Chapter 465: Breakthrough in Cultivation Base, Upper Nine Heavens

Next, the fight continued for a few days, and finally, the semi-finals were determined.

They are Fahai, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, Dongxuzi, the head of Quanzhen Sect, Qingyang Zhenren, head of Longhushan, and the last Yangxian who has practiced for two thousand years.

Now that it has been determined, naturally, these four are the head and deputy of the Hall of Elimination of Evil!

Three monks, and a demon cultivator!

In addition, there are 18 altar masters and 36 incense masters! The cultivation base is not weak.

Among them, Xiaoqing and the explorer who owns Snow-snow Fruit belong to the ranks of the eighteen altar masters!

In general, there are still a lot of strong people in the battle of the Demon Hall, which made Lou Hang nodded secretly!

The heads of the three cultivating sects, plus one Sheep Immortal who has practiced for two thousand years, their strength is placed in the mortal world, and they are considered top levels!

It’s just that it’s finally confirmed, but there are people who are still dissatisfied with Lou Hang’s position as the hall master?

Want to challenge Lou Hang as the hall master?

From the beginning to the end, no one stood up. It can be seen that the strength shown by Lou Hang in the battle of Black Wind Mountain a few days ago has already conquered everyone!

Since then, the senior staff of the Anti-Evil Hall has been confirmed!

The Jinshan Temple, Quanzhen Sect, Dragon Tiger Mountain, and other disciples of other cultivating sects have also joined the Eliminating Evil Hall one after another, forming the team of the Eliminating Evil Hall!

After the emperor officially canonized all aspects of official posts to the senior officials of the evil hall, the organization of the hall began to operate!

In fact, when the organization of the anti-evil hall was being formed, many of the monsters who had originally messed up had already received the news and started to converge on their 13 lines!

After Lou Hang officially killed the old black wind monster, these monsters were even more shocked!

After all, in the demon world, Heifeng Lao Yao’s name is still very big.

Now, even the old demon Heifeng has been slain, naturally, these monsters also understand how powerful the Anti-Evil Hall is!

When the anti-evil hall officially started to operate, there were not many reports of monsters causing chaos!

Of course, Lou Hang also spent a lot of time to coordinate the overall situation of the operation of the anti-evil hall.

In this way, after several months, the Anti-Evil Tang was completely on the right track.

Hundreds of evil monsters and ghosts were also killed!

Of course, in the past six months, the imperial court has also made great achievements in improving people’s livelihood!

The first is the planting of corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes, which have already begun to grow!

Secondly, even the li Nong artifacts such as the Quyuan Plow and the Waterwheel have also been promoted to the world, and they have received an excellent response!

There are also works of glass, soap, and high-quality liquor, which have also begun to circulate in the market.

As luxury goods, these things are harvesting a lot of wealth.

Of course, these factories also provide a lot of jobs, which can be regarded as stimulating a batch of jobs!

Although Lou Hang has only been in this world for only half a year.

However, everyone can clearly feel the recent changes in the country, and they are moving in a better direction step by step, and the meteors are walking past!

Naturally, as the situation of the whole country gets better and better, this luck will become stronger and stronger!

As the tide rises, the air luck contained in the dragon veins in Lou Hang’s hands is becoming more and more intense!

This night, Lou Hang sat cross-legged and took out the dragon veins!

The dragon veins in his hands are as crystal clear as jade, and even on this night, a faint halo can be clearly seen on the dragon veins!

“Recently, the luck of Shenzhou Earth is on the rise. Is the luck of the dragon veins so strong that they can be seen with the naked eye?”

Staring at the dragon veins and taking a good look, Lou Hang’s heart secretly sighed.

Of course, after having been busy for so long, isn’t the purpose for this?

Lou Hang looked at the dragon veins with more air luck, and he was naturally in a good mood!

Put the dragon veins on one’s legs, practice cross-legged, immersed in the practice of the heavenly book.

At the same time, the force of air transport in the dragon veins is integrated into Lou Hang’s body bit by bit!

This practice, after entering concentration, Lou Hang can’t seem to feel the passage of time.

I just feel that there seems to be no secret in front of my eyes!

And his own soul seems to have been able to completely leave the body!

This way, I don’t know how far away, when Lou Hang came back to his senses, he found that his soul had actually descended into the Nine Nethers and came to the Yin Cao Netherworld!

In the underworld, you can see countless ghosts and ghosts, you can see the soul of a bull’s head and horse, and you can see the black and white impermanence envoy!

Seeing the scene under the Jiuyou Underworld, Lou Hang shook his head, then left the underworld and went straight to the Nine Heavens!

