Chapter 463: Don’t interfere, I surrounded Black Wind Mountain by myself

“What it is!?”

The broadcast station outside the imperial city, originally, everyone’s attention was on the battle of the ring.

However, suddenly a magic portal structure was completed, which stunned almost everyone!

Of course, some people have known this magic portal for a long time.

For example, the emperor, such as Yanhai, and the hundreds of civil and military officials!

Therefore, after seeing the appearance of this magic portal, everyone knew that it was a method from Lou Hang!

“Everyone, from here, there is such a powerful demon energy, wait for this seat to go over and take a look!”

Knowing that this is Lou Hang’s meaning, Fahai played a role of praise, and after putting such a sentence in his mouth, he took the lead through the magic portal and walked over!

“Go, let’s take a look together, it’s really a strong monster~Ah!”

Fa Hai was the first to pass in this large court. If he didn’t pass, wouldn’t it mean that his inheritance of Taoism is not as good as Jinshan Temple!?

Therefore, the high-level officials of several other sects also responded quickly!

Human psychology, sometimes this is the case, the herd effect.

Once someone starts, then everyone behind will follow!

Don’t say it was these contestants who originally had the ability to subdue demons and demons, and even the ordinary people in the back were curious.

Then, follow these people through the magic portal to have a look!


What are you kidding about, so many celestial masters and eminent monks have come together, and with them, is there anything I am afraid of!?


Lou Hang’s shocking sword energy fell on Heifeng Mountain, and immediately caused Hefeng Mountain to shake.

This trick, when used to say hello, couldn’t be more suitable!

Sure enough, a monster that looked fierce and evil soon flew out!

Behind this old demon, there are about dozens of little demon.

“Hey hey, are you alone to die?”

Looking up and down Lou Hang, he could see that his cultivation level was not weak, which made the old monster Heifeng feel refreshed, and at the same time, he opened his mouth to taunt Lou Hang!

“Really? You think there are fewer people and you can’t see how you were killed. Are you unhappy? Don’t worry, there will be a lot of audiences soon!”

Lou Hang’s expression still calmly said to the old black wind demon!

Sure enough, following Lou Hang’s words, after a while, led by Fahai, a large group of monks passed through the magic portal and arrived at the Black Wind Mountain!

At first, seeing the cultivators come out one by one, Old Demon Heifeng was still dark in his heart.

Sure enough, I deliberately acted arrogantly, the purpose is to attract the attention of the so-called anti-evil hall!

Now, so many monks have been sent to the door?

Isn’t this exactly what I want to see?

It’s just that Old Demon Heifeng’s joyful thoughts have just risen not long before, and look at it, hundreds of cultivators have come over!

This made Old Demon Heifeng’s heart sink completely!

That’s right, I really hope to attract some cultivators to come, but there are too many here, right?

I can’t stand it!

“That’s it? Mr. Lou Hang!?”

Not to mention the thoughts of the old demon Black Wind, seeing Lou Hang who is outnumbered by the enemy, Fahai and the others have naturally seen it!

“Mr. Lou Hang, we’re here to help you!” I thought Lou Hang was asking for help when he opened the portal, Fahai said loudly!

“No, just watch it by the side, I have surrounded these monsters in Heifeng Mountain!” Looking back at Fahai, Lou Hang shook his head and said!


Lou Hang’s words from Haki made the faces of people who came through the portal look very weird.

Isn’t it an outnumbered enemy? Lou Hang is only one person, and he actually said that he surrounded all the monsters of the entire Black Wind Mountain?

How did he say this!?

“Everyone, since Lou Hang says we don’t interfere, then let’s not interfere!”

An explorer next to him spoke and said to the people around!

Yes, what else is there to say, compared to others, these explorers are really blindly confident in Lou Hang’s strength!

Since Lou Hang said he should not interfere, in the eyes of these explorers, then just don’t interfere.

Otherwise, I’m just messing with Mr. Lou Hang!

This “Old Black Wind Demon is really not afraid of death, against the wind to commit crimes?”

“Here is setting up an evil hall, he dare to be so arrogant!?”

“As the hall master of the Anti-Evil Hall, isn’t this hitting my Hang Ge in the face? How can my Hang Ge to bear this?”

“In other words, the selection of the platform is not over yet, and no one has challenged Brother Hang. Therefore, the position of the hall master of Brother Hang has not been firmly seated, right?”

“Isn’t it? It’s not true that some people think that anyone can defeat our Hang Ge and seize my Hang Ge’s position as the Hall Master, right?”

