Chapter 406: Relief of Forgetting Worry Cover

“Zhao Ling’er is here? After waiting for a few days, it is finally here!?”

“Damn, I won’t be sleepy now!”

“I want to see what it is like to be called the number one beauty in the world by Brother Hang!”

“I see, this is Zhao Ling’er? Beauty, she is really a super beauty!”

“Yes, 10 points! Temperament, 10 points! Body, 10 points! Invincible!”

“Huh, is this the number one beauty in the world? It’s just a little bit taller than me!”

Upstairs, “Sister paper, don’t you want a face? Even if Zhao Linger picks her nose, she is a hundred times more beautiful than you!”

“I’m so active in middle class, I actually took the initiative to hug Li Xiaoyao. How can this Li Xiaoyao be? How can such a girl throw her arms in her arms!?”

“At this moment, what I think is, if Zhao Linger’s legs become snakes, how should he play!?”

“Damn, is the scum upstairs? Faced with a sister like Zhao Ling’er, can such a dirty idea be born? What a pervert should be in my heart!”

“Driver, stop, I want to get off, this is not a car to kindergarten!”

“However, look at Li Xiaoyao’s appearance, it looks very much like the way I was in a relationship with my first love back then!”

Originally, “I thought Li Xiaoyao was a proper scumbag, but now it seems that I was wrong!?

“It’s a real hammer, it turns out that men’s views on love are opposite to women’s!”

“If a woman really loves you, she won’t dare to ask you money, and if a man really loves you, she won’t dare to move your finger!

“So, is Li Xiaoyao’s true love Zhao Ling’er? He treats Zhao Ling’er and other girls completely differently!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Lou Hang’s perspective, many audiences also saw Zhao Linger’s face.

And this appearance made Guan Zongmen in many live broadcast rooms feel very shocked.

Such a beautiful appearance is really unbelievably beautiful!

The most important thing is that there is nothing to be faulty in all aspects of appearance, figure, and temperament!

Such a beauty is perfect, and it is no wonder that Lou Hang would call it the best beauty in the world!

If such a beauty is not the number one beauty in the world, it is really hard to imagine, what kind of person is eligible to be called the number one beauty in the world!

“Brother Xiaoyao, have you forgotten what happened with Ling’er!?”

Listening to what Lou Hang said, Zhao Linger asked Li Xiaoyao with a sad expression on his face!

“I’m sorry, Ling’er, I am in trouble, I didn’t mean to forget you!” Seeing Zhao Ling’er’s sad look, Li Xiaoyao immediately panicked, and immediately explained in a hurry!

In the original book, it was discovered that Li Xiaoyao had forgotten himself, and Zhao Linger’s mood was indeed very sad!

But the current situation is different. Zhao Linger understands that this is not because Li Xiaoyao really forgot about himself, but because he was hit.

In this case, it is understandable!

“Forget the sorrow? This, I have heard, it is very difficult to understand”!” Zhao Linger said.


For a long time, Li Xiaoyao had never thought of letting Lou Hang help him get rid of the worry of forgetting his worries, but now he looks at Lou Hang with a probing look.

What does this look mean, Lou Hang certainly understands!


Lou Hang stretched out his hand and flicked Li Xiaoyao’s forehead anger, making him exhale in pain!

What is Li Xiaoyao’s mind, how can Lou Hang not understand?

The reason why I didn’t ask if I could solve the worry of forgetting before, in fact, deep in his heart, he also wanted to see Zhao Linger first, right?

If Zhao Ling’er doesn’t like it, he would rather not get back his previous memories!

But if you can see it, of course you want to get back the previous memories!

After being bounced on the head by Lou Hang, Li Xiaoyao also understood that his careful thoughts were seen through by Lou Hang.

He shook his head and screamed, but he didn’t dare to say anything!

“You, why do you want to beat Brother Xiaoyao!? Brother Xiaoyao didn’t forget Linger because he forgot about his sorrows? Why did you beat him?”

On the contrary, Zhao Linger next to him, guarding Li Xiaoyao behind him, said to Lou Hang!

This husband’s behavior made Li Xiaoyao feel warmer in his heart.

Sister Li next to me also nodded silently, feeling very satisfied with Zhao Linger, Li Jiaxin’s wife!

This kind of daughter-in-law who can love her own man is the greatest virtue!?

“Fairy, you, between you and Xiaoyao!?”

On the contrary, Wang Xiaohu next to him, looking at Zhao Linger’s incomparably intimate appearance with Li Xiaoyao, the whole person looked a little dumbfounded!

“Little tiger, although I don’t remember anything on Xianling Island, Linger is my wife!

Li Xiaoyao spoke and explained to Wang Xiaohu next to him!

Men still show off their wives to each other.

Li Xiaoyao now has such a mentality!

Sure enough, Wang Xiaohu, who was next to him, heard the words and heard that the fairy on the fairy island actually became Li Xiaoyao’s wife, and the whole person was dumbfounded!

