Chapter 524: Sure enough, still the virtuous brother has more face than my old grandson?

Son Goku turned around and went back.

However, after leaving Son Goku, he doesn’t know how to enter the mirror space, and can only stay in the original place of Huaguoshan!

Fortunately, Lou Hang has been paying attention to the situation outside and knows that Son Goku has returned.

So he raised his hand to open a portal for Son Goku and let Son Goku in!

“So that’s it…”

In the heavenly court, in front of the Jade Emperor, the Haotian Mirror, which has been accompanied by the most precious treasure, stands up, and the picture in the mirror is flowing, and the situation about Son Goku is playing!

As long as the Jade Emperor is willing, within these Six Paths of the Three Realms, you can use the Clear Sky Mirror to check it anywhere!

However, after Son Goku passed through the portal, the picture on the Haotian Mirror also came to an end!

“It seems that Son Goku, or Lou Hang to be more precise, has the ability to leave the Six Paths of the Three Realms at will?”

“Six-80″, the Jade Emperor murmured a few words secretly!

I roughly understand Lou Hang’s situation, and the Jade Emperor also waited quietly!

Although the ability to leave the Six Paths of the Three Realms, how the principle is, the Jade Emperor does not know!

However, as long as Son Goku is in the position of Wu Qu Xingjun, he can be called back at any time by himself!

Therefore, Son Goku is like a wind, no matter how high the kite flies, but the line is rubbing tightly in his own hands!

This is nothing to care about!

Goku”, what happened just now!?

Looking at Son Goku in the Huaguo Mountain in the mirror space, Lou Hang asked!

Brother Xian “This is the situation!”

In front of Lou Hang, Son Goku will naturally not hide it, and he will tell Lou Hang what happened just now!

“Yeah? What the Jade Emperor meant, let us move Huaguo Mountain to the Heavenly Court?”

Listening to Son Goku at the end, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and he thought secretly!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this situation, right?

“Brother Xian, didn’t you say that Heavenly Court is the same as Buddhism, you want to calculate me and let me embark on the westward journey to learn Buddhist scriptures?”

Seeing Lou Hang thinking about it, it turned out to be moved, Son Goku couldn’t help but ask!

“Indeed, Heavenly Court is also calculating!” After taking a look at Son Goku, Luo nodded in agreement!

“Since Heavenly Court is also calculating us, why do you look a little bit moved by your appearance?”

Seeing Lou Hang carefully considering the feasibility of this matter, Son Goku asked afterwards!

“Whether calculating or not, there is one thing that can’t be wrong, and that is to choose the situation that is most beneficial to us!

Taking a look at Son Goku, Lou Hang explained!

“First of all, you don’t have to be so angry about being used by others. After all, being used by others shows that you have the value of being used!”

This is “like a mortal person who spends money to ask others to do work, but essentially uses you to help him work!”

“So, if others want to use us, it’s not a bad thing, as long as they can guarantee their own interests!”


Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Son Goku looked stunned, nodded, and said: “In short, if you want to play with me, you can rely on you, but you have to give me money?”

“That’s the truth!” Lou Hang smiled upon hearing this, and agreed with Son Goku’s words!

In fact, there is a saying that is good, and the two evils are the lesser!

Although the Jade Emperor would calculate himself, but, at least for the moment, the Jade Emperor did not know his truth.

Tathagata would not tell him the truth!

In this case, I still have about half a year’s time before returning.

As long as I can conceal this little half a year from the Jade Emperor, it will be fine!

But if he were in Buddhism, if the Buddha knew all the truth about himself, he would not let himself return!

Therefore, relatively speaking, if you can go to Heavenly Court, it would be a good thing if you can get the protection of the Jade Emperor!

Besides, the thing about Son Goku going west to learn from the scriptures?

You can also fight for this matter!

Since traveling westward to learn Buddhist scriptures is the general trend, even the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor can’t stop it.

So, when you get your own interests, that’s all right?

Therefore, about these situations, Lou Hang and Son Goku had a good chat!

Regarding Lou Hang’s views, Son Goku also nodded in agreement!

In short, Son Goku is right with one purpose.

That is, Lou Hang won’t hurt himself, and what he did must have his reason!

In terms of these things, Son Goku also believes that Lou Hang’s consideration is definitely more thorough than he is!

Now that the two brothers have negotiated properly, then, if you decide, let’s do it!

There is a saying that when facing important things, think twice!

But after thinking twice, there is no need to think again

Otherwise, it would be a mother-in-law, not at all!

It was decided, Lou Hang and Son Goku, left the mirror space, walked together in the direction of the heaven!

Looking at the face of Son Goku, the heavenly soldiers guarding the Nantianmen Gate naturally did not stop him!

The fourth-rank Wuqu Xingjun, in the heavenly court, still has some face.

So, Lou Hang came to the High Heaven Hall!

Although this is not the first time Lou Hang has come to the High Heaven Hall, it is the first time Lou Hang has come to the High Heaven Hall in Saiyu’s world!

“I have seen the Jade Emperor!”

At this time, there are no immortal officers and generals in the High Heaven Hall, and it is not the time to go to court, so it seems to be a lot of empty!

“Hmm!” In response to Son Goku’s salute, the Jade Emperor just slightly raised his forehead.

Mainly, the Jade Emperor’s gaze is still looking at Lou Hang, and he is looking at it seriously!

For the Jade Emperor, Lou Hang’s existence is indeed like a legendary existence.

I have heard about it for a long time, and I have known it for a long time, but today is the first time I saw it!

“You are Lou Hang!?” After staring at Lou Hang for a while, and seeing nothing, the Jade Emperor asked afterwards!

“Uh…Looking at the 3.2 appearance that Jade Emperor doesn’t pay much attention to himself, on the contrary, he pays so much attention to Lou Hang, Son Goku’s face is a bit weird, and even a little bit dumbfounded!

So huh? Even if you are a star king, and Lou Hang is a star officer, your immortal position is a higher level.

But, is it still Lou Hang Hyun’s younger brother than himself?

“Have seen His Majesty the Jade Emperor!”

Not to mention the thoughts in Son Goku’s heart at this time, Lou Hang also took two steps forward and bowed to salute!

“Widow knows that you have a piece of immortality in your hand to prove your position as a star official!”

The Jade Emperor followed, and asked Lou Hang: “It’s just that this is the first time I have met with you, and I have never given you any emperor. Then, where did you come from!?

Without too much nonsense, as soon as we met, the Jade Emperor asked what he wanted to know the most!

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