Chapter 355: I’m not a fool

As always, the members of the expedition department stood in two rows, applauding and welcoming Lou Hang’s return.

Lou Hang didn’t mean nonsense, and asked Li Limin to bring a computer.

Naturally, the contents of the scriptures will not be divided into volumes.

The contents of the five volumes of the heavenly books have been thoroughly integrated. Therefore, Luo Quanduhang wrote about the contents of the heavenly books that he understood.

Good guy, the content of the Scriptures of about 100,000 words a day is different from the five volumes of the original Scriptures, which also adds a lot of Lou Hang’s own understanding.

Li Limin and the others were dumbfounded by the content of this one hundred thousand words.

One hundred thousand codewords a day? Is this simply a tentacled monster?

After getting the contents of the heavenly book, Li Limin hurriedly left!

The Book of Heaven, this is the first practice of cultivating immortals in the true sense, and it is also a very complete set of cultivating practices.

The meaning of this to the Dragon Kingdom is completely different!

Handing over the contents of the heavenly book, for Lou Hang, it seems that there is nothing to hand over.

After all, everything else is Lou Hang’s own personal gain!

Returning to his lounge, Luo picked up the remote control and took a look at recent hot events!

Well, well, the most popular news at the moment, of course, is the information that has failed!

The contents of the Book of Heaven will spread throughout the Dragon Kingdom, which makes the people of the Dragon Kingdom look forward to it!

I won’t talk about the strength of strength for the time being, just the content of the heavenly book, cultivation can make people live longer, and they can live for hundreds of years, which is enough to make all people look forward to it!

“First of all, Brother Hang’s weapon, the fairy medicine in the Emperor’s treasury, and Brother Hang kept a part of it. Just such a behavior, would you still need to say more about Hang’s weapon?

Well, Lou Hang is quite satisfied with this.

It’s so obedient, who doesn’t like to listen?

“Lou Hang, is a man of love and righteousness. In the final battle with the monster army, Brother Hang didn’t actually do any good, but he just did it anyway.

“It’s like the first world to break into the palace alone, and the world behind it fights against the emperor Shi Tian.

Although “There is no interest at all, but the morality lies in my heart, and I will never move forward!”

This is a bit embarrassing to say, although it sounds pretty good, what does it mean to be full of words?

“However, in this world, Brother Hang is a little bit regretful, such as the Russian explorer

Although the reports on Lou Hang are mainly praise, some will mention some regrets!

With this, Lou Hang’s eyes narrowed slightly!

To be honest, the behavior of the explorer of the hungry country to inform the secrets did cause a lot of crisis to Lou Hang, and Lou Hang’s heart was indeed secretly annoyed!

It’s just a little girl, it’s not worth worrying about.

When he didn’t meet him, Lou Hang didn’t take this matter to heart.

Now, listening to the TV show to bring up this matter, it can be regarded as aroused the anger in Lou Hang’s heart!

In addition, “I have regrets that Miss Baguio, I really want to say that Miss Baguio is sincere to Brother Hang…

As soon as the conversation turned, the host on the TV followed up!

With these words, Lou Hang sighed silently in his heart!

Indeed, Lou Hang has to admit that Baguio is really different to himself.

After the Ghost King Sect was destroyed, he did not forget to come to Qingyunmen to report to himself.

But unfortunately, since then, I have never seen her again!

Shaking his head, Lou Hang turned off the TV and didn’t have the thought of continuing to watch it!

To be honest, the world of these adventures that I have experienced, the world of Zhuxian, is indeed the greatest growth for me.

Not only is he embarking on the cultivation of immortality in the true sense, the cultivation base has been upgraded from the skill of more than 600 years in the state of martial arts to the skill of more than 1,500 years in the state of cultivation.

Even, the fairy medicine in the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven increased his life span by 5,000 years.

The gains in strength and lifespan alone are already very huge!

I also secretly calculated the situation of Zhuxian World, and immediately took out my mobile phone, opened the communication software, and swiped the circle of friends.

There are still a few people on the communication software!

When you see an interesting circle of friends, just like it, or reply to two comments!

Ding Dong!

After a while, the sound reminder of new messages sounded.

Lou Hang looked at it, and it was the message from Ye Zi!


Thinking of the last time I came back, I didn’t understand the traffic rules and caused my family to crash into a car, and then I took myself to experience the use of the ability of a magic portal in the real world.

“Hello? You have been missing for a year, and finally cheated on the corpse?”

This is the message that Ye Zi just sent to himself. Look at the chat history. In the past year, seven or eight messages have been sent to himself.

“Yes, the corpse was cheated!” Lou Hang returned a message!

“Where have you been this year? It’s as if people are missing!” The message from the other side came, obviously full of doubts between the lines.

