Chapter 460: I’m really hit by Lou Hang!?

The purple bamboo forest is a place where white snakes and green snakes practice!

After leaving the Jinshan Temple, Xiaoqing returned to the Zizhu Forest!

Regarding the Chu Ei Tang, Xiaoqing felt that she and her sister could indeed join.

Don’t ask to help them deal with how many evil demons.

But if you have such an identity, you will be much safer if you walk in the world in the future, right?

Xiaoqing’s disposition is more lively, so he reacts very quickly.

From the chat between Lou Hang and Fahai, she can understand.

Soon, this hall for eliminating evil will definitely become the most powerful force in the world to subdue demons and demons!

As the demon class of the anti-evil hall, it can be said that it has obtained the qualification to walk in the world officially.

No need to worry about being killed by those monks and Taoists indiscriminately in the future.

Therefore, for Xiaoqing and the others, who didn’t want to do evil, the appearance of this anti-evil hall is actually a good thing for them!

“Huh? Where’s my sister?”

It was just that when I came to the Zizhu Forest, I searched for a circle, but did not find the whereabouts of her sister Bai Suzhen, which made Xiaoqing startled!

“Won’t he really got it right?” Xiao Qing’s heart clicked without finding his sister in Zizhulin.

I thought of what Lou Hang said before!

He said that his sister would fall in love with humans, and would have a forbidden love like Kazuto!?

Sure enough, after searching for a circle in the purple bamboo forest, in the cave, Xiaoqing found the news that her sister left for herself.

He said that he was going to the world for a walk, to enter the world and practice!

Seeing this, everything seems to be moving in the direction Lou Hang said.

This made Xiao Qing’s feeling of inexplicability become more and more intense!

“No, Lou Hang’s words must be fake. My sister, she has practiced for thousands of years. What kind of person hasn’t been seen before, how can she not be able to control herself? This is impossible!”

Shaking his head, Xiao Qing said in a hurry!

It’s just that I don’t know if these words are comforting myself.

In short, she doesn’t seem to have much faith in herself!

After all, I have been practicing together for many years, so even if my sister left, Xiaoqing was able to follow the residual smell in the air and find her sister!

Feeling a little bit, sticking out his tongue, and analyzing the remaining breath in the air.

Xiaoqing also left the Zizhu Forest!

Following the sister’s breath, Xiaoqing really found her sister Bai Suzhen soon!

However, when Xiaoqing really saw her sister, she was dumbfounded!

This is an ordinary house. A young man is reading a book in his hand.

And his sister?

Actually wearing a coarse cloth, doing housework!

Had it not been for hundreds of years together, I would never admit my mistake.

Just seeing this scene with my own eyes, I would never believe that the peasant woman in front of me would actually be my sister!

Xiaoqing came over, and Bai Suzhen naturally felt it.

He glanced over here, and then, silently shook his head to Xiaoqing.

Obviously, I don’t want Xiaoqing to jump out now!

Bai Suzhen feels that it is best to wait for a good chat with her before talking!

However, Bai Suzhen showed that the more he cared about Xu Xian, on the contrary, the more upset Xiao Qing was.

Then, he walked out directly and shouted at Bai Suzhen: “Sister!”

This “girl is!?”

This shout naturally attracted Xu Xian’s attention. After a glance, Xu Xian asked Bai Suzhen next to him.

“Msang Gong, this is Xiaoqing, my sister, she didn’t arrive, she actually found here, blame me for not telling you in advance!”

Upon hearing this, Bai Suzhen hurriedly introduced!

Well, it turned out that the sister-in-law is really here.

Xu Xian also followed and expressed his welcome!

At the same time, he said that since the sister-in-law is here, of course he wants to go out, buy some good food, and entertain!

“Xiaoqing, right? I don’t know what kind of food you like to eat?” Before going out, Xu Xian asked Xiaoqing!

“Me? I like to eat toads!” Xiaoqing said with a smile!

“Toad? You, your taste is quite unique!” Xu Xian said with a look of embarrassment!

Bai Suzhen next to him gently pulled Xiaoqing!

It’s just that Xiaoqing didn’t seem to have seen Bai Suzhen’s hint, and then said again: “In addition, I also like to eat mice!

“Uh… now, Xu Xian didn’t know how to pick up this conversation for a while!

I like to eat toad, but I still understand it.

After all, sometimes, some people will catch toad stew!

But, like to eat mice, what is the situation?

As long as there is something to eat, no one will like to eat mice, right?

We “snakes, of course like to eat mice, is this weird?” Seeing Xu Xian unable to answer, Xiao Qing asked.

“Snake!?” Xu Xian was even more dumbfounded after hearing this, he looked at Xiaoqing for unknown reasons!

