers fight on morale.

(acce) “If the alliance has no morale, it means that the general has no soldiers, and such an alliance has no combat power!”

“It’s like a pool of stagnant water, destined to lose its vitality and die!

The bureau’s eyes still stared at Wu Xiuyuan in front of the screen;

“I can’t believe that you still have research in this area, Lao Bei!”

“That’s right!

“The morale of the three armies is low, and the army is vulnerable; the generals have no masters, and the ranks are chaotic and scattered.

Therefore, the highest strategy in the art of war is: to dampen the fighting spirit of the enemy, shake the confidence of victory, and then defeat the enemy without fighting!”

“Don’t look at this moment Li Daoxuan is far ahead, but the myth world is too variable.

“If it can continue to be maintained, then Wu Xiuyuan is a strong competitor of Li Daoxuan!”

After the citizens of the Long Kingdom heard it, they all nodded.

The seat is really worthy of being a seat!

After so much clarity, the people also noticed the difference.

Most of the members of the Dragon League are weak, but when combined together, their strength is exceptionally strong.

This was the case even when there was no Spirit Array at the very beginning!

Because the members of the Dragon Alliance know that if they do not work together.

Then they will be eliminated.

With their weak bloodline, how can they survive in this dangerous mythical world?

Not only is it in danger for itself, but the country is also in danger!

If the Dragon Alliance can’t stay, then which alliance needs them?!

It is because of this kind of oppression that the Dragon Alliance has always been the most united.

This scene in front of me.

The fact that Longmeng can easily kill such a terrifying demon king is the most favorable evidence!

This is also an important reason why James and others attach so much importance to morale!

The world is undecided!

The citizens of the Dragon Kingdom rejoiced, but other countries were not.

after all,

Originally, Li Daoxuan and Yan Xianyi were scary enough, but now Wu Xiuyuan appears again?!

This f*ck!

In one country, there are three such competitors!

National Mythology Live Room:

“Dragon Kingdom Bureau is indeed a powerful person who makes Bald Eagle Kingdom headaches, I have to admire it!”

“Woooooo~ Do you still want us to live?

What kind of great luck did the Dragon Kingdom go through!

First Li Daoxuan, then Yan Xianyi, and now Wu Xiuyuan!

This f*ck competition sucks!”

“Oh, we should be happy!

This is not a team becoming a god, but a single person becoming a god!

If not, do we still have a chance to compete?”

“Humph! Our Lord James’s morale mobilization is also true to Wu Xiuyuan!”

Joke “! The same is true for us Grace-sama!”

Along with the speeches of various countries, Arakuo could not help but remain silent.


I used to feel good about myself, but I never imagined that among the four alliances, the most useless one was King Allah?

Thinking about it carefully, I could not help breaking out in a cold sweat!

Before that, it was just because of good luck!

Now it seems… f*ck!

If nothing changes, the Allah League will be in danger!!!

mythical world.

Wu Xiuyuan led Longmeng to fight bullfighting forward.

He never gave up and finally made him feel relieved!

What if you can’t get mythical items?

As long as it is used properly, as long as the mutual west is completed, it can also explode with power no less than mythical items!

At this moment, Wu Xiuyuan seems to have solved the knot, and no longer expects too much to obtain mythical items!

Now he is thinking about how even weaker epic items can make the most of them!

This is what he wants to think and worry about!

Instead of holding on to mythical items!

White Bear League.

Grace received the task of trading with a legendary civilization.

Legendary – Moyu Black Duck Civilization.

Because of Grace’s outspoken character, coupled with helping the civilization solve its difficulties.

Therefore, the White Bear Alliance can get the help of Moyu Black Crow.

[“Mythical World” Announcement: White Bear Country-Legendary Frost Bear-Grace, complete the task of trading with the legendary civilization, the task is completed to get…mysterious treasure chest][Announcement: White Bear Country – Grace nervously opened the mysterious treasure chest and got rewards…. Mythical growth beast–Phantom Purple Clouded Leopard)

[Personal tip: Mythical-level quadruple heavenly beast, the ghostly purple clouded leopard is good at dark attributes. It is a killer hidden in the dark. It is extremely fast and lethal…)

[Announcement: God Beast Town, White Bear Country National Fortune +1

Life Science and Technology Research in White Bear Country +2%, with the growth of mythical beasts, the research speed of Life Science will continue to increase! 】

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