Chapter 486: The ninth crossing, Huaguo Mountain

Regarding life, Lou Hang didn’t think much about it.

After all, thinking too much will only increase your troubles!

This is like a person who always considers whether his marriage is happy, then this person’s marriage must not be happy, the truth is the same!

So, when you come back to rest, of course you can do whatever you want, and do whatever you want.

In this way, when you want to be alone, stay alone.

Go out when you want to go out.

When you want to party, go to the party.

When you want to cultivate, you should do it. Such days are actually good!

So, with a blink of an eye, another month has passed.

On this day, Li Limin came to Lou Hang with a piece of information!

“So? Is Zhi Nao’s copywriting still the same?” Lou Hang asked without receiving the information!

“So? Have you calculated what the future adventure world will be like?” Li Limin asked after listening to Lou Hang’s words!

No comment, Lou Hang didn’t answer, and took a closer look!

Well, this is the same copywriting three times in a row!

Judging from this copywriting, it is still a mythical world.

In addition, the most important thing is that Lou Hang also has a general guess in his heart which mythological world is!

Because the land of this world is divided into four continents, east, west, south, north, Shengshenzhou in the east, Danbuzhou in the south, Niuhezhou in the west, and Juluzhou in the north!

“Four continents!?”

Looking at the information about geography in front of him, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and he had a general idea of ​​the world he was going to next!

In this way, Lou Hang practiced well and worked out the strategy for the adventure world he was going to next.

Soon, the day will come to the day of crossing!

Lou Hang is no nonsense. After the Dimensional Gate opened, Lou Hang stepped into the Dimensional Gate!

“Come here! I haven’t seen my husband for another month, I miss it so hard!”

Upstairs “Yes, you are tight, it is serious!?”

“Hurry up and stop, this is not the car to the kindergarten, I want to get off!”

“The door is welded down, let’s start!

“In other words, this is the third consecutive mythical world, right?”

“Yes, and the most important thing is, the third mythical world of Long Guofeng!

“As soon as the information came out this time, many countries were yelling, saying that there is a shady mind in the brain. The three consecutive times are the mythological background of the Dragon Kingdom!

“But is there any way? We have to believe in the justice of the brain!”

“In other words, this third world in a row is a myth. This time, what can our Hang brothers gain? Wait and see!”

Not to mention the live broadcast of Longguo, all the audiences are discussing at this time.

After passing through the Dimensional Gate, Lou Hang descends in a small but beautifully landscaped valley!

Without too much nonsense, Lou Hang’s figure moved, and then flew directly to the east!

This world is not a simple concept of a planetary universe, but a world where the sky is round.

In addition to the four major continents, there are also four major oceans!

Lou Hang chose the direction of the east.

In this way, after flying for about an hour, I came to a sea of ​​Wang Yang!

As Lou Hang is now an immortal, it can be said that it is not difficult to go down to Jiuzhongtian and Jiuyou Difu!

Therefore, Lou Hang, who was in the shape of electricity, came to East Blue and went directly to the Dragon Kingdom!

“Who is coming? Come to me East Blue Dragon Palace, what’s the matter! Female”?”

Under the water of the Dragon Palace, there were shrimp soldiers and crabs who blocked Lou Hang’s way and asked.

“I came from the heavenly court, looking for you Dragon King, I have something to ask!”

Lou Hang changed his body. He wore the fairy official costume in Green Snake World. At the same time, he still held a piece of fairy in his hand.

“It turned out to be the celestial being, please go to the celestial for a while, I will report to the Dragon King!”

Seeing Lou Hang’s dress and dress, he looked like a fairy, and the face of the shrimp soldier and crab general changed slightly, and he said immediately!

Soon after the notification, Lou Hang entered the East Blue Dragon Palace!

“I don’t know if the immortal is coming, there is a long way to go!”

Although I think Lou Hang looks very strange, but looking at the fairy clothes on his body and the fairy medicine in his hand, this can’t be faked. The East Blue Dragon King is very enthusiastic and said hello!

From the perspective of the level of the immortal position, being able to wear fairy clothes of this grade is no less than one’s own.

Moreover, the other party still came from heaven!

If they are all Grade 4 officials, can the officials outside and the officials in the capital compare?

Naturally it is incomparable!

“Old Dragon King, how do you meet for the first time!” Lou Hang also showed a smile on his face, to East Blue Dragon King Kaidō!

“The first time I met, it was the old dragon and my eyes were clumsy!” With his head down, the East Blue Dragon King’s posture was very low!

It’s just that Lou Hang didn’t explain too much about his identity, and then he said: “Actually, I’m here with a message asking for it!”

“Please go to Xianming!”

Since Lou Hang didn’t mean to confess his identity, the East Blue Dragon King only regarded him as having a secret mission, so he didn’t dare to ask more.