At this time, Lou Hang may be able to understand what is going on in his state!

This is his own soul, really has grown to the limit, right?

Even in vitro, under jiu hell, on the seventh heaven?

Sure enough, before Lou Hang although tried on the seventh heaven, however, because of insufficient strength of soul, and failed each time.

Like ordinary people like altitude sickness, his soul can not bear to leave the flesh too far!

But now, Lou Hang soul, but he is not limiting, directly on the seventh heaven, even came to the South Gate!

“Hey, who are you? Nantianmen something to do?”

When Lou Hang it looked Nantianmen, heart secretly wonder when a sound up, he said hello to Lou Hang!

The “fairy polite, my name is Lou Hang, now the culmination of soul, so to this seventh heaven, look at this Xianjia sight!” Lou Hang opening honestly say so!

“So is the culmination of God’s fairy friend, it seems, your soul come not only on the seventh heaven, soaring day you are not far from the truth, the future will be able to ranked immortals up!

Lou Hang listen to the words in front of him, a seemingly gentle fairy, praise said.

Voice down, along with the fairy introduce myself about it, said: “! Wenquxing Jun Wu Nai”

The original “is Wenquxing Jun, courtesy!” Heard, Lou Hang nodded his head and said!

Wenquxing, which is still in mortal famous.

Especially those scholars, in addition to worship Confucius, there are many of them worship Wenquxing!

For example, to describe people learning high, but also down to earth Wenquxing adjectives!

Wenquxing did not make as arrogant immortal, being the case, Lou Hang course is also good and he talked about some cases upon a time!

Among all kinds of movies and television, although the interpretation of the situation Once upon a time, but after all, the show come.

Really want to say it, this is his first came upon a time!

Unfortunately, Lou Hang now only be regarded as the soul to it, and no achievement fairy body, so, is not immortal, can not enter Nantianmen.

In this outside, and Wenquxing talk about it, say goodbye This turned away!

Soul back to his body, Lou Hang opened his eyes, the eyes reveal the surprise of color!

Their soul, can lower jiu, the Qing Ming, which means their soul, has reached the final of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Road, air offerings realm!

Again a good feel for the repair yourself!

Sure enough, with the state to break the three-point Chingjing too, their cultivation naturally increase by a large margin!

“I am for the repair, has exceeded three thousand years, right?

Feel that they enhance the repair is, Lou Hang hearts secretly sigh, but feel that their choice right!

Two-pronged approach, the vast land of air transport rose, even with their cultivation can follow a breakthrough!

After all, air transport have gone up, you can be everything go smoothly, right?

Prehistoric legend, the six saints have been able to sanctification, not all operations with the aid of the gas it?

“Ha? My brother aircraft repair, breaking the three thousand yet?”

“What happened in the end? How no reason to break out?”

“I remember my brother aircraft repair, the original five centuries is not it?”

Dragon “, that is the role of the Dragon do? Air transport among the 383 dragon veins, are strong enough to let Dragon shine ah!”

Could “? That’s Hang brother spent so much effort, the formation of the Church of the reasons for crime?”

“Understand, understand ah, this is Dragon Air Division for the media, divided the vast land of air transport, right?”

“According to legend, even if it is full of God Buddha ah you want to air transport, showing that this precious air transport, and now, my brother got air transport aircraft, repair a breakthrough realm? That makes sense, right?

“Too reasonable, ah!”

“People competing for breath Buddha fight a stick of incense, what is this war? Is not indisputable orthodoxy gas transport it?”

Long live among countries, had to see Lou Hang always, in practice, many viewers did not think about.

However, with Lou Hang finished practicing, feeling something break through their own cultivation, has gone beyond the three thousand years of cultivation, the audience were severely shocked!

Three thousand years of cultivation ah, this eighth Adventureland it, already have been revised for three thousand years of it?

This figure alone repair, to make people feel a Burke!

Studio not to mention the dragon country, now is what kind of situation.

On the other side, an old woman, came to the crime put to wonder the Church!

Grandmother, “What you are going to entrust the task?”

Looked at the old lady walked in, a staff member came up and asked!

“I, my old woman, no money entrusted the task ah, I, I have come to report!” Grandmother spoke and said!

“Report? You found hidden in the earth evildoer it?” Heard this book to come out of the staff look like to be recorded!

“! Yes, just east of the Mr teach, named Xu Xian, his family lady, seems to be a demon ah” granny opening, the report said:

“Mr. Chengdong teaching, her husband, Lady Bai is suspected demon!”

After careful ask to understand the situation, the staff write the specific situation in a book written down.

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