“Msang-gong, go shopping for groceries. Both of us are snakes. We are just Chinese zodiac. Don’t listen to her nonsense!”

He grabbed Xiao Qing, and really didn’t dare to let her talk anymore.At the same time, Bai Suzhen had finished the round, and Xu Xian said to him!

“Yeah, it turned out to be like this!” Xu Xian nodded quietly in his heart upon hearing this.

I sighed that my little sister-in-law was too naughty, and immediately turned and left!

“Xiaoqing, how did you find this place?” After Xu Xian left, Bai Suzhen said to Xiaoqing!

“How did I find it? If I don’t come here again, maybe, you and him will even have children!?”

Listening to Bai Suzhen’s words, Xiao Qing said with an unhappy expression!

These words made Bai Suzhen’s expression a little embarrassing.

I opened my mouth and wanted to talk, but I couldn’t say it!

“No? Sister, you really want to have a baby with him!?”

Seeing her sister suddenly stopped talking, Xiao Qing’s face became much more ugly, and at the same time, she asked Bai Suzhen in shock!

“Um, I, I’m pregnant!” Bai Suzhen replied!

“Hearing this, Xiaoqing only feels black in front of her eyes!

Well, I still didn’t want to believe Lou Hang’s words in my heart, but now?

My sister is pregnant. Doesn’t this prove that Lou Hang’s words are true?

Sister, “You have been practicing for a thousand years, don’t you know what the consequences will be if a man and a demon fall in love?”

Xiaoqing asked her sister in an annoyed way!

“Well, Xiaoqing, you came after me specially, is there something important!?”

However, on her own question, Bai Suzhen didn’t say much, but stared at Xiaoqing and asked!

“Me? I did come to you for something very important!”

Hearing this, Xiaoqing nodded, and immediately told Bai Suzhen the news of the Church!

“Isn’t it? Unexpectedly, does the world actually want to form such an institution? And, we can also participate!?”

Hearing this, Bai Suzhen’s face also showed a look of surprise!

“Yes, sister, I’m here to join you!” Nodded, Xiao Qing replied!

“No, Xiaoqing, I don’t think we should join!” But after thinking for a while, Bai Suzhen shook her head and said!

“Why!?” Now, Xiaoqing couldn’t understand it anymore.

If you join, you can walk in the world with integrity in the future. Isn’t that bad?

“Xiaoqing, you are still young, so you don’t know the sinisterness of human beings, the sinisterness of the human heart, it is much more terrifying than our monsters!” Bai Suzhen persuaded Xiaoqing with the appearance of a person coming over!

“In the world of humanity, there is a saying that is well said, sly rabbits die, runaway dogs cook!

“There are other words that are well said, all the birds, good bows!

“Non-my family, its heart must be different!”

“The current anti-evil hall may have to borrow our power to deal with those vicious and vicious demons.”

“However, when these 307 vicious monsters are almost killed, with the human heart, they will not let us go! Therefore, I don’t want to join this so-called anti-evil hall!

Bai Suzhen spoke, and expressed her scruples!

“I see, you actually don’t want to disturb your peaceful life, right?”

I heard that my sister really refused, but in Xiaoqing’s mind, it reflexively remembered what Lou Hang said before!

Lou Hang said before that his sister is addicted to the relationship between men and women, and maybe she didn’t want to join the anti-evil hall!

I thought it was a good idea to join, but Lou Hang had anticipated all her sister’s actions in advance.

Naturally, Xiaoqing also suspects that the reason for her sister’s refusal is actually the same as Lou Hang said.

She just doesn’t want to disturb her current life!

“Xiaoqing, what are you talking about!?”

Hearing what Xiaoqing said, Bai Suzhen shook her head, and for a while, the two sisters actually started to argue!

What’s the situation on Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen’s side, let’s not say for the time being.

Following the situation of the court, after thorough discussions were over, the corresponding edicts were announced to the world soon.

It is said that the imperial court wants to set up a hall for eliminating evil, recruit powerful monks, and subdue demons and demons!

After this edict was published, for a time, the whole country celebrated, and countless people shouted long live.

Demons and ghosts, this is something that many people talk about, but there is no effective means to fight it!

Now that the imperial court has begun to organize special agencies to deal with demons and ghosts?

Not only the people from the public have responded enthusiastically, but there are also many monks in the spiritual world who feel happy!

If this is the case, in the future, if you occasionally send demons and demons, you can still go to the court to receive bounty? This is also a very good situation, right?

On the Jinshan Temple, with Fahai’s order, almost all the monks in the Jinshan Temple started to act, responding to the imperial edict!

In short, with the imperial edict, the whole world was shaken.

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