Chapter 367: The Power of God?

After retreating, all the troops cried and retreated!

This action, when it comes to this, is a complete failure!

When he came, he looked aggressive and determined to win.

But when I went there, all of them were crying and crying, and they only hated their parents for having fewer legs for themselves!

Watching these people retreat, Lou Hang didn’t mean to chase.

It seems that the shock that he has brought to these people is not enough, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and his figure flew directly into the sky.

Then stepped on the Eight Trigrams step, and the sword art in his mouth chanted again, and the voice clearly resounded between the heavens and the earth: the nine-day profound agent, turned into a divine thunder, and the shining mighty sky, draw it with the sword!


The thunder was loud, and the original fire clouds in the sky turned into thick thunder clouds.

The original fiery red cloud also turned into black.

A series of hideous thunder and lightning, followed by continuous flashing!

“This, this is…

The person in charge of this operation heard the rolling thunder, and their discoloration changed one by one, looking at the sky in disbelief!

The original purpose of this operation was because of the good weather.

But now, there are thunderclouds in the sky?

how is this possible!?

How did these thunderclouds appear!?

“It’s over, it’s over, he wants to kill him!”

It doesn’t matter where these thunderclouds came from!

The important thing is that if the current trick falls, it is simply terrifying, who can stop it?

From the data and information, you can remember clearly what point the energy contained in the thunder and lightning has reached!


Lou Hang uses the Xuanyuan sword as a medium to display the magic sword Yu Lei Zhen tactics, and this power has taken a step forward.

The stout pillar of thunder fell from the sky again!

However, this time it was not aimed at those people, but at a hill in the distance!

About ten miles away from Lou Hang’s house, there are 980 barren hills!

The thick thunder pillar fell directly on the mountain!

Then, under this terrifying thunder pillar, that barren mountain was directly razed to the ground and completely disappeared!

The soldiers who were still retreating for their lives stopped by coincidence.

Looking at a small mountain that has completely disappeared over there, I swallowed, I only felt panic in my heart!

“Too, it’s terrible, this kind of power is simply a god!”

“God, this is the power that God can have!?”

“Great, hit, did you miss? Is the opponent missed?”

“Are you stupid? The other party can still miss, this, is this deliberate?”

“Retreat, don’t stop, continue to retreat…

Seeing the power erupted by the Divine Sword Yulei True Art, these soldiers were horrified and talked in a low voice!

However, this is not the time for them to discuss these.

The headed person quickly converged his mind and greeted everyone to continue running for their lives!

Taking a deep breath, these soldiers really didn’t dare to delay any more time, they continued to run for their lives, and soon disappeared!

“Lou, Lou Hang, you, you say you are an ordinary person!?”

The bumblebee next to him, with a very human expression on his face, showed a look of consternation, and asked Lou Hang!

“Yes, I’m just an ordinary person!” Lou Hang put away his Xuanyuan Sword, and at the same time nodded and said!

Indeed, although his cultivation level has reached the point of practicing God and returning to the Void, he is a mortal body after all.

I haven’t become an immortal yet, so I’m naturally an ordinary person!

“You, you didn’t die with ordinary people, what are some misunderstandings!?” Bumblebee asked Lou Hang with a weird look!

“No misunderstanding, what I said is the truth!” Lou Hang said with a serious face!

“But, I always feel that the understanding of ordinary people between you and me is different!” Bumblebee continued to complain!

At this moment, in Bumblebee’s mouth, there are really 10,000 slots to vomit!

“Unexpectedly, I was afraid of trouble, but did you come to the door for trouble?”

“Even fighter jets and tanks are dispatched?”

“Hey, our Hang brother is completely dragged down by other explorers, right? Those explorers have exposed their identity information, so that they have seen supernatural powers, the institutions of the countries in this world, and they are the first to capture them!

“However, my Hang brother and other explorers are different!”

“Yes, what did you say before? The explorers are divided into two categories, one is our Hang Ge, and the other is other explorers except Hang Ge!”

“Sword Twenty-Three is out, and it is still very strong with Xuanhuojian!”

“Damn, the eight wild fire dragon, wasn’t it killed by the beast god? Why was it summoned again!?”

“It seems to say that the Eight Wilds Fire Dragon is not a living life body, but a spiritual body, so, it’s different!”

“Finally, my Hang Ge’s magic sword Yu Lei real trick did a beautiful job!”

