Chapter 483: Unexpectedly

“Huh!?” In the mortal world, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly.

With the disappearance of Shadow Clone, Lou Hang naturally knows what is going on in the Heavenly Court!

Immediately, he opened the magic portal directly and returned to the heavenly court!

It seems that it is because he defeated the matter of Fuhu Luohan. The Buddha said that the gods of the heavenly court intervened in the affairs of the Buddhism. Therefore, His Majesty the Jade Emperor wants to see himself!?

“Lou Hang star officer, let me go!”

The spiritual officer of the High Heaven Hall, had been waiting outside long ago, watched Lou Hang come out, and said!

No nonsense, Lou Hang nodded and followed this spiritual official to the High Heaven Palace!

At this moment, many immortal officials and generals are in the High Heaven Hall!

“Lou Hang, you know you are guilty!” The Jade Emperor sat on the throne and said to Luo Hang from a high level!

“I don’t know, your Majesty, please make it clear!” Lou Hang lowered his head and said!

“Well, have you ever left your job without authorization, went down privately, and got involved in the affairs of Buddhism!?” The Jade Emperor opened his mouth and asked Lou Hang!

“Your Majesty, you have three questions!” Lou Hang said!

Immediately, answer one by one!

“Speaking of resigning without authorization, this minister dare not become a minister. The minister’s clone has always been in the heavenly court, and the approval of related documents has never been delayed!”

“As for going down privately, this, the minister admitted that he was indeed going down privately, but the minister thought about his post in the mortal world, but he has not resigned. If the mortal emperor summoned him, he might have to run to the mortal world in the future.

“Therefore, the minister is here to resign from his post in the mortal world, so that he can concentrate on serving in the heaven in the future!”

“Finally, it is even more nonsense to say that the minister was involved in Buddhism matters!

“Although the minister severely beat Fuhu Luohan, Fahai was also a subordinate of my Anti-Evil Hall. At that time, my position in the Anti-Evil Hall had not been resigned. How could he watch the people under his hands being bullied by others and just stand by? ”

“Your Majesty, did you say yes or no!?” At the end of the talk, Lou Hang asked the Jade Emperor!

This sentence is a pun!

I, Lou Hang, can’t just sit and watch the person under my hand being bullied, can you as the Jade Emperor?

With these explanations of Lou Hang, all the fairy officials and generals in the High Heaven Hall looked at each other!

Don’t tell me, Lou Hang explained the questions about the crimes given by the Jade Emperor one by one, and they are really well-founded!

If you have a clone to handle the documents, it is indeed not considered to be leaving without authorization!

It’s okay to go down privately, but if someone resigns, it’s excusable, isn’t it?

As for the matter of interfering in Buddhism?

Fahai is indeed a member of the Hall of Elimination of Evil, and from the perspective of the identity of the master of the Hall of Elimination of Evil, Lou Hang’s intervention can also make sense!

Moreover, Lou Hang’s rhetorical question is indeed a magical stroke.

He couldn’t just sit back and watch that he was bullied first, could it? Can the Jade Emperor sit back and watch his subordinates be bullied?

Besides, from the point of view of selfishness, the newly ascending heavenly immortal can defeat the Buddha’s Fuhu Arhat, how do you think it is a matter of pride and pride!?

“So, are you accusing the widows?” The Jade Emperor asked Lou Hang quietly, sitting on his throne, not sad or happy!

“I dare not!” Lou Hang replied, lowering his head!

The eyes of the masses are naturally discerning, how you deal with it, everyone sees it!

“Lou Hang went down privately. This is a violation of the rules of the sky. Although it is excusable, it is not tolerated by Tian Tiao after all!”

“The battle with Fuhu, who said that it is nothing wrong to stand as the master of the Hall of Elimination of Evil, but after all, he intervened in Buddhism matters!”

“From now on, I will fine Lou Hang be demoted to Taiye Pool, guard Qiongye Yuye, and reflect on it for ten years!”


The Jade Emperor opened his mouth, with all his words, he directly gave Lou Hang’s disposal, and then waved his hand to make Lou Hang retreat!

In terms of position, from the position of Star Officer to the guard of Taiye Pool, this is obviously a rebate from the position of Immortal!

However, from the perspective of real power, the situation is completely different!

What is in the Taiye Pool?

Qiongye Yuye, that’s a good thing. You can guard the Qiongye Yuye. This is a little bit less. Who knows?

This is a proper fat!

All the fairy officials and generals understand that the Jade Emperor has risen in light and dark!

On the surface, it punished him for intervening in Buddhism, but in reality?

This is because Lou Hang defeated the tiger arhat and greatly raised the face of Buddhism, so he was very happy?

It’s like a fight between your own children and other people’s children!

Although fighting is disapproving, we must teach the lesson well.

But actually? If your child wins the fight, this is also something to be happy about?

Presumably, the Jade Emperor has this mentality now!

After the Jade Emperor finished his treatment, Lou Hang bowed his head and thanked him, then turned around and left the High Heaven Hall, and went to work in Taiye Pond!

