Chapter 411: The Power of Entering the Dao

As soon as the so-called expert makes a move, he will know if there is any!

Fighting with the Sword Saint, Lou Hang can feel that the cultivation base of the Sword Saint is indeed above the Wine Sword Immortal!

Judging from the level of cultivation, Jiu Jianxian is almost the same as himself.

However, the Juggernaut is stronger than himself!

But, fortunately, with the Xuanyuan Sword in hand, whether it is Shock Fruit or Thunder Spirit Orb, the increase in abilities can make Lou Hang’s attack even higher on the basis of the original cultivation base.

Therefore, the battle between Lou Hang and Juggernaut, both sides are full of swords, and the appearance of you coming and me looks very fierce!

“Sure enough, this Sword Saint is so powerful, the master is actually at a disadvantage!?”

There is still some eyesight.Looking at the battle between Juggernaut and Lou Hang, Li Xiaoyao is shocked!

“Actually, Lou Hang’s strength is even more surprising to be able to fight against his seniors to such a degree. It seems that he still hasn’t really moved since the previous discussions with me!”

Seeing Lou Hang and Senior Sword Saint can fight to this point, Jiu Jianxian also expressed his surprised attitude!

“Then do you want to help my master!?

I also remember that Lou Hang said before, and he was not sure of defeating the Sword Saint, so Li Xiaoyao asked the Jiu Jian Xian!

“You didn’t see it? In fact, Lou Hang prefers to fight alone with my senior brother, so he doesn’t necessarily want me to help you now!”

Jiu Jianxian shook his head and rejected Li Xiaoyao’s proposal!


Speaking of this, Jiu Jianxian gave a slight pause, and then said: “In fact, the senior brother seems to be very curious about the strength of Lou Hang. Therefore, the senior brother is also with him in the tricks, and it is not true!”

“Ah!? That’s it. Hasn’t the old man named Sword Saint really moved? Then what level of strength has he reached!?”

Seeing the fierce battle in front of him, the power of breaking the mountain and breaking the sea at every turn, Li Xiaoyao said with surprise!

Not to mention how Li Xiaoyao and the others are talking.

The current Lou Hang is indeed similar to what Jiu Jianxian said, he really does not want others to interfere!

As this world, the mortal power ceiling, Lou Hang also wants to personally feel the strength comparison between himself and the sword saint, how much difference is there?

Therefore, Lou Hang didn’t keep his hands at all in the battle between you and me.

Xuanyuan sword swung, cultivation base matched the power of the weapon, all the attacks were pouring down towards the sword master!

In this way, after fighting for a cup of tea, Lou Hang really has a clearer concept of the cultivation and strength of the Juggernaut!

Next, “I’m going to be serious!” Lou Hang stepped back a lot, floating in the air and said!

“Yes, there is any better strength, let’s use it!”

The Juggernaut looked calm, but in fact, he was also very interested in Lou Hang’s strength. Hearing this, he nodded and said!

Immediately, the Xuanyuan Sword in Lou Hang’s hand flew into the air.

Between the sky and the earth, a thunder cloud gathered above the head!

Stepping on the steps of the sky, Lou Hang’s mouth is chanting sword tactics: Nine Heavens Profound Potion, turning into divine thunder, Huang Huang Tianwei, attracting it with the sword!


As the sword arts chanted, the Thunder Spirit Orb on the Xuanyuan sword burst out with brilliant light at this moment.

Then, with the introduction of the sword art, an incomparably bright thunder pillar fell from the sky, and instantly came to the sword master!

The attack speed of this lightning is naturally extremely fast!

However, in the face of Lou Hang’s magic sword guarding thunder that was strengthened by the Thunder Spirit Orb, the sword saint stretched out his index and middle fingers to face the thunder pillar that had been smashed!

The power of heaven and earth is all gathered at the fingertips of the sword saint!

With this finger, what the Juggernaut uses is not his own power, but the natural mighty power between heaven and earth!

Then, this thunder pillar, like a flood on the reef, was directly separated!

The figure rushed directly in the direction of Lou Hang. The sword saint resembled a swordfish running up against the current, directly tore through the extremely thick thunder pillar, and came to Lou Hang.

At the same time, one finger pointed to Lou Hang’s chest!

Stopped by this guidance, Lou Hang only felt as if the power of the whole world was pressing on him.

How can this power be resisted by mortals?

Not to mention resisting, Lou Hang couldn’t even maintain the state of flying, and immediately, his body fell from mid-air!

I want to struggle again to make a move, but the heavy force is pressing on himself firmly, even if Lou Hang wants to make a move, he can’t move at all!

I can only watch the Sword Saint turn around and Zhao Linger walks over!

“Senior brother, at this time, Jiu Jianxian also moved, and he stood in front of Zhao Ling’er, trying to stop him!

It’s just that the Sword Saint didn’t talk nonsense, he also pointed it out, directly on the chest of Jiu Jianxian!

Lou Hang couldn’t stop this finger.Similarly, Jiu Jianxian couldn’t stop it either. He knelt directly on the ground and couldn’t move!

