Chapter 395: Li Xiaoyao’s terrifying qualifications, it is no wonder that Brother Hang is willing to accept him as a disciple

Shi Jieren, the master of the moon worship, in the world of the Legend of the Sword and the Fairy, the strength is considered to be the ceiling of the human world, and the cultivation base can be said to be shocking the ancients and the modern!

At this time, the Lord of Moon Worship had already subdued the sky and hid under the sea!

Through the sea, the Lord of Moon Worship could see the Shadow Clone of Lou Hang, and went straight away!

“Flying with the sword? Is it a Shushan disciple?” Seeing the silhouettes flying past in the sky, the heart of the worshiper of the moon was muttering secretly!

Just forget about flying with the sword, what really shocked the Lord of Moon Worship was that the figures that flew past were all exactly the same!

Forget the twins, but, these ten births, a hundred births?

Of course this is impossible!

“Unbelievable, can it be transformed into so many clones? There is such a magical way in the world!”

The Lord of the Moon murmured secretly in his heart, and at the same time, his heart was shocked secretly!

Although for his own strength, the worshiper of the moon is very confident.

However, if Kazuto can do it, the Lord of Moon Worship still doesn’t want to do it with others.

What’s more, the existence of this incarnation of thousands of people seems to be unfathomable!

In addition, with so many avatars flying on the sea, the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Master can see that these people also seem to be looking for something!

In that case, looking at the direction these figures came from, it seemed that they came from the deserted island just now.

The Lord of Moon Worship also guessed that this person should be the waiting master that the iron man said, right?

With the 13 ability of the Lord of the Moon, he hid with Tongtian. If Lou Hang wants to find it, it is naturally not that easy!

In this way, thousands of Shadow Clone searched for more than a long time until the sky darkened. Have you searched all the sea areas for hundreds of miles, but found nothing.

This makes Lou Hang’s face more ugly than ever!

Reluctantly, Lou Hang can only remove his multiple Shadow Clone ability.

These Shadow Clone scattered in the sea, one by one, disappeared as white smoke, and only the body of Lou Hang was still waiting on the desert island!

Taking back his Shadow Clone, but still not finding the whereabouts of Tongtian, Lou Hang’s face became very ugly!

However, a thousand Shadow Clone scattered around, and they had been searching for a long time. The search of the flying sword covered a huge range, but still couldn’t find the whereabouts of the sky.

This makes Lou Hang helpless, but also really feels like seeing a ghost!

Yes, it is a Transformers robot, and there are still ways to fight.

However, someone can come to this deserted island and capture him directly?

In the original book of Legend of Sword and Fairy, who has such ability!?

In fact, there has not been a good comparison of the force value of the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, Lou Hang is also difficult to determine!

“Master!?” Seeing that the sky was getting dark, and the person to look for was still not found, Li Xiaoyao continued to look at Lou Hang with questioning eyes!

Forget it, “Let’s do this first, let’s go back and talk about it first!”

I have tried my best to find it. Since I can’t find it, it doesn’t make much sense to stay here, Lou Hang shook his head and said!

No matter who made the shot against Tongtian, since Tongtian was taken away deliberately, there must be no intention to kill Tongtian.

In addition, even if Tongtian is dead, as long as it is not completely dismembered and shattered, he can use the power of the fire source to resurrect it!

Therefore, the matter of Tongtian will come to an end for the time being, let’s look for it slowly later!

After making up his mind, Lou Hang returned to the inn from the overseas island again.

With a wave of his hand, Lou Hang is about to close the magic portal!

After seeing Lou Hang’s methods with her own eyes, Aunt Li naturally believed that Lou Hang was a god!

Therefore, I am very enthusiastic about Lou Hang’s hospitality!

Li Dahui personally cooked, prepared a few small dishes, and took out a pot for a long time to entertain Lou Hang!

This attitude of Aunt Li reminds Lou Hang of the enthusiasm of his parents for the tutor in his previous life.

Isn’t it just for the tutor to be able to do their best?

Now, is he regarded as Li Xiaoyao’s tutor?

I understand what Master Li means, so Lou Hang didn’t let the passion of Sister Li go in vain!

After drinking and eating, Lou Hang went to the small courtyard of the inn and personally taught Li Xiaoyao about the practice!

The first level of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is entraining Qi!

As the name implies, it directly arouses the vitality between heaven and earth and integrates into oneself!

Lou Hang gave Li Xiaoyao a general explanation of the things to pay attention to in entraining air, and then Li Xiaoyao sat down cross-legged!

Lou Hang’s divine mind moved slightly, stimulating the vitality between heaven and earth, and gathered beside Li Xiaoyao, which was regarded as aiding his cultivation!

If you compare the air-entraining stage to the hunting of nestlings.

