Chapter 400: Jiu Jianxian, you have a daughter, don’t you know?

“I, did I hear something wrong just now? This world actually has the ability to travel through time and space!?”

“I thought it was because I heard it wrong, but I didn’t expect it to be true!?”

“Although I have known for a long time that in this world of immortals and demons, the force value must be very high, but it is a little scary to travel through time and space!”

“I understand completely now! It’s no wonder that after taking Li Xiaoyao, Brother Hang was willing to spend a month in Yuhang Town, where he taught Li Xiaoyao to practice. It turns out that Li Xiaoyao is actually shouldering the journey. The secret of time and space!?

“If Brother Hang can obtain this ability, whether it is to hand this ability to the country or keep it to the country, this will be a great gain, right!?”

“Brother Hang, other resources are not important. This ability to travel through time and space must be firmly held in your hand!

“The ability to travel through time and space has already appeared, my aviation brother Niu B!”

Long Guo live broadcast room, this time it really exploded!

Originally, Lou Hang stayed in Yuhang Town and taught Li Xiaoyao to practice for a month, but he was still carrying the old god, and he didn’t mean to collect resources at all.

This caused many viewers to murmur secretly in their hearts!

Lou Hang, isn’t it because he has forgotten everything about his original purpose, right!?

But now these audiences understand that they are thinking too much.

Lou Hang did not forget.

Moreover, his staying in Yuhang Town and staying beside Li Xiaoyao must be for the ability to travel through time and space! 13?

Although I don’t know what the so-called travel through time and space is.

However, in any case, any other gains are not worth mentioning in the face of the ability to travel through time and space!

Not to mention how the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room exploded at this time.

At this moment, when Yun Laiyun went to the restaurant, Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian were both dumbfounded when they heard Lou Hang’s words through time and space!

Facing the country, his face also showed incredible consternation!

“Master, you, tell me carefully, what did you just say? You said travel through time and space!?”

So, after a moment of silence, Li Xiaoyao couldn’t help it, his eyes widened, and asked Lou Hang in surprise!

“Yes, it just travels through time and space!” Lou Hang nodded and said confessingly!

“Master, do you mean, can I travel through time and space? I will have this ability in the future!?”

Li Xiaoyao followed and asked Lou Hang in surprise!

“No, this is not your ability, to be more accurate, it should be the ability of Empress Nuwa!” Lou Hang shook his head and said seriously!

“Nu Wa Niang Niang heard that Lou Hang had picked out all the names of Nu Wa Niang Niang, and Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian were even more surprised!

Really? What kind of existence is Nuwa Empress? This is the real ancient god-tier, right?

“Is that so!?” At this time, Jiu Jianxian also suddenly realized.

Looking at Li Xiaoyao, he said, “It turns out that the masked guy was you!”

“Hey, traveling through time and space, such shocking news, you believed it so easily!?” Listening to Jiu Jianxian’s words, Li Xiaoyao looked at him strangely!

“Yes, I do believe it!” Jiu Jianxian nodded very simply and decisively!

“Why!?” Li Xiaoyao asked strangely!

Yeah, why?

Normal people heard such news, the first time, shouldn’t they always have a questioning attitude, right!?

“Because, you kid seems to make me feel annoying, this kind of feeling can’t deceive people!” Jiu Jianxian replied, giving out his own reasons!

The words made Li Xiaoyao’s face become a little ugly.

What’s the reason for this? It was because I was not pleasing to my eyes and I felt a little annoying, so I believed Master’s words!?

In any case, the master said the reason why Jiu Jianxian knew him in advance.

He didn’t say whether to admit it or not. At this time, Li Xiaoyao looked at Lou Hang again and said, “I already know the reason why he knew me in advance, but what about you? Master, how did you know me in advance? existing!?”


Without waiting for Lou Hang to answer, the Jiu Jianxian next to him interrupted and said, “I still don’t quite understand. Since that guy back then was this stinky boy, then why did this stinky boy tell me to be at this time, Qian Don’t teach him martial arts!?”

Jiu Jianxian didn’t quite understand, or, seeing Li Xiaoyao in front of him had become Lou Hang’s disciple, Jiu Jianxian felt he didn’t understand!

“It’s actually the same as your imagination!”

After a glance at Jiu Jianxian, Lou Hang probably understood what he meant, and then said: “Actually, the person who became Master Li Xiaoyao should have been against you, but because I appeared, it affected you. The development of things!”

“What you said is not quite right!”

Hearing that, Jiu Jianxian stared at Lou Hang strangely, and said: “If you are the master of this stinky boy now, then, he will not specifically tell me in the future, let me not come!”

