Chapter 541: Li Jing’s shock, this monkey is too powerful

To be honest, although Li Jing is a second-ranking god general, people with a discerning eye can see this incident just now, it was Li Jing deliberately trying to cheat Son Goku!

So, in terms of selfishness, this god will still be more biased towards Son Goku!

It’s just that he is the cultivation base of the Golden Fairyland, and he is facing the Tota Uranus of the Taiyi Realm.

So, seeing that Son Goku is about to do it in anger, this heavenly soldier still wants to persuade Son Goku!

Hope Son Goku won’t be too impulsive!

“Lao Li, at any rate, you are also a second-ranking superintendent. Wouldn’t it be that you only dare to play some conspiracy and tricks and dare not to be true?”

Ignoring the persuasion of the general next to him, Son Goku looked at Li Jing and asked!

“Since the words have been said for this purpose, then, Ben Uranus will accompany you with a few tricks!”

Seeing Son Goku’s unyielding appearance, Li Jing remained silent for a moment, and then said!

Although I don’t think Son Goku will be his opponent, since he has to do it, if he doesn’t dare to fight, if this is plausible, where should he put his face?

“Okay, let’s do it!”

Hearing Li Jing nodded and agreed to himself, Son Goku also nodded and said!

When I started with Wu Qu Xingjun before, in fact, it was not very enjoyable.

It really only took a few tricks and defeated the opponent!

What about this time? If you play with Tota Lee Uranus, you should be able to enjoy a wave of battles, right?

Li Jing looked at Son Goku, and there was a trace of contempt in his eyes!

The Golden Fairyland actually wants to learn from him? Isn’t this self-inflicted?

Son Goku doesn’t have so much fear!

What about Taiyi True Immortal?

Although Son Goku already knew the magnitude of the world from Lou Hang’s mouth, Son Goku didn’t feel scared about dealing with the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian with the golden fairyland.

If you don’t fight a game, who knows that you can’t skip the battle!

There is not much nonsense, since it has been decided to do it, Son Goku doesn’t have too much nonsense!

With a movement, he flew directly into the sky. This is to control the battlefield above the sky!

After all, Son Goku certainly doesn’t want the battlefield to be in Huaguoshan!

Seeing that Son Goku chose the air as the battlefield, Tota Uranus Li Jing naturally had nothing unacceptable.

Mind moved slightly, and immediately, Tota Uranus’s figure also flew high above the sky!

Recognizing that he was a true immortal of Taiyi, Li Jing looked at Son Goku who was confronting him, naturally, he didn’t mean to do it first.

Otherwise, doesn’t it seem that you are too shameless?

Son Goku didn’t have so much nonsense, staring at Li Jing in front of him, Son Goku raised the golden cudgel in his hand, and directly smashed it in Li Jing’s direction!

Seeing this, Li Jing raised his hand, and the sword with his waist was lying horizontally in front of him!

Although it has long been known that Son Goku’s strength is good, after all, he defeated the previous Wuqu Xingjun.

But after all, it was the cultivation base of the Golden Fairyland, and Li Jing didn’t take it seriously!

With a bang, the sword and the golden hoop collided, and then Li Jing felt a strong surge, and his figure was unexpectedly shaken back a little!

“Hey, this monkey looks short and thin. This strength is so big!”

Shocked a bit by Son Goku, Li Jing looked at Son Goku’s eyes again, full of wonder and solemn expression!

The opponent is just a mere cultivation base of the Golden Fairyland, and he looks short and thin, but is this strength so powerful?

“Old Li, your strength is pretty good, with this one, you are much better than the previous Wuqu Xingjun!

Seeing that Li Jing was only shaken back a little by himself, Son Goku asked Li Jing!

“Huh, Hugh, compare Ben Uranus with the guy before!” Hearing Son Goku’s praise, Li Jing said with a cold snort!

In his opinion, Son Goku must be completely insulting himself by taking himself and the previous Wuquxingjun!

“Good, good, no comparison, no comparison, but my grandson tells you a secret. When I defeated that guy, it was actually only three points.”

Son Goku stretched out his three monkey paws and said to Li Jing!

“Really? How did you use the stick just now?” His eyes narrowed slightly, and Li Jing asked Son Goku!

“Just now? Even if it’s a five-point effort!” Son Goku thought for a while and replied!

Unscrupulous “!” Listening to Son Goku’s words, Li Jing’s face changed, and at the same time he shouted out!

Just five points of strength, just shook yourself back a little bit?

Although I was caught off guard just now, I also used six or seven points of effort, right?

If that’s the case, is the short and thin monkey in front of him actually stronger than himself?

“Hehehehe, you old Li, just like this, your mouth is too stinky, it smells unsmelling!”

Listening to Li Jing’s rebuke, Son Goku was not angry, just pinched his nose, waved in front of him and said!

With a cold face, Li Jing raised the sword in his hand again and smashed it in the direction of Son Goku.

With this sword, the momentum is calm!

And Son Goku, also raised the golden cudgel in his hand and swept up! Then, the golden cock collided with Li Jing’s sword again!

It’s just that Li Jing attacked this time, and Son Goku resisted!

The attack between the two Gods of War, where the sword and the golden cudgel touched, seemed to be handed over by billions of Rikido!

Li Jing is holding the sword and getting stronger and stronger, pressing down on Son Goku’s side fiercely!

However, Son Goku is also holding the golden hoop with one hand and is in front of him!

No matter how strong you Li Jing is, the golden cudgel of Son Goku is like (Zhao Hao) an iron mountain. No matter how strong you are, I will naturally not move!

After gritting his teeth, Li Jing used his hands and held his sword tightly!

With both arms exerting strength, at the same time, his own strength also exploded to Ultimate!

Son Goku also felt the heavy pressure, and followed the same hands holding the golden hoop with a brute force!

The same is hands to hands, naturally, or Son Goku’s strength is better!

Li Jing only felt an indescribable force surge, and then his body was completely shaken out without control!

This time, Li Jing was fiercely flew hundreds of meters away, only then barely stabilized his figure!

Looking at Son Goku again, Li Jing’s eyes were full of shock!

I really didn’t expect that the strength of this shameless monkey is so terrible?

The cultivation base of his Taiyi Realm is actually not his opponent in strength?

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