Chapter 434: Breakthrough in cultivation base, second floor of Taiqing realm

“Your Majesty, want me to deal with you, after all, your existence has already seriously affected the emperor’s power!”

Lou Hang is still telling the truth!

In fact, there is nothing that can’t be said. The emperor has to deal with the matter of the priest of the moon worship. It is impossible for the leader of the moon worship to not know.

His question must be to see his answer, right?

“Hey, what’s your answer?” There is still no change in the expression on the face of the worshiper of the moon, and he still calmly asked Lou Hang!

“My answer to him is, I don’t know if I will help him when the war really starts, I didn’t agree, and I didn’t refuse it!” Lou Hang still answered calmly!


Listening to Lou Hang’s answer, the Lord of Moon Worship looked at him a little strangely and said, “Could it be that you also have the heart to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor?”

They are not from Nanzhao Kingdom, Lou Hang should not be loyal to the emperor.

Therefore, in the eyes of the worshiper of the moon, Lou Hang should have refused directly in the face of the emperor’s wooing.

However, he actually gave an ambiguous answer?

Could it be that he still wants to wait for the price to see if the emperor will give him conditions that make his heart move?

However, after knowing it, there is still a month to go. The leader of the worship of the moon thinks that he still has some knowledge of Luo’s “Zero Seven Zero” flight.

He doesn’t look like this kind of person!

“Because, the emperor’s husband and wife is called Li Xiaoyao, and Li Xiaoyao is my disciple!” Lou Hang replied!

“It turns out that the emperor and Mr. Lou Hang still have this relationship!” Upon hearing this, the master of the moon worshipping suddenly realized!

“Mr. Lou Hang, do you already know this?” Speaking of this, the Lord of Moon Worship asked Lou Hang again!

“Not bad!” Lou Hang nodded and admitted.

“Well, Mr. Lou Hang’s heart and instruments are really extraordinary!” The Lord of Moon Worship understood Lou Hang’s mind, and he sighed!

“If one day, Mr. Lou Hang and I will be opposed. At that time, I hope that neither of the two sides will keep their hands, but I also hope that it will not affect the present because of what may happen in the future!”

The Lord of Worship Moon turned and left, but before leaving, he said such a thing seriously!

“Okay, let’s talk about things in the future, do well now!” Listening to the words of the Lord of the Moon, Lou Hang also nodded silently, and expressed his amazement at the character of the Lord of the Moon!

Perhaps, in the original work of Legend of Sword and Fairy 1, the Lord of Moon Worship is indeed a super villain.

But villains don’t mean bad guys, do they?

At least, if you know that you may face a confrontation in the future, you can still say these things, this is not something ordinary people have!

So, in the following days, Lou Hang and the moon worshiper seemed to have selectively forgotten the conversation that night, and they still talked about it!

Lou Hang continued to tell the lunar worship masters knowledge in many scientific fields, and the lunar worship masters also gave their knowledge of witchcraft to the full.

In this way, another two months have passed in a blink of an eye!

On this day, Lou Hang sat cross-legged and practiced quietly.

In the past three months or so, I have been taught by the master of the moon worship, coupled with my own hard work in cultivation, and a small accumulation of quantitative changes, it seems that the opportunity for qualitative change has come!

Closing his eyes, Lou Hang felt the vitality in the void, pouring toward him, becoming more and more huge!

Under the scouring of these huge vitality, Lou Hang’s soul has become more and more solid!

The original primordial spirit, which was slightly illusory, seemed to be condensed into substance at this moment!

The sky has changed at this moment.

The main altar of worshipping the moon, because of the drastic changes in the vitality of heaven and earth.

When everyone raised their heads, they could clearly see, as if a spiral cloud layer was rotating around the sky of the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect!

“Then, what is that scene? Does the leader have any big moves?” This is the thinking of many people in the city, and there is more curiosity in their hearts!

On the side of the Nanzhao State Palace, His Majesty the Emperor also looked at this side intently, his face was very ugly!

“That wicked animal, is it possible that the cultivation base has improved again? It can actually cause such a change in the world!” Shi Gonghu next to the emperor said, his face also very ugly!

“Is this? Mr. Lou Hang’s cultivation base is going to break through the shackles?”

Of course, the one who responded most quickly was the leader of the main altar of worship.

Feeling the changes in the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Moon was also shocked and immediately overjoyed.

Then I came to the secret room where Lou Hang was practicing, and didn’t mean to break in rashly, but quietly stayed outside the secret room to help Lou Hang protect the law!

Let me put it another way, in the past three months, all the ideas about my own practice have been instilled into Lou Hang. Lou Hang’s cultivation level can break through. The Lord of the Moon believes that he can be regarded as a contribution.

Therefore, this Lou Hang’s breakthrough, the Lord of Moon Worship also feels a sense of accomplishment!

Time, one minute and one second passed, Lou Hang didn’t know what the situation was outside, and he focused on his breakthrough!

