Chapter 381: The Secret

Having read the original work of Transformers, Lou Hang still remembers the situation on the moon!

I remember that in the original book, the Universe spacecraft with Autobots on the moon crashed. This is a fact.

Moreover, the last leader of the Autobots to defend against natural enemies, the corpse is also on the moon!

Lou Hang remembers these!

But, for no reason, why did Megatron go to the moon?

Is there anything else on the moon that Megatron can obtain?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing worthy of Megatron’s acquisition!

But, in that case, what did he do on the moon!?

Although the natural enemy in the original work was resurrected, it was resurrected by the power of the fire source.

Now that the source of the fire is in his own hands, even if Megatron took away the body of the natural enemy, there is no way to resurrect the natural enemy, right!?

“Mr. Lou Hang, do you know anything?”

Micsi next to Lou Hang looked at Lou Hang’s expression and found some changes in his expression, so he asked!

“Yes, I do know something!” Lou Hang nodded, but didn’t mean to deny it.

Immediately, I told Mic’s everything I knew about the situation!

Since there is a verbal cooperation agreement between myself and the top leaders of the United States.

Moreover, so far, the top leaders of the United States have done their best to themselves.

Naturally, Lou Hang is willing to share some information!

“Is that so? If that’s the case, the situation is pretty terrible!”

Listening to what Lou Hang said, Mic’s expression also became serious, and he whispered in a low voice!

“Mr. Lou Hang, I don’t know the other two astronauts…

After thinking for a long time, Micsi pleaded with Lou Hang!

“It’s okay, since it’s a resurrection, let’s resurrect it together!”

For Lou Hang, if it takes some time to resurrect two people, Lou Hang is still willing to do so.

After spending more than half an hour, with the ability of Sacred Heart Art, Lou Hang resurrected the bodies of the other two astronauts again!

After they were all resurrected, the three astronauts naturally left with a lot of gratitude.

Mic also felt that he had done almost what he should do, and said goodbye to Lou Hang and left!

Regarding the abilities that Lou Hang has counted, the endless abilities, especially the resurrection ability, Micsi feels that he has to report to the minister!

Although Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is powerful, but to Lou Hang, it is like the tip of an iceberg!

In addition, the Decepticon Transformers seems to have no selfish motives, and are still doing some conspiracies in secret, this matter also needs to be paid attention to!

Lou Hang didn’t say much. After resurrecting the three astronauts, he continued to practice his own book!

The mind is connected with the void, and then, endless energy pouring down from the void, washing every corner of his body.

This makes Lou Hang feel very comfortable.

Under the erosion of these void vitality, Lou Hang’s own cultivation is also improving bit by bit!

Although the amplitude is not particularly obvious, but, gathering sand into a tower, this feeling of slowly increasing is still quite good!

On the other side, in Egypt, a Universe battleship flew over here.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into the form of a robot, it was Megatron!

In this Egyptian territory, there is a pyramid, but this pyramid is now reduced to ruins!

Because the large instrument that was originally hidden by the pyramid has turned into a Transformer and left.

Naturally, a piece of ruined wall was left here!

Megatron walked a thousand miles of yellow sand, and after searching it carefully.

Soon, I found an exquisite object, a golden object all over.

Megatron recognized it at a glance, and it was an important leader module for Autobots!

This leader module has no effect on the Decepticons.

However, it is very important for Autobots, especially the leaders of Autobots!

If Lou Hang is here, I believe it can be recognized, this is the leader module that can revive Optimus Prime in the original book.

In the original work of Transformers, in addition to the source of fire can bring Transformers back to life.

This leader module can also revive Autobot leaders like Optimus Prime!

Because Optimus Prime is not dead, even if Optimus Prime is dead, he can use the fire source to resurrect him.

Therefore, Lou Hang didn’t care about this leader module!

Unexpectedly, this gave Megatron an opportunity to take advantage of it!

After successfully obtaining the Leadership Module, Megatron turned and left and flew directly into the Amazon jungle!

Here, the body of Yu’s natural enemy was put here by him!

Since this leader module can resurrect the leader of Autobots.

