Chapter 359: This time in the world, is Brother Hang lying flat?

Lou Hang, got an identity, found a place to live.

Unlike the previous world expeditions, the goal is clear. Now Lou Hang, it feels like you are on vacation!

The first world directly set the goal in Langhuan Fudi! The second world’s goal is directly to hunt for treasure in Lingyun Cave, then the third, the fourth

In short, in the previous six worlds, Lou Hang feels that the goal is very clear!

But, what about in this world?

It’s completely different, except that it took some effort, got a pair of eyes, and then hangs on the Internet platform at a high price, Lou Hang is not like an adventure at all, but like a vacation!

From other live broadcast rooms, you can see that other explorers are trying to find the whereabouts of aliens, thinking about acquiring alien technology.

However, Lou Hang has nothing to do every day, and the main time is devoted to the practice of the scriptures!

At the beginning, everyone thought that Lou Hang should have his own plan.

However, as time passed by Tenten, a blink of an eye, two months passed, Lou Hang still looked not anxious.

This stunned everyone.

Could it be that he really planned to spend a year in this Otherworld expedition?

Although no one is qualified to come to “Nine Zero Zero” to say anything about him, but this is completely different from his previous actions in the world!

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, what kind of mentality they are at the moment.

Anyway, Lou Hang has a very leisurely life. When he is free, he will also check the news and learn about the latest current events!

Not to mention, nearly two hundred explorers appeared in this world, and many of them possess supernatural powers.

In the face of difficult problems, few of these explorers can bear to be unable to use their abilities.

After that, many people were discovered!

Some were exposed directly to the public, and some were seen and reported secretly.

Therefore, in the past two months, there have been several news that people with supernatural abilities have been captured.

This has caused the entire U.S. country to have some changes recently, and they are all searching for supernatural abilities!

Is there a recent increase in supernatural abilities?

Still, so many people have been exposed recently.

“So, in a world like the Avengers, it’s okay to say, at least there are supernatural powers, and you can show a little bit, but it won’t hurt.

But in this world, there is no supernatural power. Once exposed, the consequences will be unimaginable!”

On this day, watching the news that a supernatural power was caught in front of the TV, Lou Hang secretly shook his head!

At this moment, suddenly came a pure science fiction world, do you really think you can catch up with yourself?

Don’t these explorers want to think about their own safety?

After shook his head silently, Lou Hang jumped the TV station to another channel!

In the past two months, Lou Hang has not exposed himself!

Speaking of which, what news does Sam’s ancestors’ glasses record?

It’s news about the source of fire.

In fact, the source of fire is under the Hoover Dam. Lou Hang has known this situation from the original book a long time ago!

But why did Lou Hang spend so much effort to get this pair of glasses from Sam’s hands?

That’s because this pair of glasses is bait, you can catch the person you want!

Lou Hang’s purpose is not just a source of fire, of course there are other things.

And if you can pull one of the Transformers to become your ally, of course you will have a lot of help in doing things by yourself!

Therefore, Lou Hang feels like Jiang Ziya now incarnate.

And that pair of glasses is the straight hook.

It is certain that this straight hook catches the fish, but when it comes, it depends on luck.

Anyway, Lou Hang is not in a hurry!

So, after two months, Lou Hang looked at his refrigerator. Some food and other materials seemed to be almost consumed.

As he was about to go out to purchase, suddenly, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and he walked to the window of the living room and looked out.

I don’t know when, a Camaro that looked tattered, drove into his yard, and stopped quietly in his yard!

“So? Is this the Bumblebee coming?” Looking at the broken car that appeared in his yard, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and he naturally understood the identity of the other party.

I secretly smiled in my heart, fishing for two months of straight hooks, and now, a big fish is finally hooked!

“Yeah? Why is there a car parked in my Hang brother’s yard!?”

“Yes, it looks tattered, where did this car come from?”

“My husband’s lawn was just cut a few days ago!”

In the Longguo live studio, with Lou Hang’s perspective, these viewers naturally found this Camaro parked in the yard, and they all felt different in their hearts.

After all, following Lou Hang’s perspective, Lou Hang’s home is the same as their own home, and everything is remembered very clearly.

It is exactly the same, there is an extra rags Camaro from nowhere, everyone feels different!

