Chapter 416: The Eight Inner Gates Started Permanently


The Chakra visible to the naked eye broke out from Liu Jinyuan’s body!

The powerful Chakra makes Liu Jinyuan’s originally handsome and gentle face look a bit fierce and violent!

Eight Inner Gates, after a period of training, Liu Jinyuan actually promoted the Eight Inner Gates to the third gate in one breath!

Mei Keiko, who was next to her, felt the Chakra burst out of Liu Jinyuan, and she was secretly surprised!

Is this Eight Inner Gates also the ability Lou Hang got in the world of ninjas?

He can actually raise his Chakra to such a level!?

More importantly, Liu Jinyuan’s cultivation speed was so fast that Meihuizi was dumbfounded!

In less than a month of cultivation, has Liu Jinyuan’s current strength actually reached this point?

If the Eight Inner Gates were opened, even oneself would not be able to defeat him!

His current amount of Chakra is really shocking!

It’s just that I have traveled through several worlds and practiced for six or seven years, but it is not as good as others’ practice for a month?

This situation really makes Mieko feel like she is about to cry!

Is this a genius? Is this a real genius?

Efforts seem worthless in front of talent!

“It’s not bad, the Eight Inner Gates can drive to the Third Gate. Such a speed of cultivation is really ridiculously fast!”

Next to Lou Hang’s Shadow Clone, looking at the Chakra that burst out of Liu Jinyuan, he also nodded and said in admiration!

“Master Luo, the outbreak of Chakra on this body is completely a sign that he cannot completely control Chakra, and it just looks strong.

Actually, “This Chakra wastes too much!”

“I still need to keep working hard to take control of these violent Chakras early!”

In addition, I think this Eight Inner Gates, there is still the possibility of continuing to optimize!”

The azure blue Chakra burst out, and at the same time, Liu Jinyuan spoke!

Okay, so is this a high-IQ genius?

Other people’s Eight Inner Gates has opened to this point, maybe indulging in the sudden improvement of strength, I feel happy!

However, what Liu Jinyuan is concerned about is that in this state, the waste of Chakra is too great!

In addition, is it possible to continue to optimize the practice of Eight Inner Gates?

I have practiced step by step, at least I have never thought about how to optimize the Eight Inner Gates trick!

“I will think about it these two days. If there is progress, I will notify Lord Luo!”

In this way, after maintaining the open state of the Third Gate gate for a while, Liu Jinyuan dismissed the Eight Inner Gates from his body and said!

Next, Liu Jinyuan continued his research.

Neither Lou Hang nor Mieko meant to disturb him!

To be honest, Liu Jinyuan, a high-IQ-type cultivation genius, what kind of optimization will the Eight Inner Gates get in his hands?

Lou Hang’s heart is also quite curious, and quite looking forward to it!

This kind of genius who is almost like an open hanging type, I don’t know how far he will optimize Eight Inner Gates?

So, two days passed.

In the past two days, Liu Jinyuan went to the land of fireworks, but he was only divided into Shadow Clone!

Then, in the middle of the night, Liu Jinyuan found Lou Hang with excitement!

“Master Luo, I’m so angry”! “Liu Jinyuan shouted to Lou Hang excitedly!

“Eight Inner Gates, did you succeed? How to optimize it?” Lou Hang also understood what Liu Jinyuan meant, and stared at him curiously and asked.

“Master Luo, you should come and feel it yourself, so it will be clearer!” Liu Jinyuan said:

“Ah? Do you want to learn from me? It’s good, then try it!”

Listening to Liu Jinyuan’s words, Lou Hang came a little more interested, staring at Liu Jinyuan curiously and said!

Immediately, the two walked to a clearing next to each other, and stood facing each other!

“To do it, you should at least turn on the status of Eight Inner Gates first!? Otherwise, do it, maybe you don’t have a chance to turn it on!”

Seeing that Liu Jinyuan was just standing and didn’t mean to open the Eight Inner Gates, Lou Hang reminded him!

“My Eight Inner Gates status has always been on!” Upon hearing this, Liu Jinyuan replied!

“Ah!? It’s always on!?” Lou Hang was slightly startled, staring at Liu Jinyuan in amazement!

However, at this moment, Liu Jinyuan’s figure moved, and he rushed towards Lou Hang, extremely fast!

Lou Hang raised his hand and blocked Liu Jinyuan’s punch!

This punch of Rikido changed Lou Hang’s face slightly!

From the Rikido of this punch, Lou Hang can clearly feel that Liu Jinyuan’s punch is very powerful, and it is definitely not the power he should have.

Moreover, in terms of speed, it is not what he should have now!

Without waiting for Lou Hang to think about other things, Liu Jinyuan’s figure flashed, came behind Lou Hang, and turned his leg towards Lou Hang again!

Lou Hang’s Shadow Clone cheered up and faced Liu Jinyuan’s attack seriously.

