Chapter 60: Murong Fu doubts life, anyone is better than me?

“Brother Hang’s comment on Qiao Feng is in place. This Qiao Feng is really the more courageous the battle!”

“Brother Hang said, like Saiyan, dare to ask, who is this Saiyan? Does anyone know?”

“Bei Qiaofeng and Nan Murong, these are two masters of the same name, but after a bit of advice from Brother Hang, the current Murong is being beaten by Brother Hang!”

“Brother Hang, YYDS, nothing wrong at all!”

“Damn, at this critical time, was someone sneak attack? Who?”

“This Murongfu is too shameless? Qiao Feng was attacked, and he actually took advantage of this opportunity to make a heavy hand? He pierced everyone Qiao Feng’s palm? Aside from martial arts, this character is not good. drop!”

“Look, Brother Hang was angry, and as soon as he shot him, he shot Murong Fu’s sword off!”

“Whether it is Kumozhi or Qiao Feng, they are all younger brothers in front of Brother Hang. As for Murongfu? They are even younger brothers!”

In the live broadcast room, watching the battle between Qiao Feng and Murong Fu, and then when Qiao Feng was attacked, Lou Hang took action. The audience in the live broadcast room kept talking.

Especially Murong Fu took the opportunity to hurt Qiao Feng, which made many viewers look down!

“Who was attacking in secret?”

“Mr Murong, why did he even hurt the other party? This is too bad, right?”

“Could it be that Mr. Murong was too late to recruit?”

The audiences in the live broadcast room were all discussing. Under the martial arts conference, many audiences looked at each other naturally, all in awe.

On the ring, Murong Fu’s weapons were scrapped as soon as he shot, Lou Hang did not stop there.

Raising his hand again, another sharp sword aura shot towards Murong again!

“Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, isn’t your Murong family good at Dou Zhuan Xing Yi? Try to transfer my sword energy!” Lou Hang shouted at Murong Fu while shooting out the sword energy!

Shao Zejian was sharp, and immediately cut a hole in Murong Fu’s arm, revealing the bone!

If it wasn’t for the critical moment, Murong Fu dodged in time, the whole arm would be cut off by Lou Hang!

Zhong Chong sword domineering, exploded in Murong Fu’s chest, directly blasted him out, his chest was bloody!

These two sword auras caused Murong Fu to be hit hard.

However, facing Lou Hang’s Six-Medition Excalibur, Murong Fu didn’t intend to resort to Dou Zhuan Xing Yi from beginning to end!

Four or two can be used! But how about ten thousand catties?

With Lou Hang’s skills over a hundred years, the sword energy shot out is far beyond Murong Fu’s skills that can be transferred!


Lou Hang shot, completely crushing Murong Fu, and he was hit hard by three moves and two methods.

This demonstrated strength is shocking.

The martial arts people under the ring were still secretly surprised as to who the attack was.

I’m also discussing whether Murong Fu’s attack just now was intentional or unintentional?

Now, with Lou Hang’s shot, all these people’s attention is on Lou Hang’s body!

Murong Fu! This is Murong Fu who is known as Nan Murong! Actually defeated him in three moves and two ways? Made him hit hard?

This is called Lou Hang, so terrible?

When is there such a powerful master in the arena?

This is simply unheard of!

Lying on the ground, Murong Fu ignored the injuries on his chest and arms, and he felt suspicious that he was dreaming!

How is it possible?

After Kumozhi, Duan Yu, and the mysterious brawny, this son who made the four beauties carry the sedan chair, his martial arts is even more terrifying?

The sword energy that came out of the gestures made him feel unstoppable?

The reputation of Nan Murong that he has done is a joke from today, right?

In the original work, Murong Fu was first defeated by Qiao Feng.

Later, he was defeated by Duan Yu Six Meridian Excalibur.

In addition, he was completely abused by Xu Zhu when he chose the consort.

Originally, he suffered so many blows, that he ended up with a mental disorder and a crazy end!

Now, Murong Fucalc has tasted the taste of these many blows in advance!

Originally thought that his martial arts could be regarded as the best in the world, this time the martial arts conference, he should be stable as the leader of the martial arts.

Unexpectedly, it would end up like this in the end?

It seems that anyone who comes here is better than yourself in martial arts?

Not to mention Murong Fu lying on the ground, how suspicious of life, Lou Hang, who was angry in his heart, once again used the middle punch sword technique, he was about to shoot Murong Fu!

call out!

However, at this moment, another small pebble appeared, shooting towards Lou Hang’s head like lightning!

With a twist of his wrist, the domineering sword aura greeted him.

This stone mixed with Qianjun Rikido was directly shattered by Lou Hang’s sword energy in mid-air!

Then, an old man wearing black clothes and covering his face jumped out, raising his hand and shooting with a domineering finger!

“Participate in the fingers!?” Seeing the power of the fingers, Bao in the audience exclaimed.

“Huh, really? The guy who secretly attacked is really Murong Bo!” Lou Hang sneered in his heart when he heard the words. *

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