Chapter 515: Son Goku is in the Lower Realm

“Son Goku!

Not to mention how something went wrong in the recent heavenly court, everyone felt a little panic. On this day, the Jade Emperor summoned Son Goku to his front!

Your Majesty “What’s the matter?” Upon hearing this, Son Goku asked!

“The Flat Peach Conference is coming soon. At that time, all the Qings will drink Qiongye Yuye. Today, I will go to the Taiye Pool to guard the Qiongye Yuye!”

The Jade Emperor spoke and said to Son Goku!

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Son Goku nodded when he heard this!

After getting the corresponding instructions, Son Goku is now on duty in Taiyechi!

Fourth-rank immortal officer, came to guard the Taiye Pond, there is still no problem!

When I came to Taiyechi, I took a look and my nose moved a few times.

Son Goku only thinks that the familiar aroma of wine makes the index finger move!

“Xingjun”, these jade liquids are prepared for the flat peach event, you must not drink them secretly!

Looking at the appearance of Son Goku, the person next to him is really afraid that Son Goku will not be able to bear it, and said!

“What are you talking about, Qiongye Yuye, haven’t my grandson ever drink it? Why do you drink it secretly!?”

Hearing that 13, Son Goku’s eyes widened, and he said to these people in front of him angrily!

“Did it? Xingjun, have you ever drunk Qiongye Yuye?” Hearing this, the people next to him looked at Son Goku in surprise!

Qiongye Yuye, this is something that only Jade Emperor can drink, right?

Only the first and second-rank fairy officials and gods of the flat peach event are eligible to participate!

Ordinary fairy officials, unless they make great achievements, occasionally the Jade Emperor will reward some!

However, Son Goku said he had drunk it a long time ago?

This topic is a little scary when it comes to it!

“Hmph, you haven’t drank it, it doesn’t mean that my grandson hasn’t drank it!” After Son Goku snorted, he proudly said to the sky!

When we worshiped before, Lou Hang took out the jelly jelly and drank it with Son Goku.

Naturally, Son Goku has drunk Qiongye Yuye!

“Then, Xingjun, let’s talk about it, what is the taste of this Qiongye Yuye!”

“Yes, yes, we Tenten saw so many, but we didn’t dare to taste a drop!”

“Xingjun, if you have nothing to do, tell me a few words!”

It was confirmed that Son Goku had really drunk the jade syrup and jade liquid. The people next to him gathered around, staring at Son Goku curiously and asked.

“Recently, how is Son Goku’s guarding situation in Taiyechi?”

Time passed for a long time, and found that Son Goku was not making trouble as he expected.

“Back to the table, the Jade Emperor, Son Goku did not act unruly, nor did he secretly drink the Qiongye Yuye from the Taiye Pond!” the guard replied!

“It’s really weird, this monkey can actually bear it? Then, you throw a pot of jade syrup in the dark to see, he didn’t steal it, he picked it up, and see how he reacts!

“Return to the Jade Emperor, I am back. After Son Goku picked up the pot of Qiongjiang Jade Liquid, he didn’t taste it, but sent the Qiongjiang Jade Liquid back to the Taiye Pool!

After a while, the guarding Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals returned to report!

And this report made the Jade Emperor a little dumbfounded!

“What’s the situation? I didn’t even dare to drink the jade syrup I picked up? This Son Goku is a bit scary, right!?”

In the heart of the Jade Emperor, he couldn’t help but spit out secretly!

So, after thinking about it for a while, the Jade Emperor thought for a while, and then he spoke and asked him to transfer Son Goku to Pan Taoyuan to guard Pan Tao!

Good guy, let the monkey guard Taozi, can this monkey bear it?

It’s like letting wolves guard the flock!

However, after waiting for a long time, the Jade Emperor looked for the Heavenly Soldier Heaven General who was staring at Son Goku to come and inquire.

However, I found that Son Goku is still well-behaved, and has not touched any peaches!

This situation made the Jade Emperor completely dumbfounded!

What the hell, this monkey is completely different from what he imagined, is this too embarrassing?

Is this really Son Goku?

What is going on with the teaching of Son Goku by Bodhi Patriarch, how can he teach this monkey to be such a fearful guy?

At this time, the Jade Emperor really felt like he was about to cry!

The Qiongye Yuye in the Taiye Pool, this monkey dare not move!

The flat peach of the flat peach garden, this monkey dare not move!

Next, what else can I do?

Is there any way to make this monkey make a mistake, grab his handle and start it?

“It seems that mere temptation of profit is not enough to make Son Goku’s heart fascinated! If this is the case, then, you can only use other means!”

So, after thinking for a while, the Jade Emperor had an idea in his heart!

Remember, Son Goku seems to care about that brother, Lou Hang!

Moreover, I originally thought that Lou Hang was a god-tier player.

Unexpectedly, did Lou Hang actually fall into the hands of Tathagata Buddha?

It seems that taking this opportunity, I can take advantage of this matter a little bit!

An idea became clear in the Jade Emperor’s mind, and then it was arranged!

A god general was arranged to go to Huaguo Mountain. After Huaguo Mountain had shown his identity, he also showed that he was very familiar with Son Goku!

Hearing this, the old white ape in Huaguoshan’s expression condensed.

Then, immediately asked the god to bring a message to Son Goku.

It was said that Lou Hang had already left. It seemed that I didn’t know if he would come back in the future.

This news, quickly notify 633 Son Goku!

Okay, “Don’t worry, I will tell him this news!” Upon hearing this, the god nodded seriously and said.

After the voice fell, the figure of the god general was like electricity, and he returned to the heavenly court.

Then, Lou Hang disappeared, and even the news that may never be seen again, explained to Son Goku!

“What? My virtuous brother is missing!?

Sure enough, after hearing the news, Son Goku immediately exploded!

After knowing this news, how can Son Goku stay in the heaven?

His face changed drastically, and he was ready to leave immediately!

“Xingjun, wait, you, if you are in the lower realm now, this is a violation of the rules of the sky, you still have this Pan Taoyuan to guard!”

Seeing that Son Goku was so impulsive, he was about to leave the lower realm, this god will stop and say!

“My brother Xian gave me so many exercises, let me know how to deal with Qiongye Yuye and flat peaches!”

“However, my brother Xian’s exercises have not been mentioned. If he disappears, what should I do!”

“So, now that I have encountered such a thing! My grandson should follow my heart and do it!”

“Get out of the way, my grandson will go too!”

When the voice fell, Son Goku jumped, set up a somersault cloud, and went to the lower bound!

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