“Yes, I thought that if we deliberately found a sunny day, would we be able to restrict our Hang Ge’s Divine Sword Defending Thunder Real Art? Sorry, this is Taoism, and Taoism is not scientific!

“Now, if the power of the world’s national institutions still wants to deal with our Hang brother, it is estimated that we will weigh the strength of our Hang brother!”

“One move can wipe out all the hills, this is simply a human-shaped nuclear bomb!”

“There is also the ability to freeze time and space, are you really sure you want to attack our Hang brother!?”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the atmosphere is as warm as ever.

Watching Lou Hang’s battle against this modern force with his own eyes, seeing the strength displayed by Lou Hang with his own eyes, smashing these modern troops away, and all of them feel very excited!

When he was in the Marvel world before, Lou Hang also faced (bddb) modern military forces because of the capture of the fire unicorn.

But this time, Lou Hang’s strength is even more understated!

“This, how is this possible? How can a person’s power be so powerful!?”

The minister on the other side also learned the specific process of this operation.

Seeing that the foolproof battle plan failed, the minister’s face was very ugly!

Especially in this operation, Lou Hang’s strength has far exceeded his original estimate!

The first is the ability to freeze time! How can I freeze time?

Such an ability is simply terrifying!

It was totally unexpected!

Secondly, the ability to summon Fire Dragon’s!

The dragon belongs to the legend of China, and the existence of Fire Dragon’s is like a myth entering reality!

In the end, there was the destructive power displayed by the Divine Sword Yulei True Art, which directly smoothed out all the hills.

Such ability is really amazing!

It can even be said that Lou Hang is not affected by the weather when he uses such a lightning ability?

This is a bit scary!

“Minister, what shall we do next!?” The staff member stood in front of the Minister and asked!

“You ask me, who do I ask!” Hearing this, the minister rolled his eyes secretly and muttered in his heart!

Yes, such a powerful force and conventional weapons are completely useless for him, right?

At this time, if you still want to deal with him, what means should you use?

Is it necessary to use a nuclear bomb?

Are you kidding? What are the consequences of the nuclear bomb? The Minister can imagine.

If a nuclear bomb is really used, there will be many people who have been poisoned by nuclear radiation in the future, cursing at their own portraits!

“Minister, the situation is not so good!” Just when the Minister felt distressed, another figure hurried over!

“What happened again? Rubbing his head, the minister asked!

“In the previous action, someone took the video and it has been posted on the Internet. Now, the response on the Internet is very big!” The staff member said hurriedly!

The Minister took a good look, and sure enough, the reaction on the Internet now is too intense!

Although Lou Hang lives in a remote place, there is even no one in a radius of twenty or thirty miles!

However, there was a fire cloud in the sky, and the scene of the huge and incomparable eight wild fire dragon appeared in the sky, even if it was separated by dozens of miles, it could be clearly seen!

Not to mention, the final magic sword Yu Lei Zhen tactics wiped out a small mountain.

The violent thunder and lightning was even more photographed!

Nowadays, there are still many people, admiringly rushing to the place where the Divine Sword Yulei True Art fell!

There used to be a hill over there, but it has now been razed to the ground.

The traces caused by the terrible lightning strike naturally aroused countless people’s onlookers!

Even many TV reporters ran over to report!

“What to do!?” Rubbing his head, feeling a very headache, the Minister thought secretly in his heart!

The previous issue of the base being attacked by deformed robots has not yet been resolved. Now, this issue is getting more and more troublesome.

What should I do with my current self?

“Minister, actually, this person named Lou Hang is not difficult to get along with. At the beginning, he actually wanted to have a conversation!”

The person in charge of the action thought for a while and said!

“So? We didn’t talk about it before we did it. Now that the action has failed, shall we go up and talk again?” The minister glanced at the other party and said angrily!

“After hearing this, the staff member’s tone was stagnant.

I want to say, but I don’t know how to say it!

“Well, leave this job to you!” Seeing that the staff member stopped speaking, the minister followed.

“Go, let’s talk about it first, what is the purpose of Lou Hang? In short, the more information you get, the better…

Seeing that the staff member stopped speaking, the minister followed, with an unquestionable tone.

“This, this, well, this staff member nodded helplessly.

Is there any way? The minister meant that he was not qualified to refuse at all!

At this time, I really want to slap myself!

If I knew it a long time ago, I wouldn’t say so much by myself!,

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