Chapter 88: Sword Twenty-Three, Born!

“Come on, Brother Hang, this is finally the unnamed senior!

“Let me just say, Wuming is obviously better than Sword Saint. Why did Brother Hang learn martial arts from Sword Saint instead of Wuming? He stayed here?”

“The highest sword, return ten thousand swords to the sect? This move sounds like a full force!”

“Sword One, Kenpachi, Sword Twenty-Two, until Sword Twenty-Three?-Listening to the name, I think this swordsmanship is too perfunctory. Sure enough, the return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect sounds like a higher level!”

“Look, Brother Hang is about to talk about the return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect. He has been together for so many days. On the first day, Wu Ming was so concerned about it. The return of Ten Thousand Swords to Sect must have been smashed into the sky!”

In the past few days, because Lou Hang is practicing the sword of the Holy Spirit and the Juggernaut is in retreat, the live broadcast room in these few days seems to be a lot more deserted than before.

In short, it’s as if a TV series has been broadcast to a flat place!

But now, listening to the conversation between Lou Hang and Wuming, the live broadcast room has become lively and there are many discussions.

I am even more interested in the so-called Return of Ten Thousand Swords!

After all, what Lou Hang has learned means that the whole Long Kingdom has learned it.

It is related to the vital interests of everyone in Long Country, everyone is naturally excited and full of substitution!

Let’s leave it alone for the time being.

At this moment, Wuming does not have the light and breezy appearance of the past, his expression has become a lot of excitement, and he stares at Lou Hang seriously!

“In fact, the secret book of Returning Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect contains only the tricks of some novice swordsmen…

Lou Hang’s posture was decent, his fingers kept moving, and his eyes closed slightly, as if he was peering into the future.

This made Wuming’s brows slightly frowned, and he didn’t believe it.

Returning Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect is the supreme swordsmanship. What is recorded in the cheats is only the swordsmanship of the beginners of the rivers and lakes?

However, although he felt unbelievable in his heart, Wuming did not interrupt Lou Hang’s calculations, and continued to listen patiently.

I saw “Oh, the secret of returning ten thousand swords to the sect, in addition to some beginners’ sword moves, there are also formulas!

“The formula is very simple, only four sentences and sixteen characters!”

“Ten thousand qi regenerates by itself, the sword rushes into the waste hole; Gui Yuan Wuxue, Zong Yuan is a master of skill, these sixteen characters are the only formula in the secret book of Wan Jian Gui Zong!

Lou Hang said this, as if he stopped the calculation and opened his eyes!

“Ten thousand qi regenerates by itself, the sword rushes into the waste hole; Gui Yuan Wuxue, the master of Zonggong?”

Between the nameless eyebrows, the color of thinking is all over, and the mouth is whispering the formula recorded in the secret book of Returning Ten Thousand Swords!

Wuming didn’t expect at all that he would actually have one day, this way to get the secret book of returning ten thousand swords to the sect.

It’s just that there are some differences between this cheat sheet and what you think!

“What kind of mystery is contained in this formula? I didn’t understand it for a while, and it’s up to you, senior!”

Although he knew the prerequisites for the cultivation of Wanjian Return to Zong, Lou Hang didn’t rush to say it.

After all, the answer to this mystery is that when the other party has been comprehending for a long time, and can’t understand it, then speaking it out will make it even more powerful!

The four-sentence formula of four or six words is actually a hidden poem!

If the first word of each sentence is read together, it is the return of the sword to the sect!

And when the third word of each sentence is read together, it is self-defeating martial arts!

Therefore, the prerequisite for practicing Ten Thousand Swords and returning to the sect is to abolish martial arts!


Here, Lou Hang and Wuming are talking about the secrets of returning Wan Jian to the ancestors.

On the other side, the house where the Juggernaut was closed, suddenly, the aura of extinction that had been condensed for many days suddenly broke out.

It’s like getting stuck at the bottleneck for a long time and finally breaking through.

This made Lou Hang stand up and look overjoyed!

Even Wuming converged his comprehension of the secret book of returning ten thousand swords to the sect, and looked towards the direction of the sword master’s retreat: “The twenty-three sword is born!”

Immediately, Lou Hang and Wuming hurried out.

At exactly this time, the door to the house where the Juggernaut was shutting down opened.

Before people came out, a breath of extinction filled the house.

The figure of the sword saint slowly walked out of the room, and the sword energy around him was almost solidified!

“Senior, sword twenty-three, it’s done?” Although he understood in his heart, Lou Hang still asked.

“Yes, the old man’s sword twenty-three is indeed finished, hahaha!” Hearing this, the Juggernaut’s face couldn’t help showing a smile of joy, and he laughed out loud.

…For flowers

I thought that in my lifetime, kendo had reached the ultimate level, and it would be difficult to reach the peak again.

Unexpectedly, before dying, he would reach the top again.

“Hey, I don’t know if the twenty-third creation of this sword is a good thing for you!” Wuming said when he saw the appearance of the sword saint, but said with sorrow!

“In my life, I am very good at swords. If I can create the twenty-three swords that do not belong to the world in my lifetime, even if I die, I will definitely be able to smile at Jiuquan!” The Sword Saint replied very openly!

Listening to the words of Juggernaut and Wuming, Lou Hang was startled first, and immediately understood what they meant!

The twenty-three sword is a sword of extinction.

The Sword Saint was already old, but now that he has created this sword skill again, it will cause great damage to him, right?

In the original work, it was also because of the creation of this trick that the Shouyuan of the Juggernaut came to an end, and the lamp ran out.

In the end, I had to abandon my body, and used the Twenty-Three Sword in the way that the primordial spirit came out of the body!

Luo boy, “My twenty-three sword has been created, and now, I will teach it to you!”

A little bit below Juggernaut’s feet, appeared in front of Lou Hang as if moving in a flash.

At the same time, he stretched out his finger and clicked towards Lou Hang’s brow!

With a tight heart, Lou Hang reflexively wanted to step back a lot, but couldn’t move at all, as if the time and space around him had been frozen.

I can only watch the Sword Saint’s finger and point it at the center of my brow!

Lou Hang understands that this is a trick. If the Sword Saint really wants to kill him, he can’t even resist!

Then, there are all about Juggernaut’s insights about Sword Doctrine and his understanding of Sword Twenty-Three…

This knowledge was all poured into Lou Hang’s mind!

The huge and dense messages poured in, Lou Hang quickly converged his mind, and wrote down all these knowledge and insights.

The understanding of the spirit of swordsmanship, the understanding of kendo.

In particular, Lou Hang firmly remembered the understanding of the twenty-three sword that destroys the sky and the earth in the end…

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