With the infusion of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the rapid improvement of the cultivation base he has allowed, the primordial spirit has become more and more solid!

Finally, when a certain critical point is reached, a natural breakthrough occurs, and one’s own soul can change between virtual and real!

It can be transformed into a visible and tangible substance, this is the spiritual power of nothingness becoming substance!

In the same way, it can become an invisible and intangible spiritual power!

With the breakthrough of cultivation base, Lou Hang’s cultivation base has also been improved, directly breaking through the two thousand years of cultivation base!

“Is this a breakthrough? The hole virtual realm on the first level of the too clear realm, has it now reached the anti-virtual realm on the second level of the clear realm?”

After a long time, the breakthrough was finally over, Lou Hang also opened his eyes, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes!

The cultivation base broke through to the second floor of Taiqing Realm.

So, in terms of cultivation base, it has surpassed the master Daoxuan of Qingyun Sect, right?

The cultivation base broke through, and after a good stabilization, the huge cultivation base in Lou Hang’s body was incorporated into the Zifu Lingtai, and the soul was sitting in the Zifu Lingtai!

Standing up to open the door, the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Moon was still quietly guarding the door!

“Master, what are you?” Seeing the Master of Moon Worship standing at the door, Lou Hang showed a strange look on his face!

“Congratulations, Mr. Lou Hang, the cultivation base has broken through! The face of the worship master showed a touch of joy, and he said congratulations to Lou Hang!

Thank you, “Is the leader always protecting me?” After thanking him, Lou Hang asked!

“Yes, the breakthrough of cultivation level is a very important thing. I happen to be nearby, so I will help you protect the law so that you won’t be disturbed!”

This answer made Lou Hang feel a little bit emotional, but also a little embarrassed.

In the end, a thousand words came to my lips and turned into a thank you again…

“Awesome, my Hang brother, the cultivation base has broken through again!”

“666, my Brother Hang’s cultivation base has broken through the second floor of the Taiqing Realm, so happy!”

“There are only three floors in Taiqing Realm, right? So, is my Brother Hang Xiuxian only one step away from the end?”

“If this progress continues, even if my Brother Hang makes the final breakthrough, it is possible to rise to an immortal, right?”

“Damn, the Lord of the Moon Worship has been guarding my Hang Brothers at the door?”

“This, this moon worship leader, really has nothing to say to my Hang brother!”

Although from the description of Jiujianxian, this Moon Worship Master seems to be a big villain, but it has defeated the people of the world, but the Moon Worship Master has not defeated our Hang Ge!”

“I have become a fan, Laozi actually has a feeling of being a fan of the moon worshiper!”

“This damn personality charm, it’s no wonder that the leader of the moon worship in Nanzhao can have such a high prestige, and even suppress the imperial power. This is not that the leader of the moon simply fooled the people of Nanzhao, but Real personality charm, right?”

“Brother Hang and the leader of the moon worship have talked before, and they may be opposed in the future, but the current leader of the moon worship is still doing his best to Brother Hang!”

Of course I admire this “measure, at least, the emperor of Nanzhao has absolutely no such measure, right?”

This is “like a couple who are in love, knowing that they are likely to break up in the future, but they are still doing their best to be good to the other half. Such a character and such a measure are indeed not something ordinary people can have! ”

In Long Guo’s live broadcast room, watching Lou Hang’s cultivation base break through, naturally, the audience in the live broadcast room are also very happy, very happy!

When he saw Lou Hang’s breakthrough, the Lord of Moon Worship had always been at the door, and many audiences were even more amazed.

I express my admiration for the character of the moon worshiper!

What’s the situation of the Moon Worship Sect General Altar, let’s not say it for the time being!

On the other side, on the edge of Nanzhao State, one or two men, one woman, and one or two people have come to the vicinity of Nanzhao State!

“Finally here!”

Coming to the edge of Nanzhao State 3.2 and looking at the scene of Nanzhao State in front of him, Li Xiaoyao said with a lot of emotion!

“Nanzhao State, I’m finally back, grandma, I’m finally here!” Zhao Linger also sighed a lot, and said in a low voice!

At this time, Zhao Linger’s belly is already big, and she has been pregnant for almost half a year!

However, in the past two months, Zhao Ling’er has successfully become acquainted with his bloodline, so the snake tail has been transformed into the appearance of legs again!

Let’s go, “Let’s go to the palace! Good” After a lot of emotion, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling’er continued to move forward!

When I came to the palace, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling’er revealed the identity of the princess.

After the report, His Majesty the Emperor naturally met the two of them immediately!

“Is this my daughter?”

Looking at Zhao Ling’er seriously, the Emperor’s heart secretly sighed, after so many years, his daughter has finally returned!

“Is this Lou Hang’s disciple, Li Xiaoyao?” Then, His Majesty the Emperor looked at Li Xiaoyao on the side.

It seems that he is indeed a brave young man.As a disciple of Lou Hang, I don’t know what makes him different?

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