“Me? I went to South Africa to dig diamonds. As a miner, I am not allowed to contact the outside world!” Lou Hang replied a message casually.

“Really? It seems that it is a black miner! It would be nice to be able to come back alive!” Following Lou Hang’s words, the topic continued.

“Yes, it would be nice to be able to come back alive, so in a few days I will gamble again and try to dig out a big diamond that shocked the world!

“Don’t go, you can’t come back!”

“I can’t help it, men are like this, a man’s life is no longer the same as a human life!”

“You have a lot of emotion when you say that? Is there an old man at the top, and a young man at the bottom to raise?

“The upper is not old, the lower is not young, but I have to work hard for the billions of people across the country!”

“Hahaha, you are really noble!”

“Not bad, everyone said that to me!”

There was a little chatting, Lou Hang’s words were true and false, which made it hard to tell.

Of course, perhaps in Ye Zi’s view, all Lou Hang’s words are babbling. The more the truth is, the more I feel that Lou Hang is babbling!

So after talking for about an hour, Ye Zi sent a message.

“So, black miners from Africa, you don’t know much about the situation in China, right? Shall this fairy take you to see the changes in the Dragon Kingdom?”

“Fairy? Doesn’t your conscience hurt?”

“This sentence should be right to you? This fairy is so compassionate to the world, showing you to the world, you actually asked me whether my conscience hurts? I think your conscience was eaten by Wangcai, right?”

“So? Do you want to eat my conscience? You have no conscience, so you want to eat others?

“Damn it, dare you say I am Wangcai?”

Don’t tell me, it’s interesting to argue with Ye Zi.

There is quite a sense of sight of martial arts masters!

After chatting for a long time, it can be regarded as an appointment to meet the next day.

The next day, Ye Zi sent a message to Lou Hang so that he could come and pick himself up.

At the same time, he took a selfie and sent it to Lou Hang.

Knowing that he knows the power of magic portals, so the main thing is to let him know what his doorway is like!

“Well, the magic portal can’t be opened!” Looking at the beautiful photos sent by Ye Zi, Lou Hang replied a message!

“Why?” Ye Zi sent a black question mark over there!

“This beauty is a bit too open, it’s not true, so this portal can’t be opened!” Lou Hang replied.

“Don’t talk nonsense, come (angry face)!” The news from Ye Zi came over.

Let Lou Hang smile slightly, and immediately raised his hand to open the magic portal!

“Now I know why you don’t have a girlfriend!” Seeing Lou Hang coming through the magic portal, Ye Zi said angrily.

“Oh? Why?” Lou Hang raised his brow!

“Because your mouth is too poisonous!” Ye Zi replied!

“Poison? No, I have kissed tens of thousands of girls, and they all said that my mouth is very sweet!”

“Do you want a face?”

“No, I won’t buy or sell human organs!”

Different people have different ways of getting along. You and I lose each other’s words and quarrel, but the two of them feel that their friendship is much more reliable!

Then, with the convenience of Lou Hang’s magic portal, eating, drinking, and having fun with Ye Zi, the days passed very fast!

It seems that Ye Zi’s free time is easier than Lou Hang.

In this way, every three to five appointments to eat and go shopping, for more than half a month, there are actually four or five days of soaking together.

“Leaves!” On this day, when the two of them came out of a restaurant just after eating, a male voice suddenly rang!

Then, I saw a sunny and handsome young man coming over here.

Looking at Lou Hang, his eyes were obviously wary: “This is?”

“Hello, people call me Brother Luo, how about you?” Lou Hang proactively greeted him and stretched out his hand.

“My name is Lin Fan! This man stretched out his hand and shook Lou Hang.

Then, he said emphatically: “It’s Ye Zi’s fiancé!”

“You nonsense:” Hearing that, the leaves are a little bit exploded.

“So, is this really a plot of dog blood? Isn’t it about to stage a jealous scene, treat me as a rival?” Lou Hang’s mouth twitched slightly.

“Oh, you are Lin Fan, Ye Ye told me you several times!”

Lou Hang said in a daze, followed, two steps closer to Lin Fan, and said, “Man, you are so pitiful! I found such a fiancé!”

“However, if you can find such a fiancee, it is considered to have stepped on thunder for the majority of male compatriots. You are a warrior!”

While talking, Lou Hang also gave a thumbs up to this man named Lin Fan!

“Uh, this, this,

Lin Fan, who actually treated Lou Hang as a love rival, was completely stunned by Lou Hang.

What? What’s the situation? So, should I treat him as a rival in love?

“You, you want to die!” Lin Fan was stunned by the words, and the leaves next to him exploded!

“Hahaha, you guys have a good chat, I won’t change things with you couple, let’s go first!”

Lou Hang raised his hand, constructed a portal, turned and left!

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