Chapter 545: The Super Rich Nezha of the Second Generation

In Longguo’s live broadcast room, I have seen Lou Hang’s golden hinges before, cutting off all the mountains around Huaguo Mountain.

I feel very powerful when I look at it.

But, how powerful is it?

There is no comparison, so there has never been an exact concept!

But now it’s different!

After watching the battle with Son Goku for a long time, this exquisite pagoda is intact.

However, in front of Lou Hang’s Jin Jie, it was cut directly.

The viewers of these Long Guo live broadcast rooms are all dumbfounded!

Don’t say anything else, at least in terms of the quality of the magic weapon, this golden Jiao scissors is completely crushed by Son Goku’s golden cudgel and exquisite pagoda!

And this clearly makes these audiences understand the strength of Lou Hang now!

Li Jing is the second-ranking god general!

So what? If you beat Li Jing, even if you are in the heaven, with Lou Hang’s current strength, you can at least serve as a second-tier immortal, right?


Shocked, the entire Longguo live broadcast room was all shaken at this time!

When Lou Hang returned, Long Kingdom was only excited that Lou Hang became a fairy, he was a real fairy!

But now, seeing this, these audiences all understand.

Not only has become a fairy, but in the entire heaven, Lou Hang’s current strength is also the existence of the best?

Not to mention how vibrated and lively the live broadcast room is at this time.

At this time, after Lou Hang’s golden hinge shears directly cut Li Jing’s exquisite pagoda, immediately, the two golden dragons in the air crossed towards Li Jing without any loss!

Even the magic weapon can’t stop the sharpness of this golden dragon’s scissors, even if Li Jing’s immortal body is very tough, it must be absolutely unstoppable!

However, just when Lou Hang’s golden hinges crossed towards Li Jing.

Suddenly, a piece of red silk appeared, entwining the tail of one of the dragons, and stubbornly pulled the dragon, preventing him from moving forward!

At the same time, a King Kong appeared in a circle and smashed towards the other Flood Dragon!

A child who was carved with powder and jade, stepped on the hot wheel and stood in front of Li Jing.

Firing spear, gold bricks, Nine Dragons God Fire Cover, Yin and Yang Sword…

Showing the magical powers of three heads and six arms, Nezha’s three heads, six arms, densely packed, and all are magic weapons!

Then, under Nezha’s control, all these dense magic weapons were thrown out, and they slammed into the two dragons transformed by Jin Jiao!

Looking around, Nezha is almost like a person with ten fingers covered with rings.

More than just showing off your wealth? This wave of showing off your wealth has simply dazzled to the sky!

Ordinary people, with three or two proud magic weapons, they are already very good!

But what? Nezha is not.

Take a good inventory, his magic weapon, ten eight pieces is not an exaggeration!

Under his urging, these magic weapons all moved towards the two golden flood dragons transformed by Jin Jiao, and they all won by quantity!

Attacked by these magic weapons, the two dragons retreated a lot, returned to Lou Hang’s hands, and transformed into the main form of the golden dragons again!

And what about Nezha? He also stretched out his hand to retrieve all these treasures.

Looking at my treasure, there are more or less bumps, which makes Nezha feel distressed!

At the same time, secretly helpless in my heart.

It is indeed the golden hinge that shined in the Conferred God War, and it is really terrifying!

“So? The third Nezha prince has to intervene?” Lou Hang said, looking at Nezha, who was covered with magic weapons!

“Hey hey, kid, if you want to intervene, my grandson will accompany you to make some good tricks!

At this time, Son Goku next to him also leaned forward a little, and said to Nezha with a smile!

If Lou Hang and Li Jing play one-on-one, Son Goku doesn’t mean to intervene.

However, if Nezha had to do it, Son Goku would not stand idly by!

“Everyone, hold your hands, at this moment, a shout rang.

Immediately afterwards, Taibaijinxing, with white beard and hair, stepped on a cloud and rushed towards this side, and shouted loudly: “Hold on, everyone, wait…

Hurry up, Taibai Jinxing came to Lou Hang and others!

“Why? Taibaijinxing is here, what does it mean? Do you want to intervene? Or, things here are also related to you?” Seeing Taibaijinxing who came over, Lou Hang asked!

“The star official is joking, I don’t even know what happened here!”

Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Taibai Jinxing shook his head and said!

“Since the things here have nothing to do with you, you should go back!” Lou Hang shook his head after hearing what Taibai Jinxing said!

“I came by the will of the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor summoned a few people and went to meet them!” Taibai Jinxing said to Lou Hang!

This made Lou Hang’s brows frowned slightly.

So what? Does the Jade Emperor personally intervene in the matter here?

However, the three chapters of the agreement between himself and the Jade Emperor are still there, and the Jade Emperor shouldn’t be too partial to Li Jing, right?

So, after thinking about it, Lou Hang nodded, and then, with Son Goku and Li Jing, he and his son came to the Jade Emperor’s side!

“Father, what happened to this? Why did you do it with them?”

On the way, Nezha also retracted his three-headed six-armed supernatural power and those magic weapons, and asked Li Jing in a low voice!

“My son, Hugh has to ask 730 more!”

Hearing that, Li Jing just shook his head silently to him and said, obviously not morbid and willing to say more on this issue!

This is not the time of the Shang Dynasty, so the group of several people did not come to the High Heaven Hall, but in a side hall of the Jade Emperor’s bedroom!

“I have seen your Majesty the Jade Emperor! Come” before the Jade Emperor, everyone saluted the Jade Emperor!

“Well, all Aiqing should be flat!” The Jade Emperor nodded slightly and said!

Without too much nonsense, the Jade Emperor’s gaze fell on Li Jing’s body and said: “Li Jing!”

“The minister is here!” Li Jing replied!

“For today’s matter, you will be punished with a first-grade official. I have thought about it for a hundred years.”

The Jade Emperor didn’t even ask what happened. Obviously he knew what happened, so he spoke directly and punished Li Jing!

“Your Majesty” heard this, Nezha next to him was a little anxious!

It’s just that the Jade Emperor ignored Nezha’s yelling, but looked at Li Jing and said, “Li Jing, how? Do you have any objections to the widow’s treatment?”

“The minister has no objection!” Li Jing replied, lowering his head!

“Well, Lou Hang, what about you? Do you have any objections?” Soon, the Jade Emperor looked at Lou Hang and asked him!

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