Chapter 384: Lou Hang: No, you are wrong, the murderer is the natural enemy

Lou Hang’s face was very ugly, and he sat down in the ruins of his house.

After that, I made a call to Mic’s side!

“Mr. Lou Hang, what’s the matter!?” The call was connected quickly, and Mic’s voice rang on the phone!

“I was fine when I left, and when I came back, my home was destroyed and Tongtian was gone!” Lou Hang replied concisely.

“What!? Who is it that dares to do such a thing to you!?

On the other side of the phone, Mic’s voice exclaimed!

“If I knew, I wouldn’t give you this call!” Lou Hang replied!

Okay, Mic’s understands Lou Hang’s meaning, is this because he wants to find the murderer quickly, right?

“Mr. Lou Hang, don’t worry, our country is an overall situation, and we will do our best to investigate!”

After Mic’s answer, the call was soon hung up!

Obviously, Mic’s is doing his best to investigate the murderer who destroyed Lou Hang’s house!

Lou Hang sat quietly while waiting.

Perhaps, Tongtian left to find the murderer behind the scenes!?

It’s just that, sitting here in the ruins of his house, waiting for an hour, Tongtian has not returned, which made Lou Hang’s heart sink!

It seems that the situation is worse than “zero two seven” than I thought!

It’s been so long and Tongtian hasn’t come back, or when the murderer took action, Tongtian was taken away.

Or was it that when Tongtian went to chase the opponent, he was defeated by the opponent, right?

Regardless of the possibility, this is not good news!

On the other side, after Mic hung up Lou Hang’s call, he immediately notified the minister of the situation here!

Not long ago, I also chatted with Mr. President about Lou Hang’s god-like topic. In the blink of an eye, Lou Hang was actually attacked?

His home was destroyed?

The Minister looked solemn, and immediately took this matter as the situation that the Security Bureau most needs to pay attention to!

After all, it is rare that when the Security Bureau is able to play a role, I have to let Mr. Lou Hang see the importance of the Security Bureau to him, right?

Taking Lou Hang’s home within a hundred miles as the center, all the conditions are within the monitoring range.

Moreover, all the conditions in the recent period are under investigation!

The entire security bureau made full efforts to investigate, and the gains are naturally not small.

After investigating various information, the Minister soon got a photo, a photo taken from a distance!

And this photo was quickly delivered to Lou Hang!

I haven’t waited for Tongtian to return for an hour, and Lou Hang didn’t know how to find someone, Lou Hang got the photo from Mic personally!

The picture shows two robots walking!

One is a Transformers robot that Lou Hang has never seen before, and the other is Tongtian!

Judging from the photo, the two robots are walking forward peacefully!

Looking at this photo, Lou Hang’s face is very dignified!

If Tongtian is going to chase villain(s), this can be justified.

However, looking at the photo, the two are walking together and look at each other in peace, which is very strange!

Tongtian voluntarily followed the other party to leave? Isn’t it impossible?

“Bumblebee, do you know who this is!? After taking a closer look, Lou Hang put the photo in front of Da Huang Feng and asked!

Bumblebee scanned the robot in the photo carefully, then shook his head, and said, “I don’t recognize it, I have never seen it before, but.”

“But what?” Lou Hang asked after hearing this!

“However, judging from the appearance of the opponent, he should be a little old. You can ask Ironhide. He is the older one of our Autobots. He may recognize it!” Bumblebee replied!

Judging from the photos, you can know that this robot should be some years old, not a new generation!

“Okay, please contact Tinhide!” Lou Hang nodded and said!

The Hornet released the news, and soon Ironhide responded, and he was rushing over here!

In Lou Hang’s heart, he muttered secretly, who is that mysterious Transformer?

Can Tongtian willingly follow it to leave?

“By the way, among Autobots, is Ironhide the oldest? Older than Optimus Prime!?”

Waiting for Ironhide to come over, Lou Hang followed up and asked the Hornet.

“That’s not true, or Optimus Prime is more senior than Ironhide!” Upon hearing this, Bumblebee shook his head.

“Then why not let Optimus Prime recognize it, but Ironhide?” Lou Hang asked differently after hearing this.

Optimus Prime doesn’t pay much attention to his own business?

Lou Hang knows that this is impossible!

“Recently, Optimus Prime didn’t know where he went, we can’t even reach him!” Bumblebee shook his head and said!

“Is Optimus Prime missing? How long has it been!?” Lou Hang was also startled when he heard this.

“It’s been four or five days since I heard what the jazz said!” Bumblebee replied!

“Has it been four or five days? It seems that it is indeed a bit worrying!” Lou Hang nodded and said!

“If Optimus Prime is missing, do you need us to help you find it?” Mic, who was next to him, interrupted and asked!

