Chapter 74: Return to the World, National Hero(es)

“Hahaha, I laughed to death, the Emperor of the Liao Dynasty actually threatened our Hang brother, and asked him if he was afraid of the entire Great Liao Kingdom’s chase! Does he know? There is still more than half a month, let’s Hang brother leave him The world!”

“Damn, Brother Hang is amazing, even if I let you go back? I want to kill you, and I can still catch you back!”

“Does the cat play the mouse? The emperor of the great Liao Kingdom, in the hands of Brother Hang, is like a mouse under the paws of a cat!”

“Bow your head, the emperor of a dignified country has been suppressed by our Hang brother alone!

“Brother Hang is amazing, I look wet!”

“What the hell is it getting wet upstairs?”

“One person oppresses one country, just ask who else? Brother Hang, YYDS!”

“After refining Qi Huashen, Brother Hang’s martial arts is indeed more powerful, and the sword energy can be condensed without being shot out!”

“True Yuan can also be turned into a body shield, this is simply a magic shield, right? “Zero 20″?”

“And the dragon catcher, oh my god, everyone 40 or 50 meters away was caught by him!”

“In other words, if you control a sword to fly around in mid-air with a dragon-grabbing hand, this is swordsmanship, right?”

Lou Hang walked in the Daliao Palace, and broke into the palace directly in broad daylight. Among the numerous guards, he captured the Daliao Emperor twice, forcing him to dare not to invade Song Dynasty south.

All the people in the live broadcast room were deeply shocked by this force!

The audience of Longguo was naturally very pleasantly surprised.

Leaving aside the harvest, Lou Hang’s own force is so high…

In the future, if you go to a world with a higher force value, the starting point will be much higher than others, right?

Of course, compared to the joy of the Longguo audience, the other crooked nuts were dumbfounded.

Entering other Otherworld adventures, in a mere one year, you have such an ability?

This Dragon Kingdom player is simply terrifying!

After Lou Hang left the gate, he calculated the time. There is about half a month left before he has to return.

In this ancient world, I can’t go anywhere for half a month.

Therefore, at the border between Da Song and Da, I found a place to live, quietly waiting for the time limit of one year to come!

Of course, in the last half of a month, Lou Hang also cultivated his ability to refine Qi and Transform God, so that the true vitality in his body was improved bit by bit.

Occasionally, I also enlighten and enlighten the Dharma to improve my state of mind!

As the saying goes, there is no impermeable wall in the world.

After Lou Hang went straight to the Great Song Dynasty, he forced the Daliao Emperor to promise that he would not invade the Song Dynasty south during his lifetime. This news soon passed back to the Great Song Dynasty.

For a time, the entire Great Song Wulin, and even the entire world, were shaken by it!

“Amitabha, the leader of Lou Hang is indeed a trustworthy person, and his actions have saved countless people in the world!”

In the Shaolin Temple, after the Abbot Xuantong heard the news, he proclaimed a Buddha’s name in his mouth, admiringly said.

Naturally, Xuan Pain also notified the sweeping monk of this news for the first time.

“Lou Hang, he is indeed a trustworthy person. With him, Daliao, and even other countries, dare not dared to make a big bed again. This is a great merit!

The sweeping monk put his palms together, silently secretly in his heart.

At the same time, as he agreed to give instructions to Lou Hang’s practice of refining Qi and transforming God, the Sweeper felt that this was the most correct choice in his life.

“That kid Lou Hang, is he crazy? He actually went to the Daliao Palace alone and captured the Daliao Emperor twice?”

Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, Tongmao also got the news and said in disbelief.

I never thought that Lou Hang was such a crazy person!

“Senior brother, Duan Yu, who is next to him, was completely dumbfounded when he heard the news!

That is a big emperor, and it is completely different from a small country like his own Dali country!

However, the brother can break into the palace alone, and catching the emperor is as easy as a farmer catching a chicken?

Yes, easy!

If it weren’t for the Emperor Daliao to be caught easily, the senior brothers wouldn’t be able to sneak in at night.

At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain.

Qiao Feng and A Zhu are married, living the life of a man farming and a woman weaving, and occasionally eat two mountain game to exchange money at the market.

The days are plain, but very fulfilling.

On this day, Shaolin Temple also knew that Qiao Feng and Lou Hang had some friendship.

Therefore, this news was also deliberately let the disciples inform Qiao Feng.

“Luo Sect, you have helped me a lot again, great kindness, I really don’t know if there is any chance of repaying in this life!”

Knowing what Lou Hang had done, Qiao Feng was amazed and said more gratefully!

“Very busy?”

Hearing this, Ah Zhu next to him thought for a while, and immediately understood.

Indeed, Daliao’s national power is strong, and Daliao wins and is weak. There is bound to be a battle between Daliao and Daliao.

During the introduction, caught in the middle, does Brother Manchu help Da Liao or Da Song? It must be a dilemma, right?

Now, Lou Hang went to Daliao in person to avoid the war between the two countries.

Naturally, Big Brother Xie won’t have to be caught between the two countries in the future, right?

“Amitabha Buddha, Lou Hang him, he is so capable, he is truly unprecedented, right?”

In the Tubo Kingdom, Kumazhi also learned of the news, and he felt a lot of emotion in his heart!

For many years, Kumazhi has been obsessed with martial arts, indulged in fame and fortune, and always wants to learn the top martial arts in the world and become famous in the world!

However, since Lou Hang had absorbed all the internal power of the small Wuxiang Gong, Kumazhi lost the internal power, and on the contrary, it was a portal of fame and fortune.

Now, I am also happy to learn of Lou Hang’s move!

Perhaps, it was God’s will that Lou Hang had absorbed the power of my own little phaseless power for more than 50 years?

“Lou Hang, has he been alone?”

Of course, Li Qiushui also learned the news in the Xixia Palace, showing a trace of love.

The relationship between Lou Hang and the senior sister is closer, and Li Qiushui knows it.

If he really helped the senior sister to deal with himself…

Can’t stop the Daliao Emperor?

How can Seamus stop it?

Every time he thought of this, Li Qiushui’s heart panicked.

“It’s over”, Murong’s family wants to recover Dayan, it’s impossible!”

In Yanziwu, Murongfu’s face turned pale after hearing the 0.3 news.

Da Song and Da will not go to war.

Countries such as Xixia, Dali, and Tubo are even more afraid to attack Da Song!

Without such a melee, it would be impossible for the Murong family to take the opportunity to get involved!

Similarly, Da Song Wulin, the news about Lou Hang’s independent entry, spread like a hurricane.

For the actions of Lou Hang, the martial arts leader, the entire Song Dynasty Wulin was excited by it.

And Lou Hang’s reputation and prestige are naturally going forward, and it goes further!

Not to mention the thoughts of many masters.

More than half a month passed quickly!

On this day, Lou Hang finished his training and stood quietly on a hillside!

Suddenly, the space was distorted, and then a door appeared.

Lou Hang stepped in and returned to the present world.

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