Whether it is strength or an old enemy, Liu Jinyuan has reached a very advanced level!

It was another kick on Lou Hang’s blocked arms, and then Liu Jinyuan took the opportunity to perform a backflip.

At the same time, when the person is still in the air, his hands are already sealed!

After that, he opened his mouth to Lou Hang and blew: “Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique!”

A large flame, turned into a huge fireball, pressed hard towards Lou Hang!

Seeing this, Lou Hang’s Shadow Clone stepped back and avoided!

When these flames dissipated, Lou Hang watched the ground burn out a large pit with a diameter of six or seven meters, and his expression became more solemn.

At the same time, his face suddenly realized!

“Now, are you able to fully control Chakra, who is in the open state of your life!? Lou Hang asked Liu Jinyuan!

Liu Jinyuan said before that Chakra exploded on his body, and the situation that can be seen with the naked eye is actually difficult to control the logo of Chakra. This will waste a lot of Chakra!

And now? Liu Jinyuan looks no different from ordinary people

Obviously, Chakra in the state of opening the door is already introverted, and there is no more waste out of it!

Moreover, by this time, Lou Hang understood what it meant that Liu Jinyuan’s Eight Inner Gates had already been opened!

If the Eight Inner Gates had not been opened, Liu Jinyuan’s Chakra volume would not have been so large.

Moreover, in terms of his strength and speed, it is impossible to improve to this point!

“Yes, I have adapted to Chakra in the open state of the life gate. After all, I am now in the open state of the life gate all the time.”

“It’s like someone who can’t swim. If you stay in the water all the time, learning to swim will naturally be easier!”

Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Liu Jinyuan nodded and said confessingly!

Lou Hang was shocked again when he said this!

“Wait, what you said is that the Eight Inner Gates are on all the time, what does this mean!?”

Lou Hang looked at Liu Jinyuan in surprise, and probably understood what he meant, but he couldn’t believe it again!

“Yes, Lord Luo, as you imagined, I have completed the optimization of Eight Inner Gates.”

“Qi is not just the opening state of the Eight Inner Gates, but also less damage to the body. The most important thing is that the Eight Inner Gates can now be in the open state all the time, and there is no need to close it!”

Nodding, Liu Jinyuan’s words can be regarded as confirming Lou Hang’s conjecture!

“Well, is this an IQ-type cultivation genius? Eight Inner Gates, actually optimized to this point!?”

From Liu Jinyuan’s mouth, he clearly knew the optimization of Eight Inner Gates, Lou Hang was dumbfounded!

Then, Lou Hang asked Liu Jinyuan carefully about how Eight Inner Gates was optimized.

And what about Eight Inner Gates after optimization!

Facing Lou Hang, Liu Jinyuan certainly won’t conceal the slightest.

Then, I told Lou Hang’s Shadow Clone some tips!

“Very well, your optimization is very subtle. Master led the door and practiced personally. Keep on working hard!”

From Liu Jinyuan’s side, after understanding the specific optimization situation of Eight Inner Gates, Lou Hang’s Shadow Clone nodded, and did not give up his praise of Liu Jinyuan!

In this way, Liu Jinyuan continued to turn around and went to practice his own.

And Lou Hang’s Shadow Clone? It turned into a puff of white smoke and exploded!

Regarding the situation here, all the information about Lou Hang’s Shadow Clone has naturally been returned to Lou Hang’s deity!


At that time, Lou Hang stayed in Shushan, watching the cultivation situation of Shushan disciple (Li Zhao) quietly!

After those hundred years of great calamity, the head of Sword Saint Shushan, Shushan is considered to have regained its vitality.

These disciples have to practice every day, even if Lou Hang is stealing the teacher, he looks at it with integrity.

Look at what Shushan’s sword cultivation is like, so as to confirm your cultivation status!

Although there is no intention to switch to the cultivation system of Shushan, it is the power of the cultivation system.

If we confirm each other, it will still help me a lot!

Regarding Lou Hang’s upright act of stealing the teacher, even the Sword Master did not say anything, naturally, these Shushan Sect disciples would not say much!

On this day, Lou Hang continued to stare at the disciples of Shushan School, and suddenly, a figure came to Shushan.

Lou Hang took a look, and Li Xiaoyao finally came up the mountain and chased Shushan!

It’s just that Jiu Jianxian and Anu haven’t come yet, which makes Lou Hang a little strange.

Jiu Jianxian’s itinerary, can’t be slower than Li Xiaoyao!?

Seeing Li Xiaoyao coming over, the disciples of the Shushan School naturally went up and asked about the situation.

Strangers are not qualified to go up the mountain casually!

However, seeing the Jiu Xian Sword behind Li Xiaoyao, the Shushan disciple’s expression changed slightly.

“It turns out that it is the true disciple of Uncle Master! Please come into righteousness!”

With the Jiu Xian Sword as his identity certificate, Li Xiaoyao came to Shu Mountain, naturally it was not a problem!

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