Chapter 370: Exploded, Lou Hang’s life span is more than 5,000 years!?

“How? Dr. Stan!?”

Seeing that the top genetic engineering scientist in the scientific research department came out, the minister and Micsi greeted him and asked!

“Huh? Ah? What?”

Dr. Stan seemed to be in a state of despair. Hearing this, he looked at the minister with affection.

Obviously I didn’t pay attention to what the Minister was saying just now!

“Dr. Stan, I’m asking you, what’s the situation? The blood test, please…

The minister was a little weird in his heart, but he still spoke and asked Dr. Stan.

“How about the blood test? Oh right!”

Hearing what the Minister said, Dr. Stan just recovered his senses, nodded, and said, “The result of the research is like this, look at it!”

While speaking, he sent the information in his hand to the minister!

After taking this information and looking at it, what cell synapses, what number of divisions, etc., to the minister, these professional words are like a heavenly book.

After just looking at it, the minister returned it to the other party, saying: “Doctor, or you can tell me personally, what is the result?”

“In simple terms, it is a cell in a drop of blood with longer synapses. Do you know what this means? This means that the cell can divide more times!

“Then, the decay cycle of this cell, I just checked, and it is longer than other cells…

Dr. Stan seemed to have found the target of the narration, his tone was rushed, and his expression became a lot more agitated.

“Okay, okay, Dr. Stan, you just have to tell me, if this drop of blood is human, how long can this life be!?”

Interrupting Dr. Stan’s excited words, the minister continued to ask.

“13 You mean, this drop of blood is human? This, how is this possible!?”

Hearing this, Dr. Stan seemed to have heard something incredible, staring at the minister in disbelief and asking!

Speaking of this, Dr. Stan followed and patted his forehead, and said: “Yes, what am I really? Why did I just patronize the cell data just now, did not compare the DNA sequence of this blood from What kind of creature is it!?”

After putting such a sentence in his mouth, Dr. Stan immediately turned around and hurriedly ran towards his laboratory.

“Wait, doctor, you haven’t said yet, how long can this drop of blood last…

Seeing that Dr. Stan ran away in a hurry, Mic yelled hurriedly!

It’s just that Dr. Stan ignored what he meant, and there was no pause under his feet!

“Okay, let’s do it, take this opportunity to see if that guy named Lou Hang is human or not, it’s also very important!”

The minister next to him was more patient, waved his hand and said to Mic!

“This… Hearing this, Micsi thought about it and thought it made sense.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it seems that it is also very important to see if Lou Hang is human or not.

So, nodded, Micsi didn’t say much anymore!

However, while waiting, Mic couldn’t help but chat with the minister!

“What Dr. Stan meant just now seems to mean that the synapses are longer and the cell decay cycle is longer. It seems, that is to say, the life span is very long!” Mic said!

“Oh? Can you understand this?” Hearing this, the minister gave Mic a weird look!

The number of divisions of a cell is limited. Each time it divides, the synapse will decrease a bit. Therefore, a longer synapse means more divisions!”

“In addition, the cell decay cycle is longer, which also means that the cell has a longer lifespan?”

“So, if you look at it comprehensively, life expectancy is definitely longer than that of ordinary people!”

Some of the biological knowledge that I have learned has not been forgotten, Micsi said!

“So, what Lou Hang said is true?” Hearing this, the minister was shocked.

“It can only prove that Lou Hang’s life span is indeed longer than that of ordinary people, but it is hard to say how long it has grown!

Mic thinks it is better to be conservative before everything is confirmed!

With this, the minister nodded.

These indeed prove that Lou Hang’s life span is relatively long, but can it really have a life span of hundreds of years?

This is hard to say!

It’s just that, thinking of Dr. Stan’s disillusioned look when he came out just after finishing the test.

The minister felt that he could still look forward to it!

If it weren’t for the amazing results, would Dr. Stan have that expression?

Could it be “? Has the lifespan of Lou Hang really reached the point of hundreds of years?”

The minister muttered secretly in his heart, and at the same time became excited in his heart!

If this is the case, doesn’t it prove that Lou Hang’s words are true?

The so-called Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao can really extend people’s life span!

If I can really cooperate with Lou Hang and get the practice method of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao from him.