Thunder and rain are all graces, so whether it is rewards or punishments, you have to thank you!

Outside, my own spiritual official led Lou Hang to the too liquid pool!

Along the way, Lou Hang got a good understanding of this Taiye Pond, in short, the place where the Jade Emperor used to make wine.

Most of the brewed Qiongzhiyuye was tasted by the Jade Emperor himself.

Of course, if you encounter a grand event such as the Flat Peach Party, you will also take it out for all the fairy families to drink together!

“Lou Hang, this too liquid pool will all be under your control from now on, so don’t let your majesty be disappointed!

After leading Lou Hang to the Taiye Pond, and after giving a good explanation to the fairy wrestlers here, the spiritual official said to Lou Hang earnestly!

“Understood!” Lou Hang nodded, there is nothing unhappy about being demoted to Taiye Pond!

I won’t talk about anything else, at least I don’t need to do homework anymore, I just came here to guard some drinks, it’s not bad!

“No, you still don’t understand!”

However, the Lingguan shook his head and said to Lou Hang: “This Taiye Pond is very important, and the brewing of Qiongye Yuye must be very careful, and there must be no leaks!”

“So, your majesty asks you to taste a cup of jade liquid every three days. You must not let the taste of the jade liquid have the slightest error, otherwise, you are the only one to ask!”

When it comes to the latter, this spiritual official has a sharp look on his face!

“Okay, I really understand now!” Lou Hang nodded when he heard this!

“So, then I will go back. If we are free, we will get close to you!”

Looking at Lou Hang, I really understood it.The spiritual official nodded in satisfaction, and then revealed a touch of goodwill to Lou Hang, and then turned and left!

“It’s over, my Hang-ge violated the rules of the sky, should I be punished by the Jade Emperor?”

“I don’t know how the Jade Emperor will punish my Hang brother!

……For flowers………

“As soon as I open my mouth, ask me if I don’t know the guilt?”

“Hahaha, my Hang Ge’s answer is very good, especially the final question to the Jade Emperor, it is the finishing touch!”

“When my Brother Hang can be bullied for the people he takes, stand up and take action. Could the Jade Emperor just watch it?”

“However, is my Hang brother still being punished to guard some tai liquid pool?”

“Is this because Brother Hang sat at the desk in the office and became a warehouse clerk? Didn’t this mean I belittle my Brother Hang? Unexpectedly, Emperor Jade was like this!”

“Wait? Wait, what does this spiritual official say? Let Brother Hang taste a cup of Qiongjiang Jade Liquid every three days? On the surface, I am afraid that the brewing of Qiongjiang Jade Liquid will change its flavor. In fact, this is a reward, right!?”

“Damn, let me just say it, the Jade Emperor really did something to demote my Hang brother, isn’t it a loss of people’s hearts? It turns out that the real situation is here!

“Although I don’t know what the effect of the Qiongye Yuye is, the wine that the Jade Emperor enjoys can only be drunk by other gods when the grand meeting is held. This wine is absolutely extraordinary!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the audience in these live broadcast rooms felt uncomfortable when seeing Lou Hang being questioned by the Jade Emperor.

I just feel that the actions of the Jade Emperor are really too bad.

However, when Lou Hang really came to Taiye Pond, these people knew that Lou Hang could drink Qiongye Yuye, and they all exploded.

Now everyone understands, how cheap is this, this is a reward!

In order to be afraid of the taste of Qiongyeyuye, let Lou Hang taste it every few days?

Co-authors work at the place where the banknotes are made, to see if the banknotes are well-made, take a stack of them home every other time, and see if they can be used.

Does that mean?

Not to mention at this moment, how many viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room are discussing.

In short, Lou Hang also understood at this time. On the surface, he was punishing himself. In fact, the Jade Emperor was rewarding himself!

The Xian’e and the great men who work in Taiyechi are certainly not stupid.

After the spiritual official just left, a strong man took a big cup the size of a sea bowl, left a bowl of wine and sent it to Lou Hang.

“Shang Xian, this is Qiongye Yuye, can you taste it?” Tian said with a face, the strong man!

“Just now the spirit officer can taste a cup in three days!” Lou Hang did not rush to take it, and said!

“Yes, that’s what the lord of the spirit said just now, but he didn’t say how big a cup to use!” This wise man continued to say with a very clever appearance!

“Well, there is nothing wrong with what you said!” Lou Hang nodded and said!

Immediately, I took this large bowl of wine, brought it to my mouth, and sniffed it gently.

A strong aroma of wine penetrated into his nostrils, Lou Hang only felt that there were 36,000 pores all over his body, and at this moment, all of them were relaxed!

“A good thing, it is indeed a good thing!” Lou Hang nodded silently, opened his mouth and took a sip!


After this sip of the jade liquid, Lou Hang was very comfortable all over the body directly, and the warm and jade energy quickly dispersed into the limbs, as if every cell was cheering!

“Is this the Qiongye Yuye?”

After experiencing the effect of this mouthful of jade syrup, Lou Hang’s face showed a look of surprise and joy!

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