Everyone went to the fairy island to ask for medicine, but Li Xiaoyao not only asked for the medicine, but even accepted the fairy?

Sure enough, Li Xiaoyao pleases girls, isn’t it just in Yuhang Town?

Even on the Fairy Spirit Island!?


Show off his daughter-in-law with Wang Xiaohu. These are just episodes. At this time, Li Xiaoyao continues to stare at Lou Hang, waiting to see if Lou Hang can help solve the worries of forgetting by himself?

“I’ve never seen this worry forgotten, and there is no guarantee that it will be relieved!”

Being stared at by Li Xiaoyao like this, Lou Hang gave a conservative answer!

“Mr. Lou Hang, trouble you! Next to me,” Aunt Li said hurriedly after hearing the words!

Knowing that her monkey head had been covered, Sister Li was of course eager!

After all, Aunt Li had also walked on the rivers and lakes back then, knowing the terrible nature!

Although in the monkey head, it seems that only a piece of memory has been lost.

However, if Guy is there, naturally it will be harmless but not profitable!

“Okay, go try it!” Lou Hang said.

Soon, in Li Xiaoyao’s room, Li Xiaoyao sat down cross-legged.

And Lou Hang? He stretched out his finger and pointed it at the center of Li Xiaoyao’s eyebrows!

Immediately, Lou Hang’s powerful spirit enveloped Li Xiaoyao’s whole body, carefully investigating the worries of Li Xiaoyao’s body!

In fact, when Li Xiaoyao in the original book has improved his cultivation to a certain level, he will be able to solve his worries of forgetfulness.

So, Lou Hang is not in a hurry!

However, if I can help him untie it in advance, I don’t mind this effort!

Spiritual thought enveloped Li Xiaoyao’s whole body, searching bit by bit.

After spending some time, Lou Hang found the existence of Forgotten Worry in Li Xiaoyao’s mind!

This worry-forgetful coverworm occupies Li Xiaoyao’s mind, and there is no fatal injury.

However, its existence will affect Li Xiaoyao’s memory system and make Li Xiaoyao’s memory missing!

Now that you have found it, if you want to deal with it, naturally it is not that it is difficult for you!

Lou Hang’s divine mind directly envelops this worry-forgotten pest.

After that, with his own divine mind, he directly smashed the worm that forgot to worry!

The worms of Forgetting Worry were eaten by Li Xiaoyao, and immediately entangled in his mind!

After the mind killed the troublesome insects, Lou Hang’s spiritual thoughts wrapped the gai insects and returned to the original path!


Li Xiaoyao vomited, and immediately, the sorrowful corpse came out of Li Xiaoyao’s mouth!

Seeing that the body of a bug was actually spit out in his mouth, Li Xiaoyao also felt very sick!

However, since then, the anxiety in Li Xiaoyao’s body has been relieved!

Forgetting worry was touched, and the memory that Li Xiaoyao lost, of course, also came back with it!

, I, did I forget such an important memory!?”

Recalling everything that happened to him on Xianling Island, Li Xiaoyao’s heart was a little scared!

How to meet Zhao Linger on Xianling Island, how to meet, and even how to love each other, and then, under the witness of grandma, the two held a wedding…

For Li Xiaoyao, these are his most important memories for so many years!

But, such a memory, I actually lost it!?

This makes Li Xiaoyao feel unacceptable!

At the same time, I was also afraid for a while, did I actually lose such an important memory?

If these memories are lost, for myself, my life is the biggest regret!

Picking up the water cup next to him and hurriedly spurring his mouth, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly rushed out of his room!

“Brother Xiaoyao…

Aunt Li, Zhao Linger and their Li Zhao) were all waiting nervously, watching Li Xiaoyao rush out of the house, they all stared at Li Xiaoyao seriously!

Linger “I remember it, I remember everything, it’s terrible, I, I would forget you!” Li Xiaoyao looked at Zhao Linger affectionately and said.

Immediately, he opened his arms and embraced Zhao Linger in his arms!

Hearing that, knowing that Li Xiaoyao’s memory was back, Zhao Linger was even more happy, and happily threw himself into Li Xiaoyao’s arms!

“Wait, be careful, you two move lightly.

Although Sister Li next to him was also happy for Li Xiaoyao, she couldn’t help but speak up at this moment, and specifically reminded Zhao Ling’er!

Turning her head, Zhao Ling’er looked at Sister Li strangely, and didn’t quite understand what she meant!

“Horician, have you forgotten? Mr. Lou Hang said, Linger is pregnant!” Sister Li said, reminding Li Xiaoyao!

“That’s right!” Li Xiaoyao came back to his senses after listening to her sister’s words.

Then, he carefully supported Zhao Ling’er and said, “Ling’er, be careful, you are not alone now, you are still pregnant!”

“Ah!? Am I pregnant!?” Zhao Linger was stunned after hearing this!

I don’t even know that I am pregnant. I just remembered that my Xiaoyao brother can actually know!? Righteousness,

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