Chapter 78: The Secret

Lingyun Cave is a famous and dangerous place in the martial arts.

Rumor has it that there is a demon hidden in this Lingyun Cave, and every time it appears, it is accompanied by a raging flame.

All the people I saw up close were dead.

The survivors have just seen it from a distance!

On this day, a young man of about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a strong suit and holding a stainless steel long sword in his hand, came to Lingyun-ku!

Broken Wave was originally a handyman of the World Society, and his talent was not worse than Fengyun.

Although there is no guidance from a famous teacher, but with the family’s eclipse sword technique, he has cultivated hard for many years, and his strength is no less than Fengyun!

Originally, Duan Lang wanted to show Xiongba, and with his talent, even without the guidance of Xiongba, he could stand out, which proved that Xiongba’s vision was wrong.

He didn’t accept himself as a disciple back then, it was his own loss!

However, I didn’t expect that in the battle for the hall master, I could defeat Bu Jingyun, but because of the dominant favoritism, I had to deliberately lose to Bu Jingyun.

In the end, he had to leave Tianxiahui and switch to Wushuang City.

But never thought that Wushuang City was destroyed just a few days ago.

I had to invite the Sword Saint to come out of the mountain.

And the purpose of coming to Lingyun Cave this time is to find the family-herited divine sword, Fire Lin sword, who broke his family!

In front of Lingyun Grottoes, Broken Waves had already prepared all kinds of incense candles and ingots, and he was paying homage to his father’s burial mound: “Please bless my son, this trip goes smoothly, find the fire sword of my broken family, and revive my broken family in the rivers and lakes. The prestige on the world!”

Boom boom boom!

Kneeling in front of the tombstone, Broken Wave slammed his head heavily!

However, at this moment.

In front of Broken Wave, a door appeared out of thin air.

This shocked Duan Lang, pulling out his sword and staring at the door in front of him.

A heavy door appeared without warning, and inside the door, a Uzumaki look seemed very mysterious.

Then, a man walked out of this door!

“Uh, what are you doing?”

Lou Hang walked through the door, just to see the young man kneeling in front of him, he was shocked!

Looking at his feet again, the incense candle ingot, Lou Hang understood that it was Zhi Brain who threw himself in Lingyun Cave and appeared directly in front of others.

As Lou Hang walked out of the door, the huge and heavy door disappeared behind him.

Looking at the man staring at him stupidly in front of him, Lou Hang said, “Excuse me, excuse me, you go on!”

“Wait, god, please accept me as a disciple!”

Seeing that Lou Hang was about to turn around and leave like this, Duan Lang hurriedly spoke and shouted at Lou Hang.

At the same time, he bowed his head and saluted Lou Hang.


I have such a fairy relationship in Broken Waves! It’s really God bless me!

This is the thought in the heart of Duan Lang, ecstasy!

In this way of going on stage, a fairy gate appeared out of thin air. After walking out of it, the fairy gate behind him disappeared again.Isn’t this a god?

And now that I have encountered a fairy, how can I just watch it slip away like this once-in-a-lifetime fairy fate?


Listening to the people in front of them calling the gods, Lou Hang was stunned, and immediately understood that the way he had just appeared on the stage had bluffed the other party, and said: “You misunderstood, I am not a god, and I will not accept you as a disciple!”

“I’m sorry, god, I took the liberty of not begging you to accept me as a disciple. I will be satisfied if I can follow the gods and take care of you!” Duan Lang followed.

Since the gods are unwilling to accept themselves as disciples, then, you should retreat and beg for a second time!

“Broken Waves?

Listening to the young man in front of him, who reported his name, Lou Hang, who had turned around and was about to leave, paused slightly.

“Yes, I am indeed called Duanlang!

Hearing this fairy seems to know his name? Duan Lang Weiwei is a little weird, but he nodded busy.

“Nan Lin Sword Head, son of the Broken Commander?”

I was afraid that I had misunderstood, and when I met someone with the same name, Lou Hang asked.

“Yes, god do you know me too?” Lou Hang even knew his identity, and Duan Lang felt extremely honored.

“Here comes, the second expedition has begun!”

“In other words, what kind of world is going through this time? This is very much looking forward to!”

“Damn, is this bad luck for Brother Hang? Just after crossing, he just happened to appear in front of others?”

“Hahaha, this young man, with a dumbfounded look, is probably frightened?”

“Is this? Think of our Hang brother as a god? It is said that in this ancient world, suddenly seeing such a scene, will mistakenly think that Hang brother is a god, it is completely reasonable!

…For flowers…

“Apprentice? I’m sorry, our Hang brother’s purpose is to collect cultivation methods and treasures, but we don’t have time to collect disciples. Isn’t this a waste of time?”

“Wait? Hang brother stopped? Besides, you even know what his father’s name is?”

“It’s here, it’s still a familiar feeling, or a familiar taste. This is the calculation ability of the airline company. Has it speculated that this is called Duanlang’s fate?”

“Brother Hang got the script again in advance!”

The live broadcast room, with the journey through the second adventure world, naturally, is still extremely popular.

The world of reincarnation with a higher force value is naturally more anticipated.

And just after crossing, he appeared in front of others, and then, Lou Hang got the appearance of the script in advance, so that all Dragon Kingdom audiences feel that it is still a familiar feeling, or a familiar taste!


“Son of Duanshuai, in that case, if you are willing, follow me!” After staring at Duanang in front of him for a moment, Lou Hang nodded and said!

Broken Wave is considered to be the person who plays the most roles in the original work besides the protagonist.

Moreover, he is a very hardworking and ambitious person, and he is also very talented.

How good was Di Shitian when he played?

Really made the world a chessboard and sentient beings as chess pieces!

But in the end? Isn’t it still planted in the hands of Broken waves?

Such a character, at least in terms of force value, can be of great help if you bring it by your side.

So, this free labor that is delivered to your door? Don’t do it for nothing, right?

Thank you “God, thank you God!”

Duanlang naturally doesn’t know what kind of mind Lou Hang is. Hearing his sudden change of mind and willing to take his own hands, Duanlang is ecstatic!

“Okay, let’s go!” Looking at it, Lingyun Cave was not far away, Lou Hang took the lead and walked into Lingyun Cave.

“Um, Master, why do you know that my father is the sword head of Nan Lin? It should be the first time we met?” Dang Lang hurriedly followed Lou Hang, and Duan Lang asked curiously.

“As a god, I know the many destinies in the world, all of which are well known. Is it weird to know who your father is?” Lou Hang said calmly!

“Sure enough, it is a god!” Duan Lang heard this, convinced. three.

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