Chapter 81: I’m Sorry

Sure enough, not long after searching, some strange vermilion little fruits appeared in front of Lou Hang!

The vivid vermilion fruit looks a bit like cherries!

Seeing this, Lou Hang was overjoyed and immediately picked one off and swallowed it!

This fruit was swallowed, and immediately, Lou Hang could feel the hot breath, quickly melted away, and dispersed into his own limbs!

Operate the exercise technique silently in the heart, refining all these breaths and blending them into one’s true essence.

Lou Hang can clearly feel that this blood bodhi has made his true essence more condensed, and even his skill has increased for more than ten years!

“It’s really the sacred fruit of healing and increasing power in the legend!”

A blood bodhi actually increased his skill for more than ten years?

This made Lou Hang’s heart ecstatic!

As the sacred beast of Fengyun world, this fire unicorn is really extraordinary.

Although not as good as Shenron, one dragon yuan is enough to make people immortal and immortal, and their strength skyrocketed.

However, the blood bodhi transformed by the drop of blood of the fire unicorn is still very powerful!

No nonsense, Lou Hang opened his mouth and swallowed the second blood bodhi!

In addition, after refining, the skill increased again.

However, compared to the first one, the effect is discounted!

Waiting until the third blood bodhi is eaten, the increased skill is actually less than ten years!

As the saying goes, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

Look at the blood bodhi here. There are dozens of them. Lou Hang didn’t mean to feel distressed. He took the blood bodhi as a meal and ate twenty of them in one breath.

It wasn’t until the last one went down, and the increase in skill did not last for a year, and it was minimal, and Lou Hang stopped.

Twenty blood bodhi, before and after, add up to probably more than a hundred years of skill!

In terms of skill, the skill of more than one hundred and fifty years has now been upgraded to about two hundred and fifty years!

Lou Hang can feel that his strength has once again risen a lot!

Look again, there are about twenty blood bodhi.

Lou Hang didn’t mean to take all of them, took a dozen of them, and left a few of them, which is considered to be reserved for future people!

“How? The six tactics for dispelling the cold have all been written down”?” Lou Hang asked, returning to Duan Lang’s side.

“Master, it has been firmly written down!” Hearing this, Duanlang nodded and said.

“Here you!” After that, Lou Hang raised his hand, took out three blood bodhi, and sent them to Broken Lang.

“Is this?” He held it in both hands, looked at the little vermilion fruit in his hand, and Duan Lang looked at Lou Hang inquiringly.

“This is the blood bodhi, the sacred fruit of healing and increasing power. It is made by the blood of the fire unicorn. You can try one first!” Lou Hang explained casually.

“Thank you, Master!” Hearing that, Duanlang was overjoyed, and hurriedly thanked him, and then swallowed one!

Sitting cross-legged, Broken Wave is also refining the effect of this blood bodhi.

So, after a full stick of incense, Duan Lang stood up!

“A blood bodhi has increased my skill for more than ten years, thank you master!” Duanlang said with surprise on his face.

“Well, keep the other two for now. If you eat them when you are injured, they will have a miraculous effect!” Lou Hang nodded and said.

Immediately, the two continued to explore Lingyun Cave!

Blood Bodhi is a great harvest, and Aohan Six Jue and Xueyindao are also good!

However, in Lou Hang’s view, the most important thing is the martial arts left by the top ten warriors.

That was the only strong man who could defeat Di Shitian in his thousands of years of career!

Also, dragon veins are also good things!

By the way, I remember that in the original work, in front of the corpse of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, in addition to the dragon veins formed by the spine of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, there was also a sword, most likely the legendary Xuanyuan sword!

It’s a pity that Nie Feng in the original book took the dragon veins and ran away.This treasure that looked like Xuanyuan sword was not born!

Next, Lou Hang and Duanlang stayed in Lingyun Cave for a whole day.

Searching everywhere, I still didn’t find the dragon veins and the martial arts left by the top ten warriors, and even the Fire Lin Sword had not encountered it!

In this day’s time, Lou Hang has also fully absorbed the blood bodhi’s hundreds of years of skill!

The true essence in his body has been around for two hundred and fifty years, and Lou Hang’s strength has once again improved a lot.

Because of the refining of qi to transform the gods, now, the qi has been strengthened, and naturally, Lou Hang’s divine mind has become stronger.

Even if you close your eyes, all the wind and grass around you, even an ant, can clearly feel it!

This obvious improvement made Lou Hang’s heart very happy.

Sure enough, my choice was correct. I came here to hunt for treasures in Lingyun Cave, and I improved my skill for hundreds of years so quickly!

“Mistress, we don’t eat or drink all day, should we go out, prepare some food and water, and come in again?”

I never thought that I would stay in Lingyun Cave for so long, so Duan Lang did not prepare any food, suggesting.

“Well, you have a point!” Lou Hang thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Lingyun Cave is here, and I won’t run away. I didn’t find any dragon veins and top ten martial arts this time. I will wait until next time to find a time and come in when you are fully prepared!

After making up their minds, Lou Hang and Duanlang turned around and walked outside Lingyun Cave.


However, at this moment, a dull roar suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling firelight quickly appeared from the depths of the Lingyun Cave, and swiftly struck in the direction of Lou Hang and Broken Lang!

Sometimes, things are like this, you plant flowers with the intention of not blooming, unintentionally planting willows and willows to make a shade!

When I first searched, I was afraid of encountering the fire unicorn, so I was cautious.

(Mano is good)

However, I was fine all day in Lingyun Grotto!

Now, I was ready to withdraw, but suddenly I encountered the fire unicorn farmer!

The raging flames struck, and the fire Qilin hadn’t arrived, and the billowing heat wave was already on the face.

Lou Hang looked at it and saw a mythical beast with a crimson flame burning all over it, running towards him.

This fire unicorn is very huge, with a height of three meters away, standing in front of the fire unicorn, it looks very small!

“Master, this fire unicorn has appeared, run away!”

Seeing Huo Qilin and looking at such an imposing appearance, Broken Wave changed in amazement and cried out in shock.

As he spoke, the stainless steel long sword in his hand was unsheathed, and a sharp sword aura spread out with his movements.

Then, he shouted: Eclipse Sword Technique!

This large swath of sharp sword aura slammed in the direction of Huo Qilin!

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