Then, the Juggernaut grabbed Zhao Ling’er, his figure was like electricity, and passed Li Xiaoyao.

No matter how Li Xiaoyao wanted to catch up, he couldn’t catch up with the Sword Saint at all, and could only watch the Sword Saint take Zhao Linger away!

“Ling’er”, Ling’er Li Xiaoyao shouted loudly and ran forward quickly!

After the Juggernaut left, and half a cup of tea time passed, the heavy pressure on Lou Hang’s body was dissipated!

At the same time, Lou Hang’s face became very solemn!

“It turns out that this is the true strength of the Sword Saint? More accurately, is this the power of entering the Tao?”

Lou Hang murmured secretly in his heart, he had a very clear concept of the power of Dao!

Although defeated in the hands of the Juggernaut, Lou Hang’s goal was achieved!

After all, what is the purpose of Lou Hang who wanted to be a Juggernaut for a while?

Is it to beat him?

That’s not the case, Lou Hang’s purpose is just to have a good experience of what the sword saint’s power at the Taoist level is like!

Now, Lou Hang has a very clear experience!

It turns out that the biggest difference in this approach is that oneself and the world are naturally integrated into one.

Therefore, you can easily mobilize the power of heaven and earth for your own use!

Although Lou Hang of the Void Realm can also draw power from the void to restore its own consumption!

However, the sword saint’s ability to enter the path is even better, and he can directly mobilize the power of the world for his own use!

In short, if you fight against the Juggernaut, you are almost fighting against the power of heaven and earth.

It’s no surprise that I will lose!

Of course, after seeing the power of this enlightenment in person, Lou Hang also felt a little bit of joy in his heart!

In the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, what is it like to enter the Tao? Lou Hang has finally seen it with his own eyes now!

Since I saw it with my own eyes, Lou Hang naturally has the motivation to pursue it!

If you can also enter the Tao, wouldn’t it be able to mobilize the power of heaven and earth for your own use?

Now that I have defeated my own strength, can’t I also get it!?

Of course, the ruthless entry of the Juggernaut is not Lou Hang’s pursuit, what Lou Hang is pursuing is the affectionate entry of Li Xiaoyao in the original book!

“Hey, this is the strength of Senior Sword Saint Brother, the realm of the highest kind is like water, you have the way!”

At this time, the heavy pressure on the Jiu Jianxian next to him also dissipated, and at the same time, Jiu Jianxian spoke, a lot of sorrow and helplessness!

Although he had known his Sword Saint Brother’s for a long time ago.

However, being defeated by Yizhi with no resistance, this still made Jiu Jianxian feel a little unacceptable.

“Is this the Sword Master? According to Hang Ge, he is completely unsure of how to deal with the Sword Master!?”

“It seems that the appearance is really good, it really gives people a feeling of fairy style!”

Tong Yan “Hefa, I have always had no clear concept of this word before, but now I understand clearly what it means!”

“It’s done, Brother Hang and Sword Saint have done it, take this opportunity, and take a good look at what level of strength the Sword Saint of Shushan has reached!”

“Damn, with this sword-like look, my Hang-ge was actually crushed!?”

“Awesome, just from the cultivation base, this Sword Saint’s cultivation base is stronger than our Hang brother!”

“Even the Xuanyuan Sword’s increase, the Xuanyuan Sword, which has the abilities of five special materials, is actually crushed by Brother Hang? The strength of this Sword Saint is really terrifying!”

“Here is here, Divine Sword Yulei True Art, my Hang Brothers has the strongest attacking skill right now!

“Moreover, there is an increase in the power of the Thunder Spirit Orb, and the power of this Divine Sword Yu Thunder True Art will take it to the next level!”

“Now, this Sword Saint shouldn’t be able to stop it, right!?

Sure enough, “Li Zhao of the divine sword cast this time) Royal Thunder Real Technique, this thick thunder pillar seems to be a bit thicker than before!

“What? How could it be possible? The Sword Saint actually tore open this thunder pillar and rushed towards Brother Hang!?”

“A pointer on my Hang Ge’s chest, my Hang Ge knelt directly? Was this a spike!?”

“Jiujianxian also shot, similarly, Jiujianxian was also killed in a second!?”

“Does one point to a kid? This difference in strength is too exaggerated!?

“I don’t know if Brother Hang summoned Kaido and the Beast God, would it be this Sword Master’s opponent!”

“It’s terrible, the force value of this world is really terrible!”

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, seeing Lou Hang and the Juggernaut battle, all the audience looked a little dumbfounded!

Although he knew from Lou Hang’s mouth a long time ago that this Juggernaut was powerful.

However, knowing is one thing, seeing with your own eyes is another thing!

Especially in the end, Lou Hang and Jiu Jian Xian were both hit by Juggernaut I and defeated.

This kind of power that is almost a spike makes all these audiences dumbfounded!

Is this the true power of the Juggernaut? Is this the ceiling of the power of this world, the mortal world?

Such a terrifying power, even in the hearts of many viewers, the almost invincible Kaido and the beast gods are summoned, they are not sure of victory.

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