Chapter 375: I’m Sorry

“Mr. President, this is all about Lou Hang.

The White House, the minister and the person in charge of the Hoover Dam project in the United States each reported the intelligence information about Lou Hang and the information about the Transformers to the president!

“Unexpectedly, under the Hoover Dam, there is such an alien that is hidden under the Hoover Dam, which the president of me does not know!”

“I didn’t expect it at all. The reason why our technology can achieve a great leap in the past 100 years is actually because of the research of alien technology!”

“What’s more unexpected is that our human beings are actually a huge treasure.”

Simply relying on cultivation can not only gain powerful strength, but also prolong your life, until you finally live for thousands of years!!

The president said with emotion in his tone!

However, in the previous words, I mainly blamed the Hoover Dam project, even the president did not know it!

Of course, the last sentence was mainly addressed to the minister, and his tone was full of exclamation.

“Mr. President, this is the first four levels of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao that Lou Hang gave us!

The report work was all reported. Soon, the minister took out the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao technique and sent it to the president.

Then he said: “According to Lou Hang’s meaning, if you reach the fourth level, you will be able to control objects with air, and even fly with weapons!”

“Immediately, let’s mobilize a few soldiers first, and take a look at the practice. As long as you can get started and have a sense of aura, it is enough to prove that Lou Hang’s words are the truth!”

After getting 13 of the first four levels of the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, the president said hurriedly.

It seems that part of the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao’s exercises are mainly due to the source of fire.

The U.S. officials did not have the idea of ​​competing with Lou Hang for the source of fire, so Lou Hang first came up with some introductory exercises, which can be regarded as an expression of gratitude!

“That, Lou Hang said, this cultivation method emphasizes aptitude the most. If you have a good aptitude, your cultivation speed is very fast.

If it is a “poorly qualified person, maybe ten or eight years, they can only practice to the third level!” the minister followed.

“If this is the case, immediately recruit 10,000 soldiers, majoring in this Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, and see how effective it is!

Hearing this, after a little thought, the president said.

As the president’s order continues, the main purpose of this tentative practice of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is still for the development of all mankind, and this matter will soon be completed!

However, although it is natural for soldiers to obey orders.

However, these soldiers feel very blind to the understanding of many words and words in this Chinese style text!

What “people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heavens follow the Tao, the Tao follows the natural

These mysterious and jerky sentences, don’t say it is these soldiers who come to the country, even the people of China themselves, it is very difficult to understand and understand!

In addition, this training is completely different from ordinary training.

Therefore, when the soldiers were cultivating, they were quite resistant!

In this way, several months have passed in a blink of an eye.

Regarding the progress of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao’s cultivation, it is not smooth!

In such a situation, the minister and the president both secretly muttered in their hearts!

Although I also know that the practice of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao will take several years, even ten or eight years, to see good results.

However, 10,000 soldiers practiced together, even if they were older and missed the best time to practice, it would not have been many months, and there was no progress, right?

On this day, in a barracks consisting of 10,000 soldiers, a man who looked like a short man sat cross-legged with a solemn expression.

With the first ray of sunlight shining on him in the morning, the true essence in this man’s body became very active!

A few strong soldiers next to him, looking at this cultivator, laughed satirically on their faces!

“Hey, Hank, you don’t really expect to have any cultivating effects if you sit like this? If you have this time, you might as well go leaping for two kilometers!

A strong soldier came over and laughed mockingly.

“Don’t bother me, you can’t cultivate things, it doesn’t mean I can’t cultivate!” The thin and short man opened his eyes and said.

As soon as this statement came out, a look of anger appeared on the faces of the surrounding soldiers!

“These things about China are too difficult to understand. You seem to have always been interested in the words of China. I wonder how you understand these things?”

“Do you really think these so mysterious and incomprehensible things can really be better than physical training?

“Do you say what you have learned from your cultivation? Come, come, let’s learn from each other? See if I don’t beat you so that your mother doesn’t even know you!”

The sturdy man said angrily!

“Proud, go!”

In the barracks, the strong are still respected, and the people next to them also shouted at this side with the thought of watching the excitement.