“If you are willing to help, that would be great!” After hearing this, Bumblebee said after taking a look at Mic!

“That’s okay, after the matter here is handled, I will go to the security bureau to make arrangements!” Micsi gave a promise!

I took a look at Mic’s, don’t say it, although it’s just an ordinary person, but this Mic’s behavior in all aspects of the world still makes people feel very comfortable!

It’s a bit similar to the feeling of Agent Colson in Marvel World.

Talking and chatting, soon Ironhide came over, transformed into a robot form, and took a look at Lou Hang!

“No, it’s impossible!” Seeing the situation in the photo, Tinhide exclaimed as if he had seen a ghost!

“What’s wrong? Why do you react so big!?” Bumblebee asked in surprise.

Including Lou Hang and Mic Si also stared at Ironhide in surprise and asked!

“This Transformer is the last leader of our Autobots, defending against natural enemies!” Ironhide said, and said the identity of this strange Transformer in the photo!

And this utterance made Lou Hang even more shocked!

“It turns out to be the Imperial enemy? But, the Imperial enemy in the original book actually resurrected? How did it come back to life!?”

Listening to Tinhide’s words, Lou Hang’s heart was secretly solemn, and at the same time, he whispered secretly in his heart.

“Is it the last leader of our Autobots? I heard a little bit, but it was the first time I saw him. Didn’t it mean that he has been missing for many years!” Bumblebee also said!

“Yes, it has been missing for many years, he, did he not die?” Tiepi also nodded, his tone full of doubts!

Since the natural enemy is not dead, why haven’t you seen him for so many years?

Why hasn’t he appeared for so many years?

“I don’t want to talk about the identity of the natural enemy, why does Tongtian want to go with him? And, who is the person who destroyed Mr. Lou Hang’s house?” Micsi, who was next to him, interrupted and asked!

“Yeah, why would Tongtian go with the natural enemy? It is neither an Autonomous nor a Decepticon, and it shouldn’t be obedient to other Transformers!

Hearing this, Bumblebee nodded and said!

“In fact, with the ability to defend against natural enemies, if he really wants to, he is not a neutral Transformers robot. Even a member of the Decepticons, he has the ability to transform into the Autobot camp!”

At this time, Iron Skin interrupted and said!

“So, what do you mean is that the Imperial Enemy turned Tongtian into an Autobot, and then controlled him!?” Bumblebee glanced at Ironhide and asked!

“I didn’t mean that, and the ability to defend against natural enemies no longer has this ability..

“Because, once his leader module was given to Optimus Prime.”

“So, even if he is not dead, he does not have the ability to control other Autobots, let alone turn other people into Autobots!” Ironhide shook his head and replied.

“Yes, since it was the last leader of our Autobots, then the person who destroyed this place should not be the enemy of natural enemies!” Bumblebee also nodded!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Bumblebee followed speculation and said, “Do you think it is Tongtian and the Imperial Enemy who are going to deal with the murderer who destroyed this place? Therefore, they can walk side by side and walk together peacefully! ?”

“Well, I also think this possibility is still there!” Ironhide also nodded, agreeing!

“Imperial enemy? This name sounds pretty good!”

“It turns out that this robot is the previous leader of the Autobots. It seems that he didn’t start it!

“Unexpectedly, is the previous leader of the Autobots also there? No wonder Tongtian will walk peacefully with him!”

“It seems that Bumblebee’s speculation is reasonable. It should be someone else attacked Hang Ge’s home. Tongtian and this natural enemy are chasing the target together!?”

“It’s just that, judging from the photos, the two robots don’t seem to be looking for something. Am I wrong 3.2?”

“It doesn’t matter, if someone can take a photo, there should be no problem, just know his identity!”

“Yes, as long as Tongtian is not killed, it will be a matter of coming back to find Brother Hang, right?”

“But, speaking of it, Mic’s is pretty awesome. I found the clue so quickly!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers are also discussing who the starter is.

Now, Listening Tinhide recognizes the identity of the other party, and many viewers also feel that this one called the natural enemy is not a murderer!

After all, after watching it for nearly a year, everyone still trusts Autobot’s ethos!

“No, the murderer should be this natural enemy!”

However, when both inside and outside the live broadcast, whether it is the viewers of the Dragon Kingdom or the Hornet, they feel that the enemy is not the murderer, Lou Hang spoke, and said with a certain expression!

“Huh!?” Everyone was astonished when the words came out, looking at Lou Hang in disbelief.

“Mr. Lou Hang, do you know that he is…

Ironhide spoke, wanting to say a few words for defending against natural enemies!

“Don’t tell me what’s the situation of Imperial Enemy, the current Imperial Enemy is different from what you remember!” It’s just that Lou Hang interrupted Tinhide’s words directly!

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