“So, this is a very famous grandfather’s paradox!”

“So, from your presence here, it can be seen that the so-called traversing time and space should be a parallel universe, rather than traversing time in the true sense!” Lou Hang nodded, agreeing!

“Parallel Universe!?” Jiujian Wonderland looked at Lou Hang strangely, with a look of searching in his eyes.

Obviously, I don’t quite understand what this so-called parallel universe means!

Lou Hang didn’t mean to explain anything.After all, for the immortal cultivator, it is indeed a bit difficult to explain the concept of parallel universe!

There is a saying that is well said, not with Xia Chongyubing, probably that is what it means!?


At this time, Li Xiaoyao also interrupted, with a look of wonder on his face, pointing at Jiu Jianxian and asked: “You mean, my original master should be him!?

“Not bad!” Lou Hang nodded, agreeing!

“This is really scary!” Li Xiaoyao’s face became very ugly after hearing this!

“Hey, brat, what do you mean by that!?”

Looking at Li Xiaoyao’s reaction, the Jiu Jianxian next to him can’t stand it anymore, and said to Li Xiaoyao angrily!

“Don’t you want to know, why did I know your existence in advance?”

Without the intention of entanglement on this topic, Lou Hang followed, and said to Li Xiaoyao as if to change the subject!

“Yeah, Master, why did you know my existence in advance!?” Nodded, Li Xiaoyao also asked Lou Hang curiously!

“It’s very simple, because I have the ability to calculate the past and the future. Regarding your past and future, I actually calculated it a long time ago!” Lou Hang followed.

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky!

Starting from the first world, pretending to be a photographer, Lou Hang is now familiar with this trick!

“Ah!? Calculate the past and the future!?” Listening to Lou Hang, Li Xiaoyao looked at him in surprise!

Immediately, he nodded in agreement: “Indeed, Master, you are a god, possessing such abilities, it makes sense!”


Not to mention the thoughts in Li Xiaoyao’s heart. At this time, Jiu Jianxian looked at Lou Hang in a different way, and said: “You kid, actually still Grandmaster Xiangshu?

“Yeah, know something!” Lou Hang nodded, and didn’t mean to deny it!

“Is it so powerful? No wonder this kid said that your swordsmanship is just the tip of the iceberg of your many abilities!”

Hearing this, Jiu Jianxian said to Lou Hang with a bit of doubt, and a bit of amazement!

“How? Mo Yi divides the way, do you have anything you want to know?” Lou Hang looked at Jiu Jianxian and asked!

“Listening to you, it seems that if I ask anything, you can answer me!” Lou Hang’s words made Jiu Jianxian a little bit dumbfounded.

I just think his words are a bit too arrogant.

“I can only say that there are really not many things I don’t know!” Lou Hang nodded, but didn’t mean to be humble.

040 At the same time, continue to look at Jiu Jian Xian with a probing gaze!

“Me? There are not many things that can make me worry about it. I don’t seem to have much to know!”

Seeing Lou Hang really look so confident, Jiu Jianxian groaned for a moment, shook his head and said!

“Wait.” It’s just that, at this point, something seems to have come to mind.

Jiu Jianxian then asked Lou Hang: “Since you know the future, can you tell me, in the future, can I enter the Tao!?”

After thinking about it, Jiujian Xian felt that there was really nothing he wanted to know!

The only thing that still has some memory is the memory of entering the Tao!

Back then, after the Juggernaut realized the Tao, he pushed his beloved woman into the arms of others for the so-called Tao.

This makes Jiu Jianxian always worry about it, it is difficult to understand!

Taking this opportunity, Jiu Jianxian also wanted to ask, will he enter the Dao in the future?

Moreover, after entering the Tao, can I understand what the Sword Saint Brother is doing?

“You!?” Lou Hang stared at him after hearing what Jiu Jianxian said.

Immediately, he shook his head and said: “According to my calculation, it is impossible for you to enter the Tao!”

“It turns out that I am destined to not enter the Tao in this life!?” Listening to Lou Hang’s answer, Jiu Jianxian’s expression was a little disappointed, and he whispered in his mouth!

Originally, I was still very much looking forward to the realm of attaining Dao and the state of being as good as water.

Unexpectedly, what I finally waited for was such a result?

“Then I don’t have much to know!” So, after a moment of silence, Jiu Jianxian shook his head and said!

“No, I think you should also have something to ask!”

However, it seems that Jiujianxian has nothing to know, but Lou Hang said!

Speaking of this, Lou Hang followed up and said: “At least, about your daughter, you should ask carefully and ask clearly!”

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