“I heard that when Dayu ruled the water, you left a stator in East Blue, the name Riding Sea God Needle, right?” Lou Hang opened his mouth and asked the East Blue Dragon King directly!

“Yes, it is true!” Hearing this, East Blue Dragon King nodded in response.

“Then Dinghaishenzhen, is it still in your dragon palace now?” Lou Hang asked afterwards!

“Yes, it’s still there!” East Blue Dragon King nodded again!

“That’s OK, I heard that there is a mountain of flowers and fruits on the side of East Blue, you don’t know where it is?”

Listening to East Blue Dragon King, Lou Hang was able to roughly determine the current timeline, and then asked!

“Huaguoshan? After listening to Lou Hang’s question, the East Blue Dragon King’s face showed hesitation.

Obviously, East Blue Dragon King is not too familiar with the situation in Huaguoshan!


At this moment, an aquarium with a tortoise shell on its back and wearing a crown came up: “As far as I know, Huaguo Mountain is indeed on the bank of my East Blue, in the southwest direction, on that mountain, mainly a group of The monkey!”

Well, looking at the name of Huaguo Mountain, it’s not very big, so even the East Blue Dragon King doesn’t know the existence of Huaguo Mountain, but the turtle next to it knows more about it!

Thank you “Oh!” After asking about the situation of Huaguoshan, Lou Hang also roughly understands where his current timeline is.

After nodding and thanking him, he just turned and left, and flew in the direction of Huaguo Mountain!

It’s just that, watching Lou Hang just fly away like this, the East Blue Dragon King and the Turtle Prime Minister looked at each other with dumb faces!

Are you kidding me? This god, just left?

Came to East Blue Dragon Palace on purpose, did you really fly away just after asking a question?

However, this is not a bad thing!

Yes, East Blue Dragon Palace, Dinghai Shenzhen, and Huaguo Mountain, these elements all indicate that this adventure world is in Saiyu’s world!

In the information given by Zhi Brain, when the earth was divided into four continents, Lou Hang understood that the world he was coming to this time should be the world that Saiyu remembered!

After all, it seems that only in the world of Saiyu’s record, there are these four continents?

And now, after walking around East Blue Dragon Palace, the thoughts in Lou Hang’s heart seem to be confirmed!

After leaving the Dragon Kingdom, fly to the southwest corner of East Blue.

After spending half a day searching along the southwest corner of East Blue, Lou Hang successfully found the location of Huaguo Mountain!

It’s just that, at this time, the monkeys in Huaguoshan seem to be living a miserable life!

When Lou Hang came, he found a group of little monsters attacking the Huaguo Mountain.

Under the chase of these little demons, the monkeys in Huaguoshan looked very miserable!

Seeing this, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and at the same time, he was thinking secretly in his heart!

Is it because Son Goku hasn’t become the Monkey King yet?

Or is it that Son Goku has gone to sea to find immortals?

However, now that you have seen it, let’s just help!

Thinking of this, Lou Hang raised his hand and waved it gently!

Following his movements, a shocking sword aura fell, drawing a huge sword mark on the ground.

It seemed as if the world had been cut in half!

Seeing such a terrible scene, the little demons who were chasing the Huaguoshan monkeys stopped all together, and then looked at Lou Hang falling from the sky in amazement!

“I just dare to ask, this god, where do you come from and what do you intend to do?”

Standing up alone, the little demon with a leopard head asked Lou Hang!

“Where are you little demon!?” Lou Hang asked calmly!

Are you kidding me? I haven’t asked where you are from, but you actually asked me where I am from?

“We are under Hunshi Demon King!” Upon hearing this, the Leopard Pioneer said.

“Hunshi Devil!?” Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly after hearing this, and he probably understood it!

Remember this is the first small boss of Novice Village in Novice Village after Son Goku returned from the original work of Saiyu Ji, right?

The name seems pretty silly, but what about the specific strength?

It’s like some guys with nicknames like Shenquan invincible on the rivers and lakes, and guys like this that sound bluff, in fact, they have no means!


“Here’s here, my brother Hang’s live broadcast has started!”

“Damn, my Hang brother has just arrived, and he seems to have a purpose!?”

“East Blue Dragon Palace? What is my Hang brother doing here?”

“Dinghai Shenzhen? The Aerogothic asked about such a treasure, and then left on his own. What does it mean?”

“Huaguoshan? Is there anything special about this Huaguoshan!?”

“Don’t ask, look at it, it still feels familiar, or familiar taste, my brother Hang’s purpose is so strong, this Dinghai Shenzhen, or Huaguoshan, must be extraordinary!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Lou Hang’s perspective, watching Lou Hang had just arrived in this world with a strong purpose, these audiences were energetic.

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