Just like this, it’s almost scrapped, right?

Did someone stop here on purpose?

I took a look, OK, it should be the news of my glasses hanging on the Internet, and finally attracted the Autobots.

In this broad daylight, it seems that Da Huang Feng didn’t want to cause too much sensation, so he just quietly squatted on the lawn of Lou Hang’s yard, which can be regarded as watching Lou Hang’s side!

In this way, there is nothing wrong with each other, and Lou Hang did not show too much attention to the existence of Bumblebee!

So, in the middle of the night, when Wan Lai was quiet, Lou Hang got up and went to his yard, and also came to the front of Bumblebee!

I took a closer look and found that this bumblebee was indeed just a car, not much different from an ordinary car.

However, from this car, Lou Hang can feel the existence of the soul!

Lou Hang’s cultivation level, after all, has reached the point of practicing God and returning to the Void, so he has a keen perception of the soul.

So, is this a silicon-based life form?

The body of steel, but the soul, is just like the spirit of many immortals or mythological novels.

Many weapons and magic weapons have their own consciousness, isn’t it like this Autobot?

Although the life forms are different, the soul consciousness is the same!

“Okay, let’s talk? You are the bumblebee among the Autobots, right?”

Gently stretched out his finger, tapped on the hood, and at the same time, Lou Hang greeted the Hornet.

“Damn, Transformers!?”

“This guy who looks tattered is a Transformer?”

“Other explorers are desperately searching for the whereabouts of alien silicon-based life forms. No one has seen alien life forms with their own eyes. Now, is my Hang brother actually here?”

“This, what’s the situation? My brother Hang has been salting fish for two months, but is there an alien life body that comes to the door?

“I have reason to doubt now, where did Brother Hang get the script in advance? He is simply the protagonist!”

“I think it makes sense upstairs. Yeah, Brother Hang is the protagonist, right? Others are still working hard to find alien life forms, but this alien life form actively seeks out our Hang brother?”

“To be honest, I’m quite curious, what is the purpose of this alien lifeform looking for Brother Hang!”

“It turned out to be like this. I’m still wondering who is parked in my Hang-ge’s yard after all this rags. It turns out that this car parked itself on its own initiative?”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the number of viewers watching recently is getting less and less.

However, as Lou Hang took the initiative to speak to the Hornet, and everyone determined that the Hornet was the Transformers of the legendary aliens, the atmosphere in the entire live broadcast room burst instantly.

Even, many people take the initiative to notify their relatives and friends, post to Moments to remind everyone that Lou Hang has a new action here.

What is the silicon-based life form of the alien planet finally surfaced today, two months later!

The person who received the news learned that it was Lou Hang’s side, and that an alien life form took the initiative to look for Lou Hang.

For a time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared, showing an explosive trend!

Of course, Lou Hang certainly doesn’t know what the situation in the real world is like.

At this moment, he is still waiting for Bumblebee to answer himself!

“Why? Don’t you want to say anything? If that’s the case, then I’ll go back first!”

Seeing that Da Huang Feng did not respond to his intentions, Lou Hang stood up, looking like he was about to turn around and leave!


Finally, when Lou Hang got up and was about to leave, the Hornet’s car was powered on 3.1, and at the same time, the car’s horn rang.

Wait “Wait, you, wait a minute!”

At the same time, the sound of the car radio rang. The sound was obviously different radio stations, different sounds intercepted, and spliced ​​together!

“Okay, your voice function is impaired, so stop talking!”

Lou Hang felt awkward when listening to the voice of the big yellow front, waved his hand to Bumblebee and said!

“You, since you don’t want to say, then you, greet me specially, yes, why?”

The bumblebee’s voice is still cut from different channels on the radio.

“You send the signal, summon Megatron, I know where the news about the source of the fire is!” Lou Hang took the initiative and said to Bumblebee!

Hearing what Lou Hang said, Da Huang Feng stopped talking and seemed to be thinking about something!

In this way, after a moment of silence, the bumblebee’s body suddenly changed.

In a very cool and complicated change, a car that was originally dilapidated suddenly turned into a large steel robot ten meters away.

It exploded, the first time I saw the transformation of the Autobots, everyone in the Longguo live broadcast room was all exploded!

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