Then, Lou Hang’s move is to drive some food to the side of the nestling, so that it can hunt for the Master as soon as possible!

With Lou Hang’s assistance, coupled with Li Xiaoyao’s own aptitude problems, soon Lou Hang could feel that a trace of vitality began to melt into Li Xiaoyao’s body!

This made Lou Hang’s face show a look of astonishment!

So soon, has Li Xiaoyao already mastered the trick?

Although it has its own auxiliary effect, it is too exaggerated!?

Although Lou Hang was cultivating by himself at the beginning, he raised his cultivation level to the level of Yin Shen Yang Shen in one breath.

But that is after all, he has a very high starting point, but what about Li Xiaoyao?

Master has a knack for it so soon?

Is it difficult to cultivate Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao?

Since Zhang Xiaofan has practiced for ten years, he has only reached the fourth level, it can be seen!

“So? What is a genius? This is the real genius!” After seeing Master Li Xiaoyao’s know-how, Yin Qi became more proficient, Lou Hang’s heart secretly sighed!

Cultivating overnight, with three poles in the day, Li Xiaoyao didn’t feel tired, but felt refreshed!

This method of inducing the vitality of heaven and earth to feed back on himself made Li Xiaoyao feel very happy all over!

“Master, me, have I reached the first level? It seems that the cultivation of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is not difficult!”

Opening his eyes, Li Xiaoyao said to Lou Hang in surprise!

“You can only be regarded as a preliminary Master who has learned the method of entraining Qi, not as if you have already learned it.”

“Next, you have to accumulate vitality, after reaching a certain stage, refining these vitality, stepping into the second level of Qi training stage, it is considered as the first level completely!”

Lou Hang vetoed it, and Li Xiaoyao didn’t feel complacent!

“Okay, Master, I understand!” Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoyao nodded heavily, the smile on his face reduced!


However, at this point, Li Xiaoyao seemed to have thought of something, smiled on his face, and asked Lou Hang, “Master, when you first practiced Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, how was your progress?”

“Me? I remember at that time it seemed like it had been closed for half a month or how long did it take to come? The cultivation base reached the Yin God Realm on the fourth level of the Shangqing Realm!” Lou Hang replied casually!

Li Xiaoyao: “…

Shocked, this is the real shock!

Just now I felt that I had mastered the air-entraining stage all night, and I thought I was a genius.

Now, hearing Lou Hang reach the Yin God Realm in half a month, Li Xiaoyao only feels shocked!

It’s like, after a hard day, I made 1,000 yuan, I feel very happy, and then ask the person next to me how?

I don’t know, the person next to me said that he made 100 million in half a month?

Just now I was still a little happy, how can I be happy at this moment, the whole person is beaten to perfection, right?

“Brother Hang is really good for Li Xiaoyao, and even helped him gather vitality and help him get started!”

“I don’t know what Li Xiaoyao’s aptitude is? This cultivation method is the most important aptitude!”

“It also took me three months to reach the first level, and it took me a year to reach the third level!”

“Upstairs, I think you were in Versailles and broke through the third floor in 040 a year? Are you showing off?”

“Sorry, I’m really showing off!”

“Wait, this Li Xiaoyao has already started? This is impossible, right?”

“Even with the help of Brother Hang, a lot of vitality has been gathered around, but if you want to successfully get started, it is definitely not so easy!?”

This is “a bit exploded, Li Xiaoyao’s aptitude, is it terrible!?”

“It’s a pity, he was so swollen, he actually asked Hang Ge’s cultivation situation, the starting point of Hang Ge is different from him, isn’t this looking for abuse?”

“It’s over. Seeing Li Xiaoyao’s face, he may think he is a mediocrity?”

“Brother Hang, this is so bad that he is so bad that he is such a top-notch genius, he has lost his confidence at all!”

“My husband is good or bad, he likes it so much, I deliberately used his own situation to come to everyone Li Xiaoyao!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, in fact, many people in the live broadcast room are curious and look forward to seeing what is extraordinary about this Li Xiaoyao, so that Lou Hang can promise to accept him as a disciple!?

Now, the audience in the live broadcast room knows it.

However, he was also frightened.

In one night, did Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao get started?

Let me ask, among the billions of people in the Dragon Kingdom, most of them are practicing Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, who can do Li Xiaoyao and get started in one night?

Even with Lou Hang’s assistance, this is a bit scary!

This qualification of Li Xiaoyao, how is this one in a hundred miles, one in a thousand, and one in a thousand!?

It can be said that one in a billion may not be found, right?

With this kind of cultivation aptitude that seems to have opened a plug-in, it is no wonder that Lou Hang is willing to accept him as a disciple, and now these Dragon Kingdom audiences understand it!

Although Li Xiaoyao is a gangster, and a scumbag…

However, his aptitude is too heaven-defying!

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