Then, Optimus Prime can be resurrected, and the natural enemy who was the leader of the previous Autobots can also be resurrected!

Open the furnace in the chest of the natural enemy, and then Megatron put the leader module directly in!

The imperial enemy didn’t know how long he had been dead, nor how long he had stayed in that desolate place on the moon, the corpse had already lost any vitality!

However, after the leader module was put down, the body of the natural enemy was revived, as if the machine that had been silent for many years was finally activated again!

Then, the natural enemy Yu opened his eyes!

“Are you? Megatron!?”

The natural enemy who opened his eyes naturally recognized Megatron at a glance!

“You brought me back to life? Why!?” After feeling his own situation, Yu Natural Enemy followed and asked Megatron.

Yes, I am the previous leader of the Autobots, and Megatron is the leader of this Decepticon. Both parties should be in the same situation.

However, Megatron actually resurrected himself?

The enemy was extremely surprised!

“Because, I hope we can work together to save the Cybertron stars!” Megatron said, staring at the enemy’s natural enemies!

“You and I join forces!?” Yutian Enemy looked at Megatron differently, almost not believing that this was actually spoken from Megatron’s mouth!

“Yes, that’s the case. Today’s Cybertron star people have reached the point of becoming a slave to the earthlings!” Megatron nodded!

Immediately, I explained the current situation to the natural enemy Yu!

First of all, the current Autobots, almost only Lou Hang’s orders are obeyed.

In addition, Lou Hang is the identity of the earthling, so it can be said that the Autobots have surrendered to the earthlings!

In addition, the current source of fire is actually in the hands of the Earthlings, and hundreds of deceptive Transformers have died in his hands!

All in all, in a word, in Megatron’s view, the current Optimus Prime is almost leading the Autobots and begging for mercy to the people of the earth.

This is something that Megatron can’t accept!

Hearing Megatron’s words, Natural Enemy Yu of course would not believe it so easily, saying that he would investigate it himself!

Hearing this, Megatron nodded, but didn’t say no!

After all, Royal Enemy doesn’t believe in himself, so he has to investigate it himself. Megatron can still understand this situation!

Next, the enemy’s natural enemy took action, secretly investigating the situation of the Autobots!

As the previous leader of the Autobots, it is naturally not difficult to defend against natural enemies to find the remaining Autobots!

In this way, after investigating secretly for more than a month, I also saw Da Huangfeng and their living conditions on the earth, and the natural enemies can generally understand that Megatron’s words are really not alarmist!

Now it seems that the Autobots and the earthlings get along in harmony.

However, all of this is indeed dominated by the earthling named Lou Hang!

Even the source of the treasure of Cybertron is in Lou Hang’s hands?

Doesn’t this mean that the lifeblood of the planet Cybertron has been pinched by an earthling?

Naturally, this is something that is difficult for the enemy to accept!

So, after discovering this scene, he found Megatron with Tiandi and nodded, indicating that he was still interested in the meaning of cooperating with him!

“, I am willing to join hands with you, but nowadays Decepticons, there are not many members, right? Just (it’s Zhao) with the two of us, what can you do?” Yu Tiandi looked at Megatron, Just ask!

Yes, even though I agreed to join forces with Megatron, is there really a way to solve the situation just now with me and Megatron?

“I have already had a very thorough plan, otherwise, I would not waste so much of my mind and bring you back to life!”

Upon hearing this, Megatron spoke the taxi confidently.

“Plan? What is your plan!?” Yu Predator said to Megatron!

“My plan is simple

Megatron also knew that the current enemy natural enemy was on the same front as him, so he opened his mouth and told the enemy natural enemy about his plan.

And hearing Megatron’s words, the tone of the enemy’s tone was full of shock!

“You, you are so crazy!?” Yutian Enemy looked at Megatron in disbelief and said!

“It is said that we are Decepticons Transformers, and I am even the leader of Decepticons Transformers. If we are not a little crazy, how can we be worthy of my Decepticon title!?” Megatron said!


The voice of the natural enemy hesitated a little, obviously thinking about whether to agree to Megatron’s plan!

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