“Here, my Hang brother is here, and I went directly to Heifeng Mountain. I opened a portal first, and then greeted with a shocking sword aura? My Hang brother acts like this, Zhang Haki, I like it! ”

“This old black wind demon really looks very powerful, there are so many little demon!”

“However, one by one cultivators have also passed through the portal and arrived at the Black Wind Mountain, and the support of my Hang brother has also come!”

“Why do I feel that the purpose of Brother Hang opening this portal is to show the saints before others? He didn’t want to seek support from others!?”

“Damn, I was right. Brother Hang really didn’t let others interfere, but chose to do it alone!”

“It’s numb, my Hang brother is awesome and it’s over!”

“One person surrounded the entire Black Wind Mountain. Look, if you are Hang Brother, what a Haki it is!”

“Don’t say it, at this time, other explorers also trust our Hang brother’s strength more?”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, seeing Lou Hang want someone to show his sage again, it seemed that he had deliberately pulled a group of spectacles to see how he cast down demons and exterminated demons.

These audiences were all cheered up one by one, very excited!

This damn sense of substitution, every time Brother Hang does this kind of thing in front of people, it makes people feel very excited!

“Aaa, alone, surrounded us? Are you kidding me?”

Not to mention the thoughts of others, at this time, the old black wind demon also noticed Lou Hang’s words, grinned, and showed a mocking smile on his face, and said to Lou Hang!

“I’m sorry, I’m never kidding!” Lou Hang’s face was straight, and he shook his head at the old black wind monster!

The voice fell, and several screams suddenly sounded.

It was the little demon who followed the old demon Heifeng, who suddenly suffered a terrible attack and was killed in seconds!

…For flowers…

“What’s the situation? Who is it!?”

Suddenly, the little monsters behind him were attacked, and the old black wind demon’s expression was astonished, and he didn’t understand what was going on.

I didn’t see the other party making any move, for no reason, why the little demons behind me were killed!

“This, what’s the situation?”

Don’t say that it is the old black wind demon who looks dumbfounded here, even the many cultivators who are vying for the ranking of the evil hall are a little dumbfounded!

“Appeared, Mr. Lou Hang, the invisible clone!” Fahai and Lou Hang have discussed, so he recognizes the ability of this round of tomb hell!

“Appeared, Lou Hang’s strange ability, in the previous world, the Lord of the Moon Worshipping seems to be defeated by this trick?”

Other explorers also understood this ability of Lou Hang!

After each world returns, what did Lou Hang of Longguo do? What kind of resources did he get?

These seem to have become the homework that other explorers have to do after they return!

Therefore, the last world Lou Hang showed the ability of the round tomb hell, these explorers more or less know it!

Bang bang bang!

Not to mention the mood of the people next to him, after killing a few little demons, the prison next to the tomb followed by attacking the old black wind monster!

Being attacked by the invisible round tomb hell, the old demon Heifeng’s figure was also directly knocked out, and he fell on the ground, looking a little embarrassed.

The injuries on his body do not look light!

“Get out of here!” Falling on the ground, Old Demon Heifeng shouted loudly.

Immediately, a powerful demon energy erupted from its body!

There were several rounds of tombs in the surrounding prisons, and the demon energy that could not be resisted was shocked by him a lot!

It turns out “There is something invisible, hiding in the dark!”

Obviously he could feel that his demon qi had thrown away something around him, Old Demon Black Wind said with a sneer.

As the words fell, the eyes of the old black wind demon let out a faint light.

After scanning around, he grinned and said, “Hey, I found it. It turns out that there are four invisible shadows!”

“Thinking that just with so few invisible shadows, you can defeat me?” Old Demon Heifeng said with a sneer!

However, Lou Hang didn’t mean to accompany him so much nonsense, raised the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and slashed it in the direction of the old black wind demon!

This sword, attached to the terrifying and hot flame, slashed in the direction of the old black wind demon!

The shocking sword aura appeared again, much more powerful than the sword aura that greeted you just now!


Old Demon Black Wind made a terrible roar, and when he opened his mouth, a terrible whirlwind swept toward Lou Hang!

The sharp sword energy collided with the high-speed rotating hurricane.

For a time, the sword energy collapsed and shattered, and the powerful hurricane also collapsed and shattered!

“This Old Black Wind Demon’s cultivation base is so high, it’s not even lower than Fahai, right!?” With just such a move, Lou Hang can roughly how far the cultivation base of the Six Black Wind Old Demon is. !

And this judgment also made Lou Hang’s mind serious.

A monster, but has such a cultivation base? This is a big monster that has never appeared in the original work.

No wonder, did you dare to commit crimes against the wind, did you rely on your own powerful cultivation base?

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