In the future, if the life span of all mankind has been increased to hundreds of years, doesn’t it mean that in the future, he will be the Hero(es) of all mankind!?

The real name will survive the ages, right!?

Not to mention how the Minister’s heart is looking forward to at this time.

This time, the test did not last much time.

Dr. Stan walked out again, but his expression was even more strange, as if his worldview had completely collapsed.

“Tell me, where did you come from this drop of blood!?”

This time, instead of waiting for the Minister to ask, Dr. Stan eagerly asked the Minister!

“Huh?” The Minister was stunned, as if he didn’t react for a while!

“Tell me, where did this drop of your blood come from, it, it

I asked again, however, at the end of the talk, Dr. Stan was extremely excited, and even his words were uncomfortable!

“Doctor, you answer my question first! You calm down!” The minister stared at Dr. Stan seriously and said!

“Come, inhale, exhale, inhale again, yes, exhale again…

In this way, after instructing Dr. Stan to take a few deep breaths, the minister asked: “First of all, the first question is that the cells contained in this drop of blood, if it comes from humans, can its owner’s life span how long!?”

If it is “no accident, the life span of its owner is at least more than five thousand years…

After thinking about it, Dr. Stan gave a rough life expectancy!

“Wait, what did you say? More than five thousand years!?” However, upon hearing the news, both the Minister and Micsi were dumbfounded, looking at the doctor in disbelief.

Didn’t Lou Hang say that the cultivation of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao can greatly increase the life span of a person, and it is not a problem to live for hundreds of years?

However, he has a life span of at least five thousand years. How do you say this?

“Yes, maybe, it’s not surprising that it can last for six thousand years!” Dr. Stan nodded and said to the minister!

Minister and Mic looked at each other, and they could see a deep shock on their faces!

It’s unbelievable. Didn’t expect that the actual detection results are so exaggerated?

Life span of five to six thousand years!?

If it is only five to six hundred years, it is still expected and acceptable.

But now, it has reached five or six thousand years, which is a bit shocking!

“second question..

Mic, who was next to him, interrupted at this moment and asked Dr. Stan: “If you look at it from a genetic point of view, does this drop of blood come from within the human body?

“Yes, if it is matched from DNA, there is no difference in this drop of blood Kazuto gene. Its owner is a human!”

“Sure enough, listening to Dr. Stan’s words, Minister and Mic are deeply shocked again!

From this, it can be seen that Lou Hang is really a pure human, not any other life that looks like a human!

But it is precisely because of this that the two people’s hearts are even more surprised and shocked!

What’s the matter!? How could it be like this?

Judging from the ability of Lou Hang to show, it can control thunder and lightning, and can control space and time?

Is this actually the power that humans can control 010?

“I, I really doubt it, is the scientific and technological path that humans take, is it really right!?” So, after a long silence, Micsi suddenly said!

Taking a look at him, the minister next to him opened his mouth, wanting to refute.

However, when the words came to the lips, I didn’t know how to refute it!

Yes, how can this be refuted? Now, it seems that the way human beings develop science and technology is indeed not correct!

It turns out that humans can control these forces themselves, and even can have a life span of hundreds of years, or even thousands of years!?

If this is the case, the so-called technology is not worth mentioning, right?

“However, in the past 100 years, human technology has been advancing by leaps and bounds. This, this, this is simply extremely scary!”

So, after thinking for a moment, Micsi said again.

Vaguely, I felt that there seemed to be a huge and terrifying conspiracy covering all mankind!?

“Two, you can tell me now, who is the owner of this drop of blood!?” At this moment, Dr. Stan next to him finally couldn’t help it, and asked!

“This is from a human!” The minister replied after taking a look at Dr. Stan!

By this time, what you want to know has already been known, and what has been clarified by Lane has been clarified.

The Minister and Micsi didn’t mean to stay any longer, turned around and left the scientific research department!

A car left the scientific research department and went back to the national security department.

In the car, both Minister and Mic were silent, and the atmosphere in the car seemed extremely solemn!

In this way, after a long silence, the Minister said: “From now on, Mic, I have the full authority to authorize you to cooperate with Lou Hang, and the whole department will cooperate with you unconditionally!”

“As for me? I should also go to the Hoover Dam. If the technological leap in the last 100 years is spread from there…”

“Then, there may be a huge conspiracy behind this!” Micsi interrupted!,

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