Although judging from the size, it is known that this is not a battle in size.

However, each of these soldiers felt very excited about the situation of fighting!

“Okay, then I’ll try it with you!”

Hearing that, the thin soldier named Hanke stood up and said.

As soon as this statement came out, these soldiers were surprised and excited!

Surprisingly, no one thought that the thin Hank would really dare to fight?

What’s exciting is that everyone is very resistant to the so-called new type of cultivation, but this Hank is so happy and uncomfortable.

Therefore, I also want to see how Hank was taught!

The person next to him consciously stepped back and made a vacant space.

Then, a strong and weak soldier stood together!

There was no more nonsense, the battle was on the verge, and the sturdy soldiers rushed directly!

However, Hank’s movements are very flexible!

If the opponent is a bull, then Hank is like a flexible little monkey.

Let the opponent pounce several times, all of them were easily avoided by him!

“Hey, Hank, you have been training for so long according to the new training method. Could it be that you only learned to hide?”

Staring at Hank, the sturdy soldier resorted to aggressive tactics.

He also knows that the opponent’s flexibility is too high, even if his strength is very strong, but if he can’t hit the opponent, then even if there is more strength, it will be completely useless!

“Okay, then I can fight back!” Hank nodded seriously and said.

“Come on!” The strong soldier grinned because of his own aggressive method.

Immediately opened his arms and took it towards Hank!

The body shape was still very fast, and Hank took the initiative to crash into the opponent’s arms.

Then, two fingers were stretched out, and the true essence was poured on the fingers, the fingers seemed to turn into spears, and they directly poked toward the other’s chest!

Yes, Spear, his aura is very full.

Although only two fingers, it feels like a spear.

This made the soldiers around him startled!

Putting his fingers directly on the opponent’s chest, the strong soldier felt his heart stop suddenly, and his hostility disappeared immediately!

After that, Hank raised his hand again, putting his finger on the opponent’s forehead!

With a bang, it was as if the huge machine was suddenly cut off, and the soldier fell directly to the ground!

This made the surrounding soldiers all face the country and looked stunned.

Really? It seems that they are just two easy tricks. Will the physically fit people be knocked to the ground?

It seems that Hank just tapped a few fingers!

Although, Hank’s finger-pointing momentum looks very amazing!

But even so, it was only two taps with a finger, nothing more!

“Sure enough, it’s not just the true essence in the body that can improve my reaction power, strength and speed in all aspects, but the main thing is this practice, which allows people to understand all parts of the body very well!”

“As long as we hit the weak link 027 of the opponent’s body, it can play a great role!”

It’s just that you can play a great role by pointing your finger at the other’s two acupuncture points, and Hanke’s heart is overjoyed!

Sure enough, this Chinese practice method is not useless.

On the contrary, its effect is very big.

Ten thousand soldiers have been specially gathered here to try new cultivation methods. This is not simply a high-level person who has nothing to do when he is full.

But this cultivation method is really effective!

“Wow, I want to kill you!

Under the gaze of everyone, he was knocked to the ground. He shook his head, which was still a little dizzy. The sturdy soldier stood up, shouting loudly in his mouth.

Like an enraged lion, he continued to pounce toward Hank!

The test just now proved his own ideas, and Hank became more confident again.

She walked around the opponent flexibly, and after a while, she wanted to try her own strength.

Seeing the big punch of the sandbag coming over, without dodge or avoid, he directly raised his hand and squeezed the opponent’s fist!

Zhenyuan focuses on the palm of the hand, even if the opponent’s punch is very powerful.

However, Hank still successfully blocked the opponent’s punch!


With the huge gap in body size, the strong soldier hit it with a punch, and was actually caught?

Moreover, in the power competition, it seems that Hank is better?

The soldiers around all took a breath, you look at me, and I look at you, their faces are full of shocking expressions!

Could it be? Is the new cultivation method really so powerful?

“Minister, Minister, I have practiced, this Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, some people have already practiced the first level!”

A staff member rushed to the minister’s office and shouted loudly!

Practiced into “Is it? Really!?”

Hearing this, Minister Huo Ran got up, with a